51 Best Flowering Ground Cover Plants

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Check out these awesome Flowering Ground Cover Plants that you can grow in your garden with ease to add a dash of colors!

Bring a new lease of life to your gardens by growing these Flowering Ground Cover Plants! They not only look great but are also easy to maintain!

Here’s how you can plant a mint bed for ground cover

Best Flowering Ground Cover Plants

1. Bigroot Geranium

Flowering Ground Cover 1

Botanical Name: Geranium macrorrhizum

It is best for gardeners who want to grow low maintenance ground cover plants. It flowers in pink, red, or pale pink hues with interesting variegated foliage.

2. Spotted Dead Nettle

Botanical Name: Lamium maculatum

On the search for a ground cover plant with purple flowers? The plant is famous for its variegated foliage and dense clusters of flowers, which appear in various colors, including white, pink, and purple.

3. Moss Rose

Flowering Ground Cover 3

Botanical Name: Portulaca

This pretty little plant with needle-like foliage and tiny colorful flowers looks absolutely stunning. The blooms come in yellow, pink, red, white, orange, and many more colors.

4. Rock Rose

Botanical Name: Helianthemum nummularium

The showy flowers of this genus come in shades of orange, pink, yellow, scarlet, and white. There are some flowering ground cover varieties available that bloom for a long time, from spring to fall.

5. Lilyturf

Flowering Ground Cover 5

Botanical Name: Liriope muscari

These showy and tough ground cover flowering plants have deep green, grass-like foliage. Spikes of violet or lavender color flowers appear from late summer until the fall.

6. Sweet Woodruff

Botanical Name: Galium odoratum

Sweet woodruff is an excellent ground cover if you want to add fragrance to your garden. Grows best in part shade to full shade and on well-draining soil.

7. Creeping Thyme

Flowering Ground Cover 7

Botanical Name: Thymus serpyllum

Looking for flowering plants for ground cover? Thymus serpyllum are low-growing creeping ground cover plants that are edible too! This tiny plant barely grows up to 3 inches tall. It is deer resistant and an amazing alternative to grasses.

8. Brass Button

Botanical Name: Cotula coronopifolia

If you’re searching for a flowering ground cover, then consider growing the brass button. It also forms yellow-golden flowers that appear from spring to summer.

9. Creeping Phlox

Flowering Ground Cover 9

Botanical Name: Phlox stolonifera

These creeping ground cover plants have pleasant flowers that appear in pastel hues. It can also be used as a bordering plant around the flowerbeds.

10. Sedum

Botanical Name: Sedum

The genus ‘Sedum’ has a diverse group of ornamental succulent plants. You can grow low-growing sedums as a ground cover in full sun and well-drained soil.

Most Popular Sedums You Can Grow as Houseplants

11. Dalmatian Bellflower

Flowering Ground Cover 11

Botanical Name: Campanula portenschlagiana

It is a beautiful annual or perennial flowering ground cover plant that forms a mat of small rounded leaves. The flowers are star-shaped and blue-purple in color that blooms from spring through summer.

12. Lily of the Valley

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Lily of the Valley is one of the easiest and best flowering ground covers. Its fragrant little bell-shaped white flowers grow well in the shade and have a long blooming period.

13. Dwarf Periwinkle

Flowering Ground Cover 13

Botanical Name: Vinca minor

One of the most popular flowering plants for ground cover, it blooms prolifically, is easy to grow, and tolerates poor soil and drought.

14. Goodness Grows

Botanical Name: Veronica x ‘Goodness Grows’

This low-growing beautiful perennial blooms from summer to fall. Good for country-style or cottage-style gardens and is also suitable for containers.

15. Firecracker

Flowering Ground Cover 15

Botanical Name: Russelia equisetiformis

Nectar-feeding species of birds and butterflies love this drought-tolerant flowering ground cover plant. It is suitable for slopes, borders, retaining walls, and containers.

16. Lamb’s Ear

Botanical Name: Stachys byzantina

One of the best ground cover plants on our list due to its thick attractive silver-grey-green foliage that forms gentle and velvety rosettes and purple flowers!

17. Society Garlic

Flowering Ground Cover 17

Botanical Name: Tulbaghia violacea

With their edible garlic-flavored purple flowers and grass-like, blue-grey foliage, these tough and low maintenance ground cover plants flowering are a good option for everyone!

18. Bugleweed

Botanical Name: Ajuga

It is an excellent flowering ground cover, having attractive foliage that forms a dense carpet-like mat and deep blue flower spikes.

19. Candytuft

Flowering Ground Cover 19

Botanical Name: Iberis sempervirens

The plant can grow up to 12 inches tall and produces a sweet-smelling cluster of white blooms above green leaves. It flowers from April through May.

