18 Plants to Grow Under Tomatoes | What to Plant with Tomatoes

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If you are a fan of companion planting, then here are some of the best Plants to Grow Under Tomatoes to promote lush growth and better growth.


When growing a vegetable garden, companion planting can help you in many ways. It boosts growth and optimizes overall harvest too. Read on to discover the Best Plants to Grow Under Tomatoes. 

Find how to grow many tomatoes in little space here.

Plants to Grow Under Tomatoes

1. Amaranth


Botanical Name: Amaranthus

It helps in deterring pests by tempting predatory beneficial insects, which helps tomatoes to grow healthy. It can be used as a trap crop too to deter pests like cucumber beetles. Amaranth is also a great leafy green choice for salads and Asian dishes and will be more than happy to thrive under tomatoes.

2. Basil


Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

This herb is a great plant to grow under tomatoes as it aids to keep flies and hornworms away. Basil also improves the flavor of tomatoes.

It also limits the egg-laying conduct of hornworm moths, which can be dangerous to tomatoes.

Check out the best Basil varieties to grow here.

3. Asparagus


Botanical Name: Asparagus officinalis

Asparagus helps to keep root-knot nematodes away from tomato plants. On the other hand, tomatoes keep the asparagus beetles at bay with a chemical known as solanine and keep it safe.

4. Borage


Botanical Name: Borago officinalis

Planting borage under tomatoes protects them from hornworms and cabbage worms. Also, the pretty blue blossoms of this herb contrast beautifully with red tomatoes.

5. Chives

Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

You can grow chives under tomatoes and keep pests like nematodes, aphids, and mites away. This will ensure that you get a juicy harvest of tomatoes and fresh chives!

Learn about growing Chives in pots here

6. Dill

123rf/ nataomsk

Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens

The flowers of dill are a rich source of nectar to pollinators like parasitic wasps lacewings, tachinid flies, pirates, and ladybugs. They also entice harmful pests to themselves, thereby keeping the tomatoes unharmed and working as a perfect trap crop.

Get the best Dill plant care tips here

7. Sweet Alyssum

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Botanical Name: Lobularia maritima

With the spreading habit, alyssum can keep the soil from drying and maintain it just the way tomatoes need it while working as a shallow root green mulch. Also, its sweet scent attracts pollinators and beneficial bugs for both plants.

8. Thyme

Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris

Grow thyme under tomatoes to attract beneficial insects. It is believed that it also enhances the color and taste of tomatoes. Thyme also controls the population of armyworms.

Get some brilliant Thyme growing tips here

9. Cilantro


Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum

Like fennel and dill, the blooms of cilantro are a good source of nectar. The flowers attract predatory insects that feast on common tomato pests. It also keeps the temperature of the soil intact and enhances the flavor of tomatoes.

Learn how to grow Cilantro in pots here

10. Fennel

Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel can be a good companion to tomatoes as it attracts beneficial pollinators when comes to flowers. It also keeps aphids busy on itself, saving the tomato plants. Planting them in groups will also help to keep the temperature of the soil maintained.

Learn about growing Fennel in Pots here

11. Oregano


Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare

Oregano requires minimal care and can thrive best when planted under tomatoes. Also, the herb can keep harmful bugs at bay, helping tomatoes to grow juicy and bigger in size.

Learn about growing Oregano in Pots here

12. Parsley


Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum

This herb acts as a groundcover and keeps the tomatoes safe from the attack of pests by luring hoverflies that feast on them. It also helps to keep the moisture intact.

Learn about growing Parsley in Pots here

13. Carrots

Botanical Name: Daucus carota

Planting carrots close to tomato help in loosening the soil, which is great for tomato growth. They also help to enhance the taste of the fruit.

Check out the carrot companion planting here

 14. Garlic


Botanical Name: Allium sativum

Plant garlic under tomatoes and safeguard them from the attack of red spider mites. The pungent smell of this herb keeps other pests distant from the plant.

Learn a special trick to root garlic easily and enjoy an unlimited supply here

15. Nasturtium


Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus

It not only looks good with tomatoes but also entraps aphids and black flies. Nasturtium flowers attract beneficial predators insects to feed on other pests.

16. Marigolds


Botanical Name: Tagetes

Plant marigolds under tomatoes as they keep slugs, worms, and other garden pests at bay. The flowers also help to deter root-knot nematodes. Marigolds also work as a great trap crop and support the growth of tomatoes.

Learn to grow marigolds from petals here

17. Lettuce


Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa

Grow lettuce between tomato plants and create a beautiful groundcover. It also holds moisture and suppresses weeds.

Fine out how to grow lettuce in pots here

18. Petunia

Botanical Name: Petunia

Petunias can not only add beauty to the vegetable garden but are also quite beneficial when it comes to keeping many pests away from tomatoes, especially aphids that attract on petunias.

Learn how to make Petunias fuller here

What You Should Not Plant Under Tomatoes?

Not every plant plays nice with tomatoes, such as kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, brussels sprouts, eggplant, potatoes, brassicas, corn, and walnut.

Check out our article 6 Common Succulent Growing Mistakes Every New Gardener Does here

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