99 Great Ideas to Display Houseplants | Indoor Plants Decoration

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Nothing beats the vibe and grandeur of Indoor Plants Decoration! Learn from these Great Ideas to Display Houseplants!

Indoor Plants Decoration makes the atmosphere lively and can transform your home into a green oasis. If you too want to invite some greenery, discover Great Ideas to Display Houseplants and enjoy the happy vibes!

Table of contents

Check out our article on DIY indoor garden decoration ideas here

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

1. Potted Houseplants on Floating Shelves

Potted Houseplants on Floating Shelves

Check out some fantastic plant shelf ideas here

2. Lush Tropical Corner

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

3. Macrame Hanging Garden

top Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

4. A Freestanding Plant Ladder

top A Freestanding Plant Ladder

5. Gorgeous Caladium Counter

Gorgeous Caladium Counter

6. Bright Room with Potted HouseplantsGreat Ideas to Display Houseplants

7. Array of Trailing, Hanging, and Potted Plants

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

8. Swiss Cheese and Other Potted Plants on the Windowsill

Swiss Cheese and Other Potted Plants on the Windowsill

9. Cascading Ivy above the Front Door

display idea Cascading Ivy above the Front Door

10. Unique Plant Shelf

Unique Plant Shelf display ideas

11. Giant Variegated Ficus in the Living

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

Learn about the plants that will give your home a lush jungle vibe here

12. Bohemian Indoor Plantscape

amazing Giant Variegated Ficus in the Living

13. Elegant Fiddle Leaf Fig in the Corner

Elegant Fiddle Leaf Fig in the Corner

14. Trailing Potted Plants on the Desk

Trailing Potted Plants on the Desk

15. Living Wall with Hanging Planters

Living Wall with Hanging Planters
Amanda Archibald

Find out some unusual hanging planter ideas here

16. Green Chandelier

Green Chandelier display ideas

17. Cascading Beauties on the Bookshelf

Cascading Beauties on the Bookshelf

18. Wall Covered in Pots

Wall Covered in Pots

19. Ferns and Trees

Ferns and Trees

20. Plants Arranged in Order

Plants Arranged in Order

21. A Simple Display of Fern

A Simple Display of Fern

22. Lush Foliar Specimens Clubbed TogetherLush Foliar Specimens Clubbed Together

23. Cactus and SucculentCactus and Succulent display ideas

Look at some beautiful succulent arrangement ideas here

24. Stylish Cactus Show

houseplants display ideas Stylish Cactus Show

25. Height and Dimensions!Indoor Plants Decoration

26. A Giant Fiddle Leaf Fig in the Living

best Indoor Plants Decoration

27. Succulents Lined on the Stairs

top Indoor Plants Decoration

28. Cover the Ceiling and Floor With Plants

Amazing Cover the Ceiling and Floor With Plants

29. An Elegant Decor

beautiful Cover the Ceiling and Floor With Plants

30. A Green Corner

Cover the Ceiling and Floor With Plants

31. A Cozy Corner

Indoor Plants Decoration

32. Big Foliage Plants Along the Small Ones

Indoor Plants Decoration

Check out the best large foliage plants here

33. Train Pothos Over Fiddle Leaf Fig

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

34. Sit Along Jungle Vibe

top Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

35. A Forest-Like Corner

top best Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

36. Make a Statement with Big Leaves

Amazing Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

37. A Swing and Plants

beautiful Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

38. Living Plant Scenery in Front of Study Table

Awasome Great Ideas to Display Houseplants39. Contrasting Shades

Great Ideas to Display Houseplants

40. Aesthetics!

Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

41. Trailing and Floor Plants

Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

Find out some fantastic vine indoor vine trailing ideas here

42. Adorn Your Dining Table

Houseplant display Ideas more

43. Decor with Rubber Plant

best Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

44. Soothing Room Decor

top Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

45. Green Surroundings

best Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

46. Indoor Tropical Jungle

lovely Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

47. Vast Display of Plants

99 Great Ideas to Display Houseplants | Indoor Plants Decoration 24

48. Tall Fiddle Leaf Fig Standing by the Vertical Shelves

top Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

49. A Display of Diverse Foliage Specimens

Amazing Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

50. Gorgeous Philos in Shiny Planters

Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

51. A Serene Reading Corner!

99 Great Ideas to Display Houseplants | Indoor Plants Decoration 26

52. Tall Banana by the Swing

houseplants display ideas Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

53. Indoor Plants Displayed in Rustic Totes

beautiful Fantastic Ideas for Indoor Plant Displays

54. Lush Houseplants in Cane Planters

Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

55. Tall ZZ & Cactus in Showy Pot Covers

best Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

56. Dainty Snake Plant on a Metal Stand

top Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

Find out the best Snake plant varieties here

57. A Rustic Green Corner!

beautiful Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

58. A Tabletop Indoor Garden

Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

59. Vintage Plant Studio

great Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

60. Potted Plants for a Boho Decor

Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

61. Large Fiddle Leaf Fig by the Work Desk

Creative Ways to Showcase Indoor Plants

62. Cascading Ivy from the Sink with other Potted Plants

Cascading Ivy from the Sink with other Potted Plants

63. Aesthetic Plant Ladder by the Bed

Aesthetic Plant Ladder by the Bed

64. Hanging Macrame Planters in the Living Room

Hanging Macrame Planters in the Living Room

65. Indoor Plant Cabinet for Potted Houseplants

Indoor Plant Cabinet for Potted Houseplants

66. Hanging Pothos Baskets above the Dining Table

Hanging Pothos Baskets above the Dining Table
Carina Romano

67. Hanging Plant Shelves

Hanging Plant Shelves

68. An Indoor Jungle!

An Indoor Jungle!

