Best Pots for Snake Plants | How to Choose a Container for Snake Plant?

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Have a look at this comprehensive guide on the Best Pots for Snake Plants and upgrade your plant’s home today.

Choosing a container for a snake plant is not as easy as it seems, but it is not very challenging either. The key to growing a snake plant is simply being aware of and attentive to the plant’s needs. Find the Best Pots for Snake Plants with this detailed post.

Check out 22 Different Ways to Grow Snake Plants here

Factors for Choosing the Best Pots for Snake Plants

When choosing Best Pots for Snake Plants, consider the following factors:

  • Drainage: Snake plants need well-draining soil, so make sure your pot has holes in the bottom to allow excess water to escape.
  • Material: Ceramic, plastic, and terra cotta pots are all good options for snake plants. Ceramic pots have a classic look and are durable, plastic pots are lightweight and affordable, and terra cotta pots are porous and allow for good airflow.
  • Size: Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the root ball of your snake plant, as they prefer to be slightly pot-bound.
  • Weight: If you plan to move your snake plant frequently, choose a lightweight pot.
  • Style: Snake plants are versatile and can fit in with many different design styles, so choose a pot that fits with the aesthetic of your space.

In general, snake plants are tough and low-maintenance, so any good-quality pot with proper drainage will suffice.

Check out 8 Best Tall Snake Plant Varieties here

How to Choose the Best Pots for Snake Plants

When selecting the Best Pots for Snake Plants, the type of material used, drainage, positioning, depth, and width,  must all be considered. Therefore, discuss the best ways to choose the best pot for a snake plant!

1. Location

Although snake plants thrive in bright light, they can still flourish in shady locations. However, growth may be slower in darker areas compared to bright ones. When placing the plant indoors, it should be positioned 6 to 10 feet away from west, east, or south-facing windows.

For Best Pots for Snake Plants, consider purchasing containers made of ceramic or terracotta that allow for good airflow. If the climate is particularly dry, opt for plastic pots to prevent the plant from drying out too quickly.

2. Size of the Pot

Pot size is crucial for proper plant growth, as a too-large pot can slow down growth. A larger pot means more room for roots to search for water, but caution must be taken in determining the right size. Proper pot size is essential for strong and successful growth.

  • When purchasing a pot for a snake plant, it is important to consider its growth and development needs over its long lifespan.
  • For the Best Pots for Snake Plants, measure the previous planter before purchasing one that is wider by an inch or more.

3. Temperature and Humidity

Snake plants favor temperatures between 70-90 F (21-32 C). As they flourish in warmth, cold temperatures adversely affect them. If you keep them in a warm room, protected from cold drafts in winter, snake plants overwinter easily. They can easily tolerate lower temperatures down to 41 F (5 C) and up to 104 F (40 C).

For optimal growth, indoor humidity should be maintained at 40 to 50 percent. When choosing the Best Pots for Snake Plants, ensure it is suitable for these temperature and humidity conditions in your area.

  • When the humidity is high and the temperature low in your room, it is suggested to use terracotta or ceramic pots to enhance soil moisture absorption from the environment.
  • If the humidity is low and the temperature high, using plastic pots is recommended to prevent soil from drying out too quickly.

4. Drainage

Effective drainage reduces the risk of root rot caused by excessive moisture. Although snake plants do not require large amounts of water, they still need adequate moisture for growth and development. A well-functioning drainage system is essential to ensuring their survival.

  • For optimal growth, snake plants thrive in soil that has proper drainage and is well-aerated.
  • For Best Pots for Snake Plants consider using a terracotta or ceramic pot with at least one or two drainage holes.
  • This will ensure that the plant can access the nutrients it needs without being drowned in water.

5. Variety and Size of the Snake Plant

The height and width of snake plants can vary depending on the specific variety, ranging from 1 to 4 feet in height and 3 inches in width. The size of your snake plant will largely depend on the type of plant you have. There are both dwarf and large varieties available in various sizes.

Examples of dwarf snake plant varieties include Trifasciata hahnii, Pavra, Pinguicula, Kirkii silver blue, and Trifasciata twisted sister, among others.

On the other hand, large snake plant varieties include Ehrenbergii, Cylindrica, and Bacularis. When choosing a pot, consider the size of your snake plant, as it will determine whether you need a larger or smaller pot for indoor or outdoor use. Ultimately, the size of your pot will depend on your desired plant size.

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6. Best Material for Snake Plant Pots

When selecting the Best Pots for Snake Plants, it is important to consider the plant’s specific requirements and preferences of the plant, as well as the benefits that different materials offer.

As each material has distinct advantages that may vary based on the plant species, it is essential to select the one that will be the most suitable for your snake plants.

