14 Beautiful Flowers That Grow in Dark

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Flowers That Grow in Dark don’t need much direct sunlight to bloom, making them perfect for indoor settings!

If you are a little sad because the rooms in your house are dark, and it prevents you from enjoying the sight of some beautiful flowers, well, it’s time to smile! The plants on this list will be more than happy to bloom in low-lit spaces!

Flowers That Grow in Dark

These flowers will surely bloom in places that don’t get direct sun – however, do make sure they get a bit of indirect light exposure!

1. African Violet

Flowers That Grow in Dark indoor

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

African violets offer charming purple, blue, pink, or white blooms in shade. For the best growth, provide moderate to low light with a well draining potting mix.

2. Peace Lily

Beautiful Flowers That Grow in dark

Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum

Peace lilies with glossy dark green leaves and white spathes love warm and low-light spaces – a bright bathroom would be an ideal spot for them!

3. Dead-nettles

Flowers That Grow in dark in garden

Botanical Name: Lamium purpureum

This one, with its dark foliage and charming blooms, flourish well in deeply shaded areas. Also, make sure they are not in a complete dark place.

4. Lungwort

longwort Flowers That Grow in Dark

Botanical Name: Pulmonaria

Lungwort blooms in spring with small pink flowers that soon turn purple-blue. They are a great pick for dim rooms that get a few hours indirect light every day.

5. Snowdrop

snowdrop Flowers That Grow in dark

Botanical Name: Galanthus

The Snowdrop thrives in full shade in forestland areas, making them a great pick for low-lit rooms. For more blossoms, make sure they get a bit of indirect light for a few hours.

6. Moth Orchid

Flowers That Grow in Dark near window

Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis

In dimly lit rooms, the flowering of these orchids may be less frequent, but still possible. They bloom in white, pink, and purple, often with contrasting markings.

7. Spider Plant

indoor Flowers That Grow in dark

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Spider Plants can produce small flowers in low-light conditions, at the end of long stolons. Their blossoms have a star shape and come in white-yellow hue.

8. Silver Vase Plant

Beautiful Flowers That Grow in Dark near window

Botanical Name: Aechmea fasciata

This plant can flower in low light; however, it prefers a few hours of indirect light exposure. It grows booms on a spike having pink bracts and small blue or purple flowers.

9. Purple Shamrock

Beautiful shamerock Flowers That Grow in dark

Botanical Name: Oxalis triangularis

Capable of flowering in low light, the Purple Shamrock is however more popular for its stunning foliage. Its flowers are white or pale pink and have a trumpet like shape.

10. Lipstick Plant

Beautiful Flowers That Grow in Dark in hanging pot

Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus

The plant will happily flower in low lit rooms, though less abundantly. The blooms emerge from dark, tube-like structures, resembling lipstick, hence the name!

11. Eternal Flame Plant

indoor Beautiful Flowers That Grow in dark

Botanical Name: Calathea crocata

Though mostly grown for its patterned foliage, it is capable of flowering in low light, making it ideal for darker rooms. The blooms have an orange-yellow hue and resemble a small flame.

Some Odd Ones!

12. Cast Iron Plant

Beautiful Flowers That Grow in Dark purple

Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior

Popular for its resilience, the Cast Iron Plant can survive in any growing condition while producing star like flowers at the base in purple hues!

13. Parlor Palm

Flowers That Grow in Dark3

Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans

The Parlor Palm can occasionally flower in low light, but it’s not common – so you have to be really lucky to witness them on the plant. They are small and have a yellow tint.

14. Snake Plant

Beautiful Flowers That Grow in Dark in pot

Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata

The champion plant of low light also grow white or cream flowers that have a strong fragrance! However, it can be a rare event.

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