How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Learn How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes in Your Garden to give a quirky shape to your harvest! It’s fun and easy!

To make your gardening a little fun and interesting, here’s all the information on How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes in pots!

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How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes

The secret of giving the cucumbers your desired shape comes into action after the plant starts to grow them.

1. Prepping the Cucumber

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes

Once you spot the baby cucumber growing to about 3-5 inches, take a sharp blade and cut the bottom 1 inch of the fruit. Make sure to sterilize or wash the blade before the process.

Find out some fantastic DIY cucumber fertilizers here

2. Get Hollow Plastic Figures

Get Hollow Plastic Figures

The next step is to get hollow plastic figures in the shape you like. They can be little bunnies, a buddha, or practically anything you can get your hands on.

The only thing you need to take care of is the fact that the figure should come in two sections that will help you keep the cucumber in place once you slide it inside and wrap the plastic figure.

Discover the most powerful fertilizer for cucumbers here

3. Sliding in the Cucumber

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes Sliding in the CucumberAfter cutting the bottom section of the cucumber, slide it inside the plastic figure and cover it. Finally, wrap it up using threads, as shown in the picture. This will help to keep the fruit in place till it takes the desired shape.

Learn everything about growing cucumbers on trellis here

4. Watch the Cucumber Growing and Taking Shape!

Watch the Cucumber Growing and Taking Shape

At this stage, continue growing the plant; and the cucumber in the plastic figure will slowly grow and takes shape. Keep a close eye on it to ensure you open it the moment it takes up the whole space inside the figure.

Find out the best pickling cucumber varieties here

5. Here it is! Baby Shaped Cucumber!

Here it is! Baby Shaped Cucumber!

That’s it! Once you see the plastic figure full of cucumber, open it to reveal the baby-shaped fruit, which would have taken the exact shape of the mold you have used!

For more details on this fun gardening project, watch the video here

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