Sheri Dorn

Sheri Dorn is a dedicated writer and homesteader with a passion for organic gardening, particularly heirloom crops. She loves spending quality time in her garden alongside her two dogs and kids. In addition to being a seasoned vegetable grower, Sheri is an accomplished cook with a Master’s degree in Culinary Arts.


  • Passionate about organic and heirloom gardening
  • Master in Culinary Arts
  • A frequent contributor to Facebook garden communities
  • Enjoys spending time outdoors with family and pets


Sheri has been engrossed in organic gardening for years, focusing mainly on vegetable and heirloom crops. Her expertise doesn’t end there; she’s also a talented cook and a holder of a Master’s degree in Culinary Arts. When she isn’t writing or gardening, Sheri loves to cook delicious dishes from her homegrown harvest.

A Word From Sheri Dorn

“Gardening for me is not just a hobby; it’s a way of life. It’s the joy that fills the air when my family gathers in our lush garden, and it’s the satisfaction of cooking with ingredients that we’ve grown ourselves.”


Sheri holds a Master’s degree in Culinary Arts, and she has completed several courses and certifications in organic gardening to supplement her hands-on experience.


  • Organic and Heirloom Gardening
  • Culinary Arts
  • Content Creation and Writing