8 Tricks to Grow Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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If you’ve been looking for Tricks to Grow Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t miss No. 1!

Want to know the secret to growing a show-stopping Oxalis Triangularis? Those gorgeous, clover-shaped leaves deserve to be big, bold, and bursting with life. Don’t worry; we’ll give you some easy tips and tricks!

Tricks to Grow Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis

Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis

Trick 1: Light Up Their Life

These little guys are like solar panels for plants. They crave bright, indirect sunlight. Think of a spot that gets a good dose of morning sun but is shielded from the harsh afternoon rays. If your home is a bit on the dim side, don’t worry! You can supplement with some gentle grow lights to keep them happy.

Trick 2: Rotate the Pots

Oxalis Triangularis plants prefer consistent light and temperature, but an occasional change of scenery can be beneficial. What we mean is, every few weeks, give your plant a gentle quarter turn.

This encourages even growth and prevents them from leaning too heavily towards the light source. Just be careful not to disturb them too much during dormancy.

Trick 3: Water Oxalis Triangularis with the Seasons

Overwatering is the enemy here. Think of their ideal watering situation as a good hair day– we want to stay moist but not drenched. Stick your finger in the soil, and if the top inch feels dry, it’s watering time.

Give them a good drink until a little water runs out of the drainage hole, then let them dry out a bit before their next sip. Simple, right?

You should also mimic the natural conditions by adjusting your watering routine based on the season. During the growing season (spring and summer), water more frequently, but in the dormant season (fall and winter), reduce it to imitate the plant’s natural cycle.

Trick 4: Re-pot Them

Plants might not be able to speak, but Oxalis Triangularis would ask you for a bit of space if it could! You should repot them in a pot that’s just slightly bigger than their root ball. The extra space will encourage them to fill out and create a bushier, fuller plant.

While you’re repotting, it’s a good idea to change the soil, too. Choose a blend suitable for succulents or add perlite to a general-purpose mix to enhance its drainage. This mix is perfect for a lush and big Oxalis Triangularis.

Trick 5: Epsom Salt Boost

Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis 2

Epsom salt is another popular home remedy that some folks swear by for plants. It contains magnesium, which is an important nutrient for helping plants make chlorophyll. The theory is that a little extra magnesium might make your Oxalis Triangularis leaves even brighter and more lush.

But here’s the thing–Oxalis Triangularis aren’t big eaters, and too much magnesium can actually be bad for them. So, if you’re going to try an Epsom salt boost, make sure it’s a very weak solution.

Dissolve just a teaspoon (that’s about 5 grams) of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Give it to your plant once a month during the spring and summer. It’s more than enough. You can actually use Epsom Salt for any houseplant.

Trick 6: Aloe Vera Juice Tonic

You might have heard about using aloe vera juice to help all sorts of things grow, including plants! The idea is that the aloe vera juice can help roots grow stronger. But, too much aloe vera juice can actually mess with the balance of nutrients in the soil, which can be harmful.

So, if you’re curious about trying this, here’s the ultra-cautious way to do it–Mix a very tiny amount of aloe vera juice with a lot of water. We’re talking just a few drops in a watering can full of water.

Then, only use this diluted mixture on your Oxalis Triangularis sparingly, maybe once a month at most. Keep a close eye on your plant afterward to see if it reacts poorly in any way. If all seems well, you can continue, but if you notice any wilting or discoloration, it’s best to stop.

The No. 1 Trick to Grow Lush and Big Oxalis Triangularis – Pinching

Pinching off the top growth tip can encourage the plant to redirect that energy toward growing bushier and fuller from the base. Using clean fingers or sharp pruners, carefully pinch off the topmost stem tip just above a leaf node (the little bump where a leaf meets the stem).

Don’t worry, your plant won’t be mad! This little pinch will actually encourage branching, and over time, you’ll see your Oxalis Triangularis growing fuller and more lush from the bottom up. You can dispose of the pinched tip as it won’t sprout into a new plant.

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