19 Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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If you want low-maintenance blooms that grow in any growing medium without a fuss, then here are the Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil!

Check out the list of the Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil! These blossoms will be more than happy to thrive in any place and condition!

Here are the best flowers you can grow under full sun exposure

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil

1. Lantana

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 1

Botanical Name: Lantana camara

USDA Zones: 8-11

The beautiful florets of lantana are not picky about soil type. Just ensure you are not overwatering them, and these flowers will keep thriving.

Learn about growing lantana here

2. Bush Lily

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Botanical Name: Clivia

USDA Zones: 9-11

Clivia plants show off long strap-like leaves and sweet-smelling blossoms. This tough plant can tolerate both dry and moist soil.

Find out the best lily varieties here

3. Periwinkle

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 2

Botanical Name: Vinca minor

USDA Zones: 4-9

Vinca is an evergreen perennial with beautiful flowers and foliage. It can thrive in poor soil without any worries.

4. Gaillardia

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Botanical Name: Gaillardia x Grandiflora

USDA Zones: 3-10

This herbaceous perennial favors poor soil and does well in it. However, if you want more flowers, add plenty of organic matter and fertilize moderately.

5. Cinquefoils

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 5

Botanical Name: Potentilla

USDA Zones: 2-6

This heat-tolerant shrub grows up to a few feet tall and offers delicate yellow blooms in the spring. It grows at a slow pace and establishes well in poor soil.

Here are the best yellow flowers that you can grow

6. Cosmos

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Botanical Name: Cosmos

USDA Zones: 2-11

Cosmos likes neutral soil with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and does remarkably well in a poor growing medium too. For more flowers, add plenty of organic matter to the soil.

7. Mexican Hat Plants

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 4

Botanical Name: Ratibida columnifera

USDA Zones: 4-9

Also known as prairie coneflower, this clump-forming perennial can adjust to a range of soil types, even poor ones, and also tolerates heavy-clay or moisture-rich soil.

8. Gaura

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Botanical Name: Oenothera lindheimeri

USDA Zones: 6-10

Also popular as Lindheimer’s bee blossom, this low-maintenance perennial flourishes in poor soil and doesn’t require extra fertilizer too!

9. Chamomile

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 9

Botanical Name: Matricaria recutita

USDA Zones: 2-8

Chamomile is a popular herb with daisy-like fragrant blooms. It requires well-draining, sandy-loamy soil but can grow this scented flower in poor soil easily.

Learn about growing chamomile in pots here

10. African Daisy

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 6

Botanical Name: Osteospermum

USDA Zones: 9-11

African daisies can tolerate dry and poor soil like a champ. For plenty of blooms, however, it would appreciate supplemental feeding.

Looking for daisy-like flowers? Click here

11. Gazanias

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 11

Botanical Name: Gazania

USDA Zones: 9-11

Gazanias are not finicky about soil type as long as they are well-draining. The plant can survive in many types of growing mediums but do well in gritty or sandy soil.

12. Crape Myrtle

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Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia

USDA Zones: 9-10

This deciduous plant grows fast and tolerates any soil but prefers a moist, well-draining growing medium.

Check out some stunning color-changing flowers here

13. Verbena

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 13

Botanical Name: Verbena

USDA Zones: 6-10

This beautiful flowering plant is happy to grow in any type of soil you choose, as long as it gets proper sun exposure throughout the day.

14. Madagascar Periwinkle

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Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus

USDA Zones: 9-12

One of the most undemanding plants out there, it won’t mind even the worse soils. The best part is, the flowers look lovely!

15. Bougainvillea

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 15

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea

USDA Zones: 9-11

If you love flowers, then you can’t ignore this plant! It is one of the best choices for arbors, fences, or any place where you would like it to climb.

Get the Best Bougainvillea Care Tips here

16. Rain Lily

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Botanical Name: Zephyranthes

USDA Zones: 7-10

Small and robust, these plants are an excellent choice for a flower bed. They bloom beautiful flowers that do well in any growing medium.

17. Flowering Kalanchoe

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 17

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe

USDA Zones: 9-12

This succulent is one of the best flowering plants for poor soil. It thrives in neglect and does really well in bright sun and low watering.

Learn the Best Tips for Forcing Kalanchoe to Flower here

18. Cockscomb

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Botanical Name: Celosia

USDA Zones: 9-11

Another uncrowned king of plants growing in poor soil is celosia. This plant won’t mind growing in poor, rocky, or sandy soil, and it also calls for minimal maintenance.

Learn about Growing Cockscomb here

19. Crown of Thorns

Best Flowers that Thrive in Poor Soil 19

Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii

USDA Zones: 8-11

The key to growing a healthy crown of thorns lies in using less soil and a small pot. It will thrive in the poorest of soils as long as you do not overwater it.

Want to Grow Crown of Thorns? Click here


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