Growing Cylindrical Snake Plant | Sansevieria Cylindrica Care

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Cylindrical Snake Plant – A quirky contender in the botanical world that stands out with its long and rounded leaves!
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The Cylindrical Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria cylindrica, isn’t just another potted plant to add to your indoor garden—it’s a conversation starter, an air purifier, and a low-maintenance companion rolled into one intriguing package. With its striking, spear-like leaves and architectural elegance, this resilient plant not only elevates your home’s aesthetics but also promises to be a surprisingly easygoing roommate!

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Cylindrical Snake Plant Details

Native to Angola, Sansevieria cylindrica, commonly known as the Cylindrical Snake Plant, has successfully adapted to households worldwide. This hardy succulent is a part of the Asparagaceae family and is often praised for its unique shape and low-maintenance nature.

At first glance, the Cylindrical Snake Plant demands attention with its tall, cylindrical leaves. Unlike the flat leaves commonly associated with other snake plants, this variety boasts rigid, tubular leaves that can reach up to several feet in height. The leaves are dark green with lighter green striping, adding an element of texture and visual interest to any room.

Indoors, given the right growing conditions, this plant can achieve a height of 3-4 feet. You can display it on shelves, tabletops, windowsills, or any place of your choice!

What sets the Sansevieria cylindrica apart is its unparalleled leaf structure. While most snake plants feature flat, ribbon-like leaves, this variety stands proud with tubular spears that extend vertically.

Another feature that sets it apart from its leafy cousins is its resilience. This plant is nearly indestructible and can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions and watering schedules, making it a fantastic choice for novice plant owners.

Propagating Cylindrical Snake Plant


Different Ways to Propagate Sansevieria Cylindrica

Ideal Season: Late Spring to Early Summer

Easiest Method: Division

  1. Preparation: Begin by prepping your work area. Make sure you have a sharp, clean knife or gardening shears, as well as a new pot with well-draining soil.
  2. Removal: Carefully remove the parent plant from its pot, gently shaking off the excess soil to expose the roots and rhizomes.
  3. Inspection: Examine the root ball and identify the natural divisions in the plant. Look for clumps that have their own roots and at least one leaf.
  4. Separation: Using a sharp, sterilized knife, cut through the roots and rhizomes to separate the plant into smaller divisions. Aim to make clean cuts to minimize plant stress.
  5. Planting: Place each division into a new pot filled with well-draining soil. Water the soil lightly to help it settle around the roots.
  6. Care: Place the newly potted plants in a warm, well-lit area but out of direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  7. Root Establishment: It will take a few weeks for the divisions to establish new roots. Once you see new growth, you can assume that the propagation was successful.

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Best Pot Size for Cylindrical Snake Plant

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You can start the plant in a 6-8-inch pot, which will be good for 2-3 years. Depending on the growth and spread, re-pot it into one size bigger pot than the old one.

Requirements for Growing Cylindrical Snake Plant



While the Cylindrical Snake Plant is highly adaptable to a variety of lighting conditions, it performs best in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight, particularly during peak hours, can scorch the leaves, so it’s advisable to place the plant in a location where it receives filtered sunlight.

Best Potting Mix

The Cylindrical Snake Plant prefers a well-draining soil mix, making cactus or succulent mixes an ideal choice. These soil types allow for quick drainage, which is essential to prevent root rot. You can also add perlite or sand to improve drainage further.

Watering Requirements

This plant is highly drought-tolerant, requiring minimal watering. Water the plant when the top 1-2 inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s better to err on the side of underwatering.

Temperature Range

Sansevieria cylindrica thrives in a temperature range of 70°F to 90°F (21-32 C). It can tolerate lower temperatures but is less tolerant of cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Make sure it is not exposed to temperatures lower than 60 F (15 C) for a longer duration of time.

On the higher end, temperatures above 90°F may cause the plant to become stressed and its growth to slow, so keep it in a cooler spot during hot summer months.

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Cylindrical Snake Plant Care

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Fertilizer Requirements

A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is suitable for the Cylindrical Snake Plant. Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks after diluting it to 1/2 of its strength.

It’s crucial not to overfertilize as this can lead to fertilizer burn. Also, avoid feeding the plant in winters. Always follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for best results.

Pruning Details

Sansevieria cylindrica requires minimal pruning. However, if you notice any leaves that are damaged, discolored, or diseased, use sterilized pruning shears to remove them. This helps the plant direct its energy towards new growth and keeps it looking its best.


The most common pests you might encounter are mealybugs and spider mites. Both of these can be treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Make sure to isolate the affected plant from other houseplants to prevent the pests from spreading.

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Root rot is the most common disease affecting Sansevieria cylindrica, often due to overwatering. Make sure you’re using well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes to prevent this issue. If you suspect root rot, you’ll need to remove the plant from its pot, cut away the affected roots, and repot it in fresh soil.

Fungal and bacterial leaf spot diseases can occasionally affect the plant. These manifest as discolored spots on the leaves and can be treated with fungicides. Again, prevention is the best cure: provide good air circulation and avoid overhead watering.

Cylindrical Snake Plant – FAQs

1. What is the Origin of the Cylindrical Snake Plant?

Cylindrical Snake Plants are native to Angola in southwestern Africa. They thrive in arid conditions and are highly adaptive to indoor environments.

2. How Do Cylindrical Snake Plants Differ from Other Sansevieria Varieties?

Unlike the flat leaves of most Sansevieria species, Cylindrical Snake Plants have rounded, tubular leaves that stand upright. These leaves can grow up to several feet in length, offering a distinct and captivating appearance.

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3. Can They Thrive in High Humidity?

Cylindrical Snake Plants prefer lower humidity levels but can adapt to a range of conditions. If your home is very humid, make sure the plant has excellent soil drainage and reduce the watering frequency.

4. Are Cylindrical Snake Plants Toxic to Pets?

Yes, like other Sansevieria species, Cylindrical Snake Plants are toxic to both cats and dogs when ingested.

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