How to Grow Calamondin | Care and Growing Calamansi Tree

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If you are fond of citrusy fruits, learn about Care and Growing Calamansi Tree and How to Grow Calamondin for its tangy, sweet fruits.

How to Grow Calamondin

Here’s an easy guide on How to Grow Calamondin. Care and Growing Calamansi Tree is rewarding due to the citrusy fragrance of its flowers and the tangy, sweet flavor of its fruits. Read on.

Botanical Name: Citrus × microcarpa

USDA Zones: 8-11

Common Names: Calamondin, calamondin orange, calamansi, calamandarin, golden lime, kalamunding, kalamansi, Philippine lime, Panama orange, Chinese orange, musk orange, and acid orange.

Want to know the flowers that smell like lemon and oranges? Click here

Calamansi Tree Information

Check out Our Article on the 5 Best Citrus Trees You Can Grow here

Propagating Calamansi Trees

Want to know How to Grow Calamondin? Well, Propagating Calamansi Trees is easy using cuttings. Follow the simple steps:

  • Take cuttings from late spring to early summer. It is best to look for new stems that are yet to produce flowers or fruits.
  • Then, pot them in a consistently moist, well-draining medium.
  • Water well and place the container in a spot that receives at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • The cuttings will form roots in 3-5 weeks.

Learn How to Grow Clementine Oranges here

Requirements for Growing Calamondin

Harshey Gardens


Calamondin trees prefer full sunlight so ensure they get a minimum of 6-7 hours of intense light on a daily basis. The more sun they will get, the better will be the quality, number, and size of the fruits. 


Calamondin trees can work well in soil with medium texture and slight acidity. Pick soil that is well-draining to avoid any chances of root rot. Mulching can be avoided to prevent any water pooling.

The soil’s pH level should be around 5.5 to 7 as it prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil. You can also use equal parts of garden soil, cocopeat, and compost.


The soil must be consistently and evenly moist, particularly for younger trees. Do not overwater and waterlog the soil, as it will lead to root rot. 

Check the top 2-inch layer of soil for dryness before watering, as moistening the growing medium too much or too little can lead to blossom and fruit drop, and sometimes the plant may die too.

Temperature and Humidity 

Calamondin trees grow best in warm and humid conditions. They are cold-sensitive and thrive in a temperature range of 75-85°F or 23-30°C. Also, these trees love humidity levels between 45-60 percent.


Re-pot that plant when you see it getting too big for the pot, which can be once in 3-4 years. Your pot size should be according to the scale of your tree. Remember to use a container one size bigger than your previously used pot.

Find out how to get more fruits on your lemon plant here

Taking Care of Calamansi Tree

How to Grow Calamondin 2


Use a slow-release NPK 12-6-6 or 20-20-20 once in 6-8 weeks. Alternatively, you can also use a balanced liquid fertlizer once a month in the growing season.

Occasionally, side-dress your plant with compost or well-rotted manure.


Regardless of the variety you choose, prioritize pruning the lateral, long branches to encourage fruit growth. The canopy should be wider for maximum fruit growth.

Pinch the foliage to keep the shape in control and boost blooms. 

Pests and Diseases

Look out for pests that commonly affect other citrus species. Citrus borer, aphids, and fruit flies attack it often. Crinkle leaf and citrus exocortis are the main diseases that affect it.

Learn About Natural Remedies for Removing Pests here

Overwintering Calamansi Tree

The low indoor temperatures should be the same as in early spring to encourage flowering. In winter, if you are shifting the tree indoors, you should place the plant in a sunny spot that does not get too warm. You can move the plant outdoors or to your balcony in springtime.

These tropical fruits don’t work well in dry air. If the indoor humidity level is low, use a humidifier or mist the plant 1-3 times a week.

Check out Our Article on Taking Care of Houseplants in Winter here 

Harvesting Calamondin

It starts to bear fruits after 2-3 years of growing the Calamansi plant and intermittently produces them throughout the year in the tropics. The fruit can take up to a year to fully ripen and show an orange shade.

 The perfect time to harvest these fruits is when they are pale green or begin to show an orange color. Although Calamansi trees can produce fruit throughout the year, depending on where you are growing them, the peak season is from November to June in the United States. It is good to remember that the fruits are sweeter at the end of the season.

Here’s a secret to growing unlimited lemons in a cup

Calamansi vs. Kumquat

1. Fruits

When it comes to Calamansi vs. Kumquat, the fruits of Calamansi are small, round, and green in color when unripe, which changes into yellow and orange when ripe.

Kumquat is bigger, round-oblong-shaped, and green when unripe, which changes into orange-yellow eventually.

2. Seeds

Calamansi and Kumquat seeds look similar. Both are slippery to the touch.

3. Flowers

Both Calamansi and Kumquat flowers are tiny, soft, white, and have a citrusy fragrance. They both bear more blooms that turn into fruits.

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    • where did you find the seeds to grow? Calamondin oranges do not taste the same and I’ve been looking fthe Philippine lime for weeks in the usa

  1. My mother in law would make a delicious pie from them. She would harvest and save juice and freeze in packets to make many pies. She would get them off her tree in florida

  2. I found the seed on line. I think it’s Etsy or something like that. He sent me 6 or 8 seeds and so far have 3 trees growing.

  3. I learn a lot how to plant calamansi, how to take care of, How many calamansi tree to plant in 1/4 acre ? Thanks for your reply.


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