9 Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Pick your favorite from the Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden and grow them easily without worrying much about the space!

If you live in an apartment or at a place where you don’t have a garden, then do not let it stop you from not growing your favorite greens. Here are the Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden easily in a limited space!

Follow these amazing tips to harvest vegetables in a tight space

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden

1. Lettuce

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden

Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa

Lettuce can be grown in vertical planters in less space. You can also make a lettuce wall and a vertical ladder planter is another great way to grow this tasty green.

Check out our article on growing lettuce in globe planters here

2. Spinach


Botanical Name: Spinacia oleracea

Spinach is one more great option for a vertical garden—you can grow it in a vertical kitchen gutter garden or on a ladder planter. See more ideas here.

Here are the best types of Spinach you can grow

3. Green Onions

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden 2

Botanical Name: Allium fistulosum

You can grow green onions vertically on your kitchen windowsill. They grow well and you will be able to harvest a good quantity in a small space this way.

Check out our article on growing Spring oinions here

4. Mizuna

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa var.

This mustard green has compact growth and matures in less than 40-45 days. You can grow it vertically in 6-8 inches deep pots.

Tip: The plant grows very much like spinach—sow the seeds in early springs to enjoy mild peppery serrated leaves in summer.

5. Nasturtium


Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus

Nasturtium can be a colorful addition to your vertical gardenit thrives on neglect, just provide it full sun and sufficient water.

Read more about growing nasturtium in pots here

6. Kale

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden 4

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica

A nutrition powerhouse, growing kale vertically will help you harvest a lot of it in a limited space. Give it plenty of sunlight and grow in well-draining soil.

Check out our article on growing kale here

7. Pak Choi

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden 3
shutterstock/Angela Kotsell

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis

Dwarf or baby pak choi can be grown in 5-6 inches deep pots vertically, in windowboxes, or in a vegetable bag garden. Read more about growing bok choy here.


8. Microgreens


Microgreens are leafy greens, vegetables, and herbs that are harvested young when they are an inch or two. Both easy to grow and high in nutritional values, they take up very little space and provide a good harvest in no time.

Here’s all you need to know about growing Microgreens

9. Herbs

Best Green Vegetables to Grow in Vertical Garden 5

Many herbs varieties like basil, mint, and parsley can be grown vertically in herb towers and ladder planters.

Find the best DIY ideas for growing herbs in plastic bottles here

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