Check out the Most Popular Hoyas that you can grow in your home and garden all year round. Some of them have beautiful fragrant flowers!
Hoyas are one of the most versatile plants you can grow. We bring you the Most Popular Hoyas to help you pick the best one!
Check out the most amazing pictures of Hoyas from Instagram here
Most Popular Hoyas
1. Hoya Carnosa
This vining succulent has branching stems, shiny, thick, green leaves, and clusters of fragrant light pink blooms.
Learn about growing Hoya Carnosa indoors here
2. Hoya Kerrii
This slow-growing, semi-succulent shows off bright green leaves and star-shaped creamy-white blossoms with a rose-purple center.
Find out how to grow Hoya Kerri indoors here
3. Hoya Krimson Queen
It offers a beautiful blend of dark green and a white hue on the leaves and pale-pink flowers with a magenta center.
Want to grow Hoya Krimson Queen? Learn here
4. Hoya Polyneura
Also known as ‘Fishtail Hoya,’ this delicate plant features thin leaves with a pretty pattern resembling a fishtail, hence the name.
5. Hoya Obovata
This unique variety showcases deep green, large, oval leaves with silver patterns. The blooms open in light pink to white color.
6. Hoya Australis
This evergreen climbing vine showcases long slender stems filled with shiny, thick succulent leaves. You can also grow it in hanging baskets.
7. Hoya Curtisii
Also known as Fung Wax Flower, Hoya Aloha, and Tiny-leaf Porcelain, this trailing epiphyte produces spade-shaped olive-green leaves splashed in silver-blue variegation.
8. Hoya Pubicalyx
This succulent vine offers thick, waxy, shiny leaves and cascading stems that climb beautifully with star-shaped blossoms.
9. Hoya Bella
This epiphyte has trailing stems, thick, shiny green leaves, and scented white-purple blossoms. It is one of the most popular hoyas you can grow!
10. Hoya Linearis
This hoya is different from other types; it does not have firm, large, waxy foliage. The leaves are soft, a bit hairy, and skinny.
11. Hoya Chelsea
This evergreen climber has thick, green, heart-shaped leaves with slightly raised edges and indistinct white spots.
12. Hoya Compacta
This plant features curly, thick, twisted cup-shaped green leaves. It is also popular as Hindu Rope and looks lovely with its pink blooms.
13. Hoya Lacunosa
It offers deep green fleshy leaves on hanging stems. The plant blooms throughout the year and produces sweet cinnamon-scented flowers.
14. Hoya Retusa
Commonly known as grass-leaved hoya, it displays delicate green tendril-like leaves. For best growth, make sure it gets bright indirect light.
15. Hoya Sunrise
Hoya Obscure ‘Sunrise’ produces beautiful oval-shaped, slightly curved leaves that turn red in sunny locations. The red hue makes the light green leaf veins more appealing.
16. Hoya Wayetii
It features vivid green succulent leaves with dark edges and distinct markings. For the best color, place it at an east-facing location.
17. Hoya Macrophylla
This hoya offers strong green leaves with yellow edges and clusters of small, star-shaped, creamy-white flowers with a pink tint.
18. Hoya Mathilde
It’s a cross between Hoya Carnosa and Hoya Serpens. This vining epiphyte offers waxy leaves and sweet-scented blossoms.
19. Hoya Callistophylla
This evergreen climber produces thick succulent green leaves with deep green veins and clusters of small blooms.
20. Hoya Kentiana
Hoya Kentiana has no prominent veins and displays dark margins on the foliage with a red hue. Make sure it gets 2-3 hours of direct morning sunlight.
21. Hoya Pachyclada
It exhibits thick green leaves and ball-shaped, citrus-scented clusters of glossy white blooms. The plant looks super cute in small pots.
22. Hoya Serpens
It is a small succulent trailing vine covered in round-shaped and dark green leaves with gray spots. It also blooms with scented flowers.
23. Hoya Bilobata
It produces small glossy green leaves and trails beautifully. The plant also shows off tiny red blooms that release sweet fragrance at night.
24. Hoya Burtoniae
This variety has plump, almond-shaped, slightly fuzzy foliage with red-brown edges. Grow it in small pots for a cute display of leaves and flowers.
25. Hoya Cumingiana
This cultivar has plumped green leaves and clusters of pretty yellow, star-shaped blooms with purple centers that emit a mango-like smell.
26. Hoya Nummulariodes
This hoya showcases chains of dark velvety semi-trailing leaves and star-shaped scented blooms. Keep it in bright indirect light for best growth.
27. Hoya Shepherdii
Also popular as ‘String Bean Hoya’, it displays strap-like, elongated green leaves with pendulous veins and fragrant flowers.
28. Hoya Finlaysonii
This hybrid features beautiful, buoyant vein patterns and clusters of globular white blossom with a red center that resembles gummy-bear candy.
Get your Hoya plant to bloom like this
29. Hoya Imbricata
This epiphytic climber is also popular as an ‘ant-plant’ because tiny creatures live under its foliage. It has thin, long climbing stems and patterned green leaves.
30. Hoya Krohniana
The heart-shaped leaves have silver splashes that pair well with pink-white flowers. For the best display, grow this plant in hanging baskets.
31. Hoya Rebecca
The light green-colored foliage has purple-red undersides and bright pink blooms with light yellow centers. Keep the plant in bright indirect light.
32. Hoya Rotundiflora
It offers dark green oblong leaves with dull red-brown hairs and white-cream blushed blooms with rose-pink centers.
33. Hoya Sigiilatis
Hoya Sigiilatis displays fleshy and thick leaves with silver-white markings. Grow it in hanging baskets and avoid overwatering.
Wow! I can’t believe there are so many varieties of my beloved Hoya! So beautiful and always a treat when they bloom! Very interesting. I will maybe search for some new ones.😊
Maravilhosas essas variedades de Hoya
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I would love some tips asto how to get my Hoya Bella to grow more.
I have never managed to have more than 2 flowers on mind. In fact I almost lost mine altogether and at present nursing it back to health.