10 Best Succulents for Bonsai

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Succulents for Bonsai are awesome for your garden because they're easy to take care of! Try Jade Plant, Elephant Tree, Balsum Spurge, Tree Aeonium, Crown of Thorns, Ponytail Palm, Desert Rose, Elephant Bush, Madagascar Palm, and Decaryi. They're all unique and perfect for your bonsai project!

Succulents for Bonsai are a great choice for a variety of reasons – ease of maintenance being the most important!

If you are in the mood to try something different for your next gardening project, then try succulents for Bonsai! They are easy to train and look amazing!

Succulents for Bonsai

1. Jade Plant

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

The Jade plant is native to South Africa and is known for its strong trunk and branches that take their own sweet time to grow, making it perfect for bonsai shaping!

 Learn How to Grow a Jade Plant into a Bonsai

2. Elephant Tree

Elephant Tree bonsai

Botanical Name: Operculicarya decaryi

With proper care and pruning, this succulent can be shaped into a bonsai! Popular for its thick trunk and dense leaves – it will be a stand-out specimen in your collection.

3. Balsum Spurge

Balsum Spurge bonsai

Botanical Name: Euphorbia balsamifera

With its pencil-shaped branches and small leaves, it can be a quirky bonsai tree! This succulent is easy to propagate and highly adaptable to different light conditions.

Note: Be careful of its irritating milky sap while pruning.

4. Tree Aeonium

Tree Aeonium bonsai

Botanical Name: Aeonium

Tree Aeonium’s dense rosette, succulent leaves, and slow growth make it an excellent specimen for bonsai training. It will look like a living bouquet once mature!

Look at these best Aeonium varieties

5. Crown of Thorns

Crown of Thorns bonsai

Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii

Crown of Thorns displays red, pink, or yellow flowers and a thick, spiny main stem, which you can also train in different shapes in your bonsai project!

Here’s everything about Growing Crown Of Thorns

6. Ponytail Palm

Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata

Some people call it the “plant version of a boisterous water fountain,” thanks to its swollen base (caudex), strap-like foliage, and distinctive bulbous trunk.

7. Desert Rose

Botanical Name: Adenium obesum

Desert Rose is a small succulent native to Africa that naturally looks like a bonsai, so imagine what you could achieve with a little training!

35 Stunning Types of Desert Rose Varieties

8. Elephant Bush

Botanical Name: Portulacaria afra

This is a very popular succulent for bonsai, especially for beginners. The plant is really easy to care for and grows slowly – so you’ll have ample time training it.

Elephant bush vs jade plant – differences and similarities

9. Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm bonsai

Botanical Name: Pachypodium lamerei

This one is a perfect choice for succulent bonsai with its slender branches, spiny trunk, and palm-like leaves. It thrives best in well-draining soil and bright sunlight!

10. Decaryi


Botanical Name: Euphorbia decaryi

With the right pruning techniques, you can train this plant to be a great bonsai plant for tabletops. With fleshy stems and leaves, they contribute to its stubby appearance!

Note: The plant contains a milky sap that can irritate skin and eyes. Be careful while pruning!

Want More? Here are 9 Indoor Plants that Become Quick Easy Bonsai

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