15 Flowers With Negative Meanings

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Some flowers have negative meanings, like Aconite, linked to misfortune. Foxglove is associated with deceit, and Tansy with unpleasant feelings. Rhododendron symbolizes danger due to its toxicity, and Oleander warns of potential harm. Black roses signify the end of a relationship, while Lavender Cotton is linked to hostility. There are many more below. You should know these meanings before giving flowers to avoid sending the wrong message.

We often associate blooms with positivity, but there are also Flowers With Negative Meanings. Let’s know about them in detail!

Before you gift blooms to someone, it is important to know about these Flowers with Negative Meanings to ensure you don’t end up giving the wrong one!

Read a similar article on Flowers That Represent Strength here

Flowers With Negative Meanings

1. Aconite

Flowers With Negative Meanings

Botanical Name: Aconitum spp.

Also known as wolfsbane, Aconite has been associated with misfortune, death, and danger. The flower has a long history of use that links it to witchcraft and the supernatural, contributing to its negative connotations.

2. Foxglove

Negative Meanings flower

Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea

Foxglove, popular for its bell-shaped flowers, is associated with deceit. In folklore, it was believed to be the home of fairies who used it to mislead humans.

3. Tansy

 Negative Meanings tansy flower

Botanical Name: Tanacetum vulgare

Tansy has been linked to unpleasant feelings, including hostility. In European cultures, due to its toxicity and bitter taste, it is associated with caution, potential harm, and negative connotations.

4. Rhododendron

Rhododendron flower with negative meaning

Botanical Name: Rhododendron spp.

Rhododendron is often seen as a symbol of danger and caution. This negative association primarily arises from the plant’s toxic properties, making it a potential hazard if ingested.

Note: Ingestion, even in small amounts, can lead to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and, in extreme cases, heart irregularities.

5. Oleander

Flowers With Negative Meanings 2

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

Oleander flowers may look nice, but they’re like a warning sign, telling you to be careful because they can be harmful because of their toxic nature. This flower signifies caution and warns of potential danger.

6. Cyclamen

Negative Meanings flower 2

Botanical Name: Dianthus spp.

Cyclamen is associated with negative meanings due to its drooping petals, seasonal dormancy, and its use in funerals – symbolizing farewells and remembrance.

Check our article on Flowers That Mean Forgiveness here

7. Black Rose

black rose flower with negative meaning

Botanical Name: Rosa spp.

The color black, linked to mourning and the end of something, assigns black roses a negative meaning, symbolizing the conclusion of a relationship and conveying the emotional farewell to a significant chapter.

10 Types of Black Roses Varieties and Meaning

8. White Poppy

Flowers With Negative Meanings 3

Botanical Name: Papaver somniferum

When we talk about poppy, the next thing that hits our mind is opium, connecting it to darkness and something ‘not good’ in general. This link gives poppies a not-so-positive meaning.

9. Lavender Cotton

Negative Meanings flower 3

Botanical Name: Santolina spp.

Lavender cotton, despite its aromatic leaves, is linked with hostility and symbolizes a general dislike or distrust of humanity.

10. Aralia

aralia flower with negative meaning

Botanical Name: Aralia spp.

Aralias symbolize conflict and tension, as the sharp edges of the leaves symbolize the complicated feelings that could cause problems in relationships.

11. Stramonium

Negative Meanings flower 4

Botanical Name: Datura stramonium

Stramonium, commonly known as Jimsonweed, is linked to bewitching and hallucinations due to its highly toxic nature.

Growing Datura | How to Grow Jimsonweed

12. Petunia

Flowers With Negative Meanings 4

Botanical Name: Petunia spp.

These vibrant blooms have deep associations with anger and trouble. In Victorian England and the cultures of Europe, Petunias were considered negative due to their bold colors and fleeting beauty.

13. HelleboreHellebore flowers show negative meaning.

Botanical Name: Helleborus spp.

Known for its winter blooms, Hellebore has a dark past linked to scandal and misfortune. In medieval times, people believed encountering it brought bad luck, possibly due to superstitions or cultural beliefs.

14. Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley means negative meaning

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Despite its delicate appearance and sweet fragrance, the Lily of the Valley symbolizes the return of misfortune. In Victorian times, it was associated with the idea that happiness is too good to last, bringing a touch of pessimism to its beauty.

15. Yellow Carnation

yellow carnation shows negative meaning

Botanical Name: Dianthus caryophyllus

Carnations usually stand for love and passion, but the yellow cultivar symbolizes disappointment and rejection. This goes back to Medieval Europe, where people believed wearing yellow meant you might not be trustworthy, connecting the color to Judas Iscariot, associated with betrayal.

When Someone Gives You Yellow Carnations: Is It Positive or Negative?

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