These Vines with White Trumpet Flowers will surely stand out from the regular blooms you may have in your garden!
If you want to transform your dull garden into a picturesque landscape, grow these vines with white trumpet-shaped flowers. You can train them to climb trellises, fences, arbors, or walls.
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Vines with White Trumpet Flowers
1. Tropical White Morning Glory 
Botanical Name – Ipomoea alba
Morning Glory produces trumpet-shaped white flowers from mid-summer to fall. These blooms open at night and wither in the morning.
2. Mandevilla
Botanical Name – Mandevilla boliviensis
This award-winning tropical vine showcases trumpet-shaped white flowers with orange-yellow throats. It’s a great choice for trellises, pergolas, and arbors.
3. Bower Vine
Botanical Name – Pandorea jasminoides
The bower vine is an evergreen Australian climber with pink-throated white blooms and glossy leaves. It prefers part shade/part sun and slightly alkaline, loamy soil for the best growth.
4. Hedge Bindweed
Botanical Name – Calystegia sepium
The white blossoms of this perennial vine contrast beautifully with the bright, arrow-shaped leaves. Its trumpet-shaped flowers are 2.5-3 inches across and last only for one day.
5. Easter Lily Vine
Botanical Name – Beaumontia grandiflora
Originating from the Himalayan regions, the flowers of this vine resemble Easter Lilies, hence the name. Its blooms are highly fragrant, especially during the evening.
6. Chilean Jasmine
Botanical Name – Mandevilla laxa
Chilean jasmine is a great choice for a scented garden because of its intensely fragrant, white trumpet-shaped blossoms. This woody twinning climber can become 12-15 ft tall in optimal growing conditions.
7. White Trumpet
Botanical Name – Allamanda cathartica ‘Alba’
This flowering vine boasts showy white flowers with five lobes and bright yellow centers. Its blooms appear in tiny clusters near the tips of stems.