21 Spiky Plants To Spice Up Your Garden

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Want to add a quirky look to your outdoor space? Look no further than the Best Spiky Plants To Spice Up Your Garden!

These Spiky Plants not only stand out from the rest, but they are also a great option to add a bit of drama to the garden – thanks to their quirky foliage!

Have a look at our detailed garden routine guide here

Best Spiky Plants

1. Yucca

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Botanical Name: Yucca

The leaves of Yucca plants are usually long and narrow, with pointed tips and sharp, serrated edges. This spiky plant grows in a rosette pattern, radiating out from a central stem, and can range in color from green to blue-gray.

2. Dragon Tree

Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata

The leaves of the Dragon Tree are arranged in a rosette pattern at the ends of thick branches or trunks. It has sharp, pointed tips and is often clustered densely, giving the plant a spiky appearance.

3. Euphorbia

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Botanical Name: Euphorbia

Some of these plants have long, slender leaves with sharp points, while others may have broader leaves with pronounced spines or teeth along the edges.

Here is the best Euphorbia Tirucalli Care Guide

4. Windmill Palm

Botanical Name: Trachycarpus wagnerianus

The leaves of this spiky plant are divided into segments that extend outward from a central point, resembling a handheld fan. The segments are rigid and have distinct, pointed tips.

5. European Fan Palm

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Botanical Name: Chamaerops humilis

Its foliage is palmate, meaning they have a fan-like shape with multiple segments or leaflets radiating from a central point. Each leaflet has a pointed tip, adding to the overall spiky texture.

6. New Zealand Flax

Botanical Name: Phormium tenax

This spiky plant has long, strap-like foliage radiating out from the base of the plant. The leaves are typically upright or slightly arching, with pointed tips and sharp margins.

7. Spiral Aloe

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Botanical Name: Aloe polyphylla

Aloe polyphylla sports leaves in a spiral pattern, giving the plant its unique and striking appearance. It has a triangular shape with sharply pointed tips, creating a spiky and symmetrical arrangement.

Learn How to Propagate Aloe Vera from Pups here

8. Blue Sea Holly


Botanical Name: Eryngium planum ‘Blue Sea Holly’

The leaves of this spiky plant are typically spiky and toothed, with sharp edges and points. The foliage is often bluish-green or grayish-green in color, adding to the plant’s overall unique and striking look.

9. Century Plant

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Botanical Name: Agave americana

Its foliage is densely packed with sharp spines along the edges and a sharp, rigid tip, contributing to its spiky appearance.

10. Howey’s Prickly Pear


Botanical Name: Opuntia howeyi

Opuntia howeyi has flat, fleshy pads that are oval or elongated in shape. These pads are covered in clusters of spines known as glochids.

Here is How to Grow Prickly Pears

11. Nelson’s Bear Grass

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Botanical Name: Nolina nelsonii

It features long, narrow foliage with a grass-like appearance. The leaves of this spiky plant are thin and elongated and typically have a bluish-green or grayish-green color.

12. Lace Aloe


Botanical Name: Aloe aristate

The leaves of Lace Aloe are elongated, narrow, and pointed, growing in a rosette pattern from the base of the plant. The leaves are densely packed and pointed.

13. Snake Plant

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Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata

Its leaves grow in a rosette formation from a central base and have sharp edges with a pointy end. The colors can vary based on the variety.

Check out 22 Different Ways to Grow Snake Plants here

14. Yellow Tower Cactus


Botanical Name: Parodia leninghausii

Parodia leninghausii has cylindrical stems covered with dense clusters of spiky structures called areoles. They are small, woolly, or hairy spots from which sometimes flowers emerge.

15. Spear Thistle

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Botanical Name: Cirsium vulgare

The foliage of this spiky plant has rigid spines along the margins. The leaves are arranged in a rosette formation at the base of the plant during its first year of growth.

16. Zebra Haworthia


Botanical Name: Haworthia attenuata

The leaves are thick, fleshy, and pointed, growing in a rosette pattern from the base of the plant. The color combination makes the spiky appearance appealing.

Here is How to Grow Haworthia

17. Native Holly

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Botanical Name: Alchornea ilicifolia

The leaves of this spiky plant have a distinct pointy margin with sharp teeth or spines. The spines are usually more pronounced towards the tip of the leaf.

18. Blue Grass

Botanical Name: Festuca glauca

The appearance of this grass is densely packed and has a spiky or bristle-like look. The leaves have rolled edges, adding to their unique texture and form.

19.  Red Star Cordyline

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Botanical Name: Cordyline australasis ‘Red Star’

The foliage of this spiky plant spreads and has pointy tips. Keep it in the sun to get the best color, as it takes a striking red hue with age and good light.

Learn How to Grow Cordyline Plant Indoors here

20. Dasylirion


Botanical Name: Dasylirion spp.

Its leaves grow from a central base or rosette and have sharp, pointed tips. The margins are often lined with small, sharp teeth or spines, contributing to the spiky appearance.

21. Furcraea

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Botanical Name: Furcraea

Furcraea plants have long, sword-shaped leaves that grow in a rosette formation. The leaves are typically thick and fleshy, with sharp, pointed tips and spiky margins.

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