6 Fantastic Tips on How to Declutter Your Indoor Garden

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Here's how to organize your indoor garden. Use wall shelves to save floor space. Arrange plants neatly on dedicated shelves or stands. Trim and prune plants to keep them tidy and prevent pests. Remove excess plants and embrace minimalism for a clean look. Experiment with different styles and consider having fewer, well-chosen plants for a perfect indoor garden vibe.

Learn How to Declutter Your Indoor Garden with some of the best ways to make the optimum use of available space in your home for plants!

If you are planning to set up plants in a way that makes your room look neat and tidy – then you gotta have a plan. If you don’t have one – well, we have some cool ideas!

Are you confused about what to do in the garden in September 

How to Declutter Your Indoor Garden

1. Use the Wall Space

If you live in a small apartment or a studio, where floor space is minimal, then using shelves on an empty space on the wall is the best bet! These look neat and offer different layers of space to keep pots, where you can grow herbs, flowers, or trailing vines.

22 Terrific DIY Plant Shelfie Ideas

2. Arrangement of Plants Should be Good!

Does it look nice when you have crammed plants all over? Of course NOT! It would be good to get dedicated shelves and stands to keep them arranged so the space looks neat and de-cluttered.

Look at these hidden spots in your home to add more storage to small spaces

3. Prune Them!

Having a plant growing all over the space not only looks untidy, but also takes a lot more area that it needs to. Keeping the plant trimmed and pruned (Do it every time you see yellow or dead stems and leaves) also ensures that they stay safe from pests and disease issues.

4. Remove Unwanted Specimens

Plants near sofa How to Declutter Your Indoor Garden

No one likes too many plants, furniture, and artifacts crammed into a small space – it looks untidy and messy. If you have an arrangement like the one above in a small room – well, it’s time to clear up things!

Keep only 1-2 plants and then use the space wisely to make the best use of it. Minimalism not only adds a clean look indoors but also saves you from maintenance hassles.

15 Space Saving Indoor Plant Ideas for Smaller Rooms

5. Redefine Your Style

Do not stick to the traditions when it comes to styling indoor plants. You don’t always have to keep a lush vining plant on the floor – it can look fabulous on the wall shelf, too.

You can also try new planters, colors, and overall look of the space – keeping in mind the space you have.

How about utilizing the window space? Look at these amazing window propagation station ideas here!

6. Sometimes Having Less Is Perfect!

Plant pot near window

Sometimes, all you need is one tall plant at the corner of the room to get that “Indoor garden” vibe.

Before you plan to buy new accessories or plants, you need to ask yourself if it gives you any joy. If the answer to that is a “no,” stop temptation and cherish the “Less is More” mantra!

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