19 Sweetest Watermelon Varieties + How to Pick the Sweetest Watermelon

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Explore the Sweetest Watermelon Varieties and also learn How to Pick the Sweetest Watermelon for the best harvest ever!

Sweetest Watermelon Varieties

Imagine biting into a slice so sweet; it’s like nature’s own candy—only juicier! We’ve curated a list of the Sweetest Watermelon Varieties to give you nature’s best! What’s more! We have also included top tips on How to Pick the Sweetest Watermelon!

Sweetest Watermelon Varieties

1. Crimson Sweet

best Sweetest Watermelon Varieties

Crimson Sweet watermelons are one Sweetest Watermelon Varieties. These melons are known for their high sugar content, crisp texture, and refreshing taste.

2. Allsweet

Sweetest Watermelon Varieties for garden

This cultivar is known for producing large oblong watermelons weighing 25-30 pounds. It’s a type of seedless watermelon and is an open-pollinated variety.

3. Georgia Rattlesnake

Sweetest Types of Watermelon

The Georgia Rattlesnake watermelon is another well-known variety with elongated shape and green skin with light green stripes, resembling the markings of a rattlesnake.

4. Charleston Gray

best Sweetest Types of Watermelon

The Charleston Gray is a classic watermelon variety that has been popular for many decades. They are well-suited for growing in warm climates and are often enjoyed fresh, sliced or used in fruit salads.

5. Bush Sugar Baby

The sweetest varieties of watermelon

A compact variety of watermelon, Bush Sugar Baby is ideal for small gardens, containers, or spaces with limited room. Each plant typically produces an average of two 12-pound melons.

Types of Radish Varieties for Containers and Gardens

6. Sweet Princess

amazing The sweetest varieties of watermelon

This hybrid watermelon variety known for its exceptional sweetness and flavor. The skin of the Sweet Princess watermelon is usually light green with dark green stripes or mottling.

7. Klondike Blue Ribbon

Most Delicious Types of Watermelon

It features thin but tough rinds, displaying alternating light and dark green stripes. Inside, you’ll discover bright crimson flesh boasts a high sugar content.

8. Blacktail Mountain

Delicious Types of Watermelon

Originating from Northern Idaho, the ‘Blacktail Mountain‘ is one of the Sweetest Watermelon Varieties with scarlet-hued flesh.

9. Golden Midget

The Sweetest Types of Watermelon

‘Golden Midget’ stands out as an exceptionally early variety, making it ideal for gardeners with shorter growing seasons.

10. Sweet Beauty

Sweetest Types of Watermelon

The ‘Sweet Beauty’ watermelon is a hybrid variety renowned for its exceptional eating quality, earning it the title of All-America Selections winner in 2004.

11. Little Darlingbest Sweetest Watermelon Varieties

Little Darling’ is a compact and fast-maturing hybrid watermelon variety that produces oblong fruits weighing between five to seven pounds, showcasing rich dark green rinds.

12. Florida Giant

Sweetest Watermelon Varieties for garden

It yields round fruits that typically range from 30 to 40 pounds in weight. They taste best when they are properly ripe.

13. Orange Crisp

Sweetest Types of Watermelon

This hybrid watermelon variety boasts deliciously sweet and refreshingly crisp deep orange flesh, completely devoid of bothersome seeds.

14. Mini Piccolo

best Sweetest Types of Watermelon

‘Mini Piccolo’ is a seedless hybrid variety characterized by its dense, vibrant red flesh, which is packed with exceptional sweetness.

15. Orange Tendersweet

The sweetest varieties of watermelon

The rinds of these watermelons are strong and feature an attractive pattern of dark and light green stripes. Inside, the melon reveals bright orange flesh that is sweet and flavorful.

16. Mountain Sweet Yellow

amazing The sweetest varieties of watermelon

‘Mountain Sweet Yellow’ is an open-pollinated heirloom variety with yellow flesh. Its elevated sugar content ensures a delectable and satisfying experience.

17. Orangeglo

Most Delicious Types of Watermelon

‘Orangeglo’ is one of the Sweetest Watermelon Varieties. What makes it unique is its orange flesh, which has a pleasantly surprising and somewhat tropical taste.

18. Gold in Gold

Delicious Types of Watermelon

These melons are not only visually appealing but also offer an exciting flavor experience. With a high sugar content, their golden flesh is delightfully sweet.

19. Yellow Petite

The Sweetest Types of WatermelonYellow Petite watermelon is a unique variety known for its distinctive yellow flesh. This variety typically produces small to medium-sized fruits with a round to oval shape, making it a perfect choice for summertime snacks and desserts.

Find the Best Watermelon Companion Plants here

How to Pick the Sweetest Watermelon

How to Pick the Sweetest Watermelon

Picking a sweet and ripe watermelon involves considering several external factors related to its external appearance, the sound it produces when tapped, and the timeframe from when it was planted to when it should be harvested.

One important indicator is the shape of the watermelon – you’ll want to select one with a symmetrical and uniform shape, avoiding those that appear misshapen or have lumps or indentations, as those irregularities can signal inconsistent ripening. Another key factor is examining the field spot, which is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground while growing; a creamy yellow or creamy white field spot typically indicates full ripeness, while a paler or greenish color may mean it’s not yet ripe.

The skin of a ripe watermelon should look dull rather than shiny, and it should be firm and smooth without any cracks, bruises, or soft spots. Tapping the watermelon with your palm or knuckles can also provide clues about its ripeness – a ripe one will produce a deep, hollow sound when you tap it, whereas an underripe fruit will sound dull or flat, and an overly hollow or high-pitched sound likely indicates it’s overripe.

A few additional details to look for include checking if the tendril near the stem has turned brown and dried up, which can signal the watermelon is ready for harvest, and lifting and comparing the weights of different watermelons of similar size to choose one that feels heavier, as ripe melons tend to be heavier for their size.

Note: While these tips can’t promise sweetness because different types of watermelons and how they’re grown affect their taste, they give you a good idea of how to pick a ripe and sweet one.

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