  • One of the Best Pots for Snake Plants is clay.
  • Additionally, you may also opt for ceramic or plastic pots. Large or mature snake plants may benefit from plastic pots as they can prevent cracking caused by extensive roots growing beyond the pot’s capacity.
  • However, the final choice should be based on the specific requirements of your plant and its growing environment.

7. Appropriate Water Retention for the Snake Plants

The longevity of a snake plant is closely tied to its ability to retain water effectively. When selecting the Best Pots for Snake Plants, it is important to consider the material’s ability to hold moisture.

The material used for the construction of a pot can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of the plant and should be chosen accordingly.

  • If you tend to overwater your snake plants, a terracotta pot might be a good choice, as the clay material can absorb excess moisture from the soil and dry out faster.
  • On the other hand, if you often forget to water your plants, plastic or glazed clay pots may be more suitable as they help to retain moisture in the soil.

8. Growth Rate of the Snake Plant

As previously noted, under optimal conditions, snake plants can grow up to 4 feet tall. Despite their slow growth rate, snake plants are a type of succulent and can gain a few inches each growing season.

They typically produce 2 to 4 leaves per season and go dormant during the winter months.

  • When choosing the Best Pots for Snake Plants, it’s important to consider the size of their roots rather than their growth rate.
  • A medium-sized pot that can accommodate the plant’s roots should suffice until it’s time to repot.
  • If your snake plant has already matured and is in a pot, it’s recommended to re-pot it in a container that is one or two times larger than its original size.

Best Pots for Snake Plants – Types

1. Plastic Planter

Plastic pots are an economical option for growing plants and are widely accessible. They are lightweight and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, making them easy to reuse. However, due to their impermeable nature, it’s essential to regularly check the soil’s moisture levels and water the plant as necessary.

They have some drawbacks to consider when growing snake plants. Since plastic is non-porous, it doesn’t allow for water to evaporate like terracotta pots, which is why plastic pots should have proper drainage holes.

If not, the snake plant could be at risk of root rot. Additionally, plastic pots can degrade and crack in direct sunlight. It’s important to provide a suitable environment for your snake plant to avoid any damage to the plant. It is one of the Best Pots for Snake Plants.

2. Terracotta Planters

Terracotta or clay pots are the Best Pots for Snake Plants due to their availability, affordability, and widespread use. They come in similar sizes and shapes, making it easy to find complementary pots for your collection. These pots have the added benefit of quickly draining water and promoting soil aeration due to their porous nature.

It is an ideal material for snake plants due to its unique qualities, including its beautiful patterns and attractive muted color.

However, it is important to consider some of the disadvantages of using clay pots. These pots can be heavier and more fragile, making them prone to breaking if dropped. Additionally, low winter temperatures may cause the pots to crack.

3 Ceramic Pots

Ceramic or glazed pots are also among the Best Pots for Snake Plants due to their attractive appearance and durability. These pots are well-suited for small plants and come in various shapes and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect one for your needs.

Additionally, their sturdy construction makes them ideal for plants that may be top-heavy, as they provide enough weight to prevent them from tipping over.

They are often used for indoor plants due to their attractive appearance; glazed pots are durable and come in a range of sizes and shapes. However, their less porous nature requires monitoring of soil moisture levels.

These pots can also be quite heavy, making them challenging to move, and are generally more expensive compared to other materials. Ultimately, the best choice of pot material depends on the plant’s development and comfort in its environment.

4. Wooden Pots

Wooden planters offer a natural, rustic appearance. It is important to choose a rot-resistant wood like cedar, mulberry, or redwood when building wooden planters and pots to ensure their longevity.

They are lightweight, making them easy to move, making them one of the Best Pots for Snake Plants. However, they need to be properly sealed to prevent water damage.

When selecting a container for your snake plant, it’s important to choose one made of high-quality materials to prevent compressing or expanding. To protect against decay, splitting, and discoloration, consider containers that are treated with a clear, non-toxic finish or sealant.

5. Concrete Pots


Concrete pots offer a unique aesthetic that may complement your decor. Due to its excellent insulation properties, concrete helps regulate the soil temperature for your plants. These pots can accommodate both small and large indoor and outdoor plants and are known for their durability against weather changes.

They are known for their insulation properties, which regulate the temperature of the soil and promote stable growth, making them one of the Best Pots for Snake Plants.

Concrete pots are also durable and can withstand drastic weather changes, making them suitable for outdoor use. However, due to their weight, they may not be the best choice for larger indoor plants.

Concrete also has varying levels of permeability, so it’s important to consider the specific type being used.

Check out 14 Beautiful Snake Plants that Flower here

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