69. Plants in a Room with a Ceiling Window

Plants in a Room with a Ceiling Window

70. Macrame Planters on Twigs with Other Green Specimens

Macrame Planters on Twigs with Other Green Specimens

Look at some beautiful macrame plant hangers here

71. Trailing Plants on a Wooden Shelf

Trailing Plants on a Wooden Shelf

72. A Room Full of Big Foliage Plants

A Room Full of Big Foliage Plants

73. A Room Full of Plants with a Wooden Wall

A Room Full of Plants with a Wooden Wall

74. Plants by a Large Window

Plants by a Large Window

75. Hanging Plants on a Wooden Shelf

Hanging Plants on a Wooden Shelf

76. Living Room with Plants and Small Mirrors

Living Room with Plants and Small Mirrors

77. A Bohemian Drawing Room with a High Ceiling

A Bohemian Drawing Room with a High Ceiling

78. Metal Circular Stand for Plants

Metal Circular Stand for Plants

79. Rustic Room with Plants

Rustic Room with Plants

80. Hammock and Plants for that Beachy Vibe

Hammock and Plants for that Beachy Vibe

81. Hanging Book Shelf and Plants

Hanging Book Shelf and Plants

82. A Large Monstera!

A Large Monstera!

83. A Really Green Room!

A Really Green Room!

84. Colors and Cactus

Colors and Cactus

85. A Dreamy Indoor Plant Setup

A Dreamy Indoor Plant Setup

86. Wall Art and Plants

Wall Art and Plants

87. Vintage Artifacts with Hanging and Potted Plants

Vintage Artifacts with Hanging and Potted Plants

88. Metal Stand to Hang Plants

Metal Stand to Hang Plants

89. A Tropical Room

A Tropical Room

90. Colors All Around with Plants!

Colors All Around with Plants!

91. Baskets for Large Foliage Plants

Baskets for Large Foliage Plants

92. A Soothing Green Corner

A Soothing Green Corner

93. Spiral Metal Stand for Pots

Spiral Metal Stand for Pots

94. Hanging Brass Pots for Trailing Plants

Hanging Brass Pots for Trailing Plants

95. A Room Full of Small Potted Delights!

A Room Full of Small Potted Delights!

96. A Large Mirror and Many Plants!

A Large Mirror and Many Plants!

97. A Quiet Green Corner

A Quiet Green Corner

98. Nature’s Touch

Nature's Touch

99. A Green Spot at the Entrance

 Indoor Plants Decoration

Discover some stunning decor ideas for the entrance here

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  1. Hi – Love all the different wire plant stands. Can you tell me where I can buy the triangle one next to the bed as well as the differnt lower ones shown in the picture of the “indoor garden”. Thanks in advance

  2. Hey
    Can you maybe tell me where I can get that black and white print with the Cadillac and the palm trees in the background in No. 93?

    • Ummmm, that’s not a Cadillac…

      (Now, to go out on my own limb… LOL!) It’s a Camaro I believe, my hubby adored them.

      Good luck finding it; if my DH were still alive, I’d want it for him, too!

  3. I truly loved all of your decorating ideas and I am definately going to use a few in my home. i will also follow your website for future ideas. i give you a big thumbs up!

  4. I like that you said that plant stands are a decorative feature that elevates plants higher. If I was going to get a plant stand then I would want to make sure that it was something that would go with the surroundings. It might be a good idea to find one that is affordable and something that you like.

  5. Wow !!! So beautiful!!! Thank you so much for sharing !!! Having and caring for plants is one thing but to be able to show-case them as elegantly as the many ways you have shown is the icing on the cake!!! Now maybe my plants can really shine like the rock stars they are !!!

  6. I have an entire 2nd bedroom filled with nothing but plants. Unfortunately, I also have a cat that won’t leave anything alone. So we took the door off the room and put up a cheapy, but rustic screen door up.snd now I see all my plants, but the cat can’t eat them. I am looking for plant stand everywhere, but I have over 100 plants. Some grown in the same pot together and some are in big barrels, so I am always trying to come up with better ideas to make the room look better. The apartments we live in the walks won’t hold a thing, so they have to go on stands it tables. Will follow you for some creative ideas.

  7. Love these idea, but a lot of them my cats would destroy unfortunately. An article for keeping plants in a home with pets would be great =]

  8. Can anyone identify the beautiful white plant, that is in the #56 photo?…. Love the ceramic holders, containers different shapes, and deep earthy tones. Great idea!… thanks for sharing!…

  9. Being in the home decor industry, it’s my daily to job find out unique and trendy decor ideas and what guess? This elevated plant idea made my day. I wonder if We add a beautiful planter pot on the top of the plant stand. then it’ll look even better. In love with your work :)

  10. Cyril Sontillano has absolutely FILLED his rental apartment with plants –and frankly, great plant-displaying ideas–but I loved the idea of hanging a plant on the wall and then hanging an empty frame around the hanging plant. Because mother nature really is the ultimate art piece!


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