Have you heard about Plants that Literally Look Like Tiny Legos? Well, your kids are gonna love them!
If you love that nostalgic feeling where nature reminds you about something when you were young, then grow these plants that literally look like tiny legos today!
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Cute Plants that Literally Look Like Tiny Legos
1. Living Stones
Botanical Name: Lithops spp.
Akin to small, colorful pebbles, these fascinating succulents are like a delightful piece of your childhood Lego collection brought to life in pots.
2. Haworthia Cooperi
Botanical Name: Haworthia cooperi var. picturata
Haworthia cooperi is a remarkable plant with leaves that resemble tiny Lego blocks that shine! You will adore these glossy, living Lego-like pieces on your tabletops.
3. Marble Buttons
Botanical Name: Conophytum calculus
Marble Buttons, with their spherical bodies, look similar to Lego balls. They bring a pop of beauty to your outdoor space while creating a connection between nature and Legos.
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4. Split Rock
Botanical Name: Pleiospilos nelii’ Royal Flush’
The plant’s unusual pebble-like body mimics tiny Lego constructions, making it a beautiful addition that stirs up memories of constructing Lego pieces.
5. Little Warty Ox Tongue
Botanical Name: Gasteria’ Little Warty’
This one grows slowly and features flat leaves, which gives it a Lego look. It looks like someone has made a plant out of the flat Lego pieces!
6. Karoo Rose
Botanical Name: Lapidaria margaretae
With compact, cube-like leaves, the Karoo Rose is like a secret pack of tiny Lego building blocks hidden in your garden! Its miniature appearance makes it a favorite of Lego lovers.
7. Echeveria Cubic Frost
Botanical Name: Echeveria
Echeveria Cubic Frost looks like beautiful Lego pieces covered in frost. Its geometric rosettes, akin to Lego designs, add a touch of artistry to your garden.
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8. Baby Toes
Botanical Name: Fenestraria rhopalophylla
With their finger-like leaves, Baby Toes are like miniature Lego buildings, making your table a haven of your childhood Lego nostalgia.
9. Star Cactus 
Botanical Name: Astrophytum
If you remember making Lego blocks during your playful days, this cacti variety will remind you of that. Star Cactus looks like its pieces are put together to form a circular shape!