8 Awesome Old Shoe Hacks In Garden

Sherin Woods is a California-based DIY enthusiast and garden design aficionado. With a background in Environmental Science, she combines creativity and sustainability in all her projects. A Pinterest favorite, Sherin is committed to eco-friendly solutions and has contributed to various home and garden publications. Her areas of expertise include DIY project planning, sustainable garden design, and content creation.
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You won’t believe your old pair of shoes could be that useful in the garden unless you see these DIY Shoe Hacks we’ve here!

1. Make a Shoe Planter

You won't believe your old pair of shoes could be that useful in the garden unless you see these DIY Shoe Hacks we've here!

An old boot will provide ample space to grow to any shallow root plant.

Also Read: 110+ Tips for Container Gardeners

2. Shoe Lantern Stand

8 Awesome DIY Shoe Hacks

This shoe lantern stand is a creative idea to try in your back porch. Find out more creative garden lantern ideas in this post.

3. Shoe Bird Feeder

Keep this bird feeder in a sheltered spot that is away from the exposure of rain and wind.

4. Self-Watering Planter

Things you can make from old shoes

Shoelaces will transport the moisture naturally to the soil. Find out more self-watering planter ideas here.

5. Hanging Shoe Planter

Plant any low maintenance plant in a shoe and hang it using shoelaces. Easy!

Also Read: DIY Hanging Indoor Plants Ideas

6. Shoe Zen Garden

Making a Zen garden is also an option. Check out more mini zen garden ideas here.

7. Shoe Insole for Mulching

Cut the pieces of insoles and top part of any worn out shoe and distribute them around the base of the plant as a mulch.

8. Shoe Cement Planter

You won't believe your old pair of shoes could be that useful in the garden unless you see these DIY Shoe Hacks we've here!Make this ornamental golden shoe planter to grow plants. It’s easy! Also, check out these DIY wine bottle ideas here.

If you liked all these Shoe Hacks and want to know their tutorials, watch the below video!

DIY Shoe Planter + 7 Amazing Shoe Hacks for Gardeners

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