13 Stunning Houseplants of Unusual Colors

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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These Houseplants of Unusual Colors will offer a vivid breath of fresh air among the usual green ones you have in your collection!

These not-your-average Houseplants of Unusual Colors are more than just a visual treat; they’re a conversation starter and a testament to the incredible diversity of nature’s creations 😍.

Check out houseplants with the most unusual leaves here 

Houseplants of Unusual Colors

1. Persian Shield

Houseplants of Unusual Colors 1

Persian Shield stands out with its purple leaves, shimmering with silvery markings. This surreal coloration is due to light reflection off microscopic hairs on the foliage.

2. Costus arabicus


Its leaves boast a cream hue with streaks of green here and there. This plant looks so stunning that you will think it is a faux one!

3. Begonia brevirimosa

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This begonia variety displays leaves with intense red undersides. The red pigmentation, primarily due to anthocyanins, will add a dramatic flair to any place you’re going to keep it.

Gryphon Begonia Care and Growing Guide

4. Sinningia

Sinningia’s leaves have a soft, velvety texture and often a warm, burgundy underlay. This two-tone hue gets a velvety look due to the tiny hairs on the surface.

5. Begonia amphioxus

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Sporting elongated leaves with a mix of green and red spots, it presents a playful dance of colors. These spots are a strategic adaptation for light absorption.

6. Anthurium clarinervium

Its heart-shaped leaves are deep green with prominent white veins. These contrasting veins add a dramatic touch to the large foliage of the plant!

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7. Variegated Farfugium japonicum

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This plant’s leaves are a canvas of green with random cream or yellow spots. All this creates a stunning mosaic effect.

8. Auricula Prague

Its leaves have a deep green in color with a white center surrounded by a rim of black hue. These three colors give it a look that’s unmatched by any indoor plant!

9. Mrs. Cox Pelargonium

Houseplants of Unusual Colors 9
Logee’s Tropical Plants

The leaves of Mrs. Cox Pelargonium have a blend of green, cream, and burgundy. This tri-color effect results from genetic mutations, offering a vibrant display.

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10. Macodes petola


Macodes petola is famous for its leaves that look electrified with intricate, lightning-like golden veins. This unique pattern creates an effect of glowing foliage!

11. Colocasia Mojito

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Each leaf of Colocasia Mojito is uniquely splashed with many colors against a lime-green background that you will be hard-pressed to tell!

12. Calathea roseopicta


Known for its painterly leaves, it showcases shades of deep green-black with pink and white highlights along with purplish undersides.

Calathea Care Indoors | How to Grow Calathea

13. Alocasia cuprea

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Its leaves resemble hammered copper with a metallic sheen. This remarkable effect combines pigmentation and leaf structure, reflecting light in a way that mimics metal.

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