20. Japanese Pachysandra

Botanical Name: Pachysandra terminalis

These are evergreen ground cover plants flowering and are perfect for areas where grass doesn’t grow under shrubs. Pachysandra features shiny green whorled foliage; in April months, spiky white blooms become the focal point.

Beautiful Fast Growing Ground Cover Plants

21. Canadian Anemone

Flowering Ground Cover 21

Botanical Name: Anemone canadensis

It grows up to 1-2 feet and produces white blooms over bright green leaves with toothed edges. The plants appreciate moist soil and are full sun ground cover plants.

22. Siebold’s Plantain Lily

Botanical Name: Hosta sieboldiana

This flowering ground cover plant has a diverse leaf color that varies from lime to variegated green and white. It blooms with tall spikes of small white or purple flowers emerging from May to July.

23. Horned Violet

Flowering Ground Cover 23

Botanical Name: Viola cornuta

This annual has green, rounded leaves and fragrant two-toned blooms in purple and blue color that flower from April to June, making it a pretty ground cover plant with purple flowers.

24. Wishbone Flower

Botanical Name: Torenia fournieri

Also known as the clown flower, it produces trumpet-shaped pink, purple, yellow, and white blooms above light green oval-shaped leaves. This ground cover grows best in partial to full shade.

25. Lithodora

Flowering Ground Cover 25

Botanical Name: Lithodora diffusa

Lithodora blooms in May and occasionally through August with tiny, bright blue flowers and small, hairy green leaves connected without stems.

26. Pig Squeak


Botanical Name: Bergenia cordifolia

This perennial flowering ground cover got its name from the squeaky sound the leaves create when you rub them between your fingers. It is a clumping plant featuring glossy, dark green leaves and stalks of pink blooms from April and May.

27. Ice Plant

Botanical Name: Delosperma cooperi

It got its name from how sun rays hit the foliage, which makes it look like a jewel in ice crystals. It flowers in purple, pink, white, and yellow blooms.

28. Yellow Alyssum

Botanical Name: Aurinia saxatilis

Also known as basket-of-gold, these perennial ground cover plants with yellow flowers grow up to 8-12 inches tall, and display clusters of small yellow blossoms offset over blue-gray foliage.

29. Cotoneaster

Flowering Ground Cover 29

Botanical Name: Cotoneaster horizontalis

This tall flowering ground cover has a horizontal growing habit. Give it plenty of water and afternoon shade until it is fully grown. It is mainly grown for beautiful berries that succeed the blossoms over green leaves.

30. Yellow Archangel

Botanical Name: Lamium galeobdolon

These low-maintenance and drought-tolerant ground cover plants with yellow flowers have variegated leaves. It flourishes in partial shade and likes loamy, well-draining soil.

Beautiful Trees with Yellow Flowers

31. Perennial Verbena

Flowering Ground Cover 31

Botanical Name: Verbena bonariensis

This beautiful purple ground cover is very easy to look after a plant, as it is both heat and drought-tolerant once established. Looks great with other light-colored ground covers! Definitely one of the top choices among the best ground cover plants!

32. Creeping Lantana


Botanical Name: Lantana montevidensis

This is quite an eye-catching flowering ground cover with vivid blooms. It is extremely drought and heat tolerant, making it perfect for forgetful gardeners.

33. Goutweed

Flowering Ground Cover 33

Botanical Name: Aegopodium Podagraria ‘Variegatum’

These variegated ground cover plants have a dense growth pattern and thrive in difficult growing conditions. As the plant is quite invasive, you may have to trim it often.

34. Sea Thrift

Botanical Name: Armeria maritima

This small, lovely, clump-forming plant has grass-like foliage and rounded flower heads in bright white or pink color. The flowering time is early summer, and it does well in full sun to partial shade.

35. Mountain Rockcress

Flowering Ground Cover 35

Botanical Name: Arabis Caucasica

It is an ideal flowering ground cover choice for areas that receive full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. It can grow up to 3-6 inches tall and flower into four-petaled white blooms in masses in May month.

36. Chinese Astilbe

Botanical Name: Astilbe chinensis

Also known as the false goat’s beard, Chinese Astilbe produces fuzzy-looking flower spikes in the shades of pink, white, to red during early summer.

37. Siberian Bugloss

Flowering Ground Cover 37

Botanical Name: Brunnera macrophylla

Looking for blue flowering ground cover plants? We’ve got you covered. This shade garden plant has broad heart-shaped round green leaves covered in silver markings, and the plant flowers in delicate, small, blue blooms during late spring.

38. Cheddar Pink

Botanical Name: Dianthus gratianopolitanus

Cheddar pink is a charming, finely textured variety of carnation – it creates a mat of small plants with opposite foliage about 1/4 inches wide and up to 2-6 inches long. These grow best in full sun and well-draining soil and are the best fast growing ground cover plants.

39. Barrenwort

Flowering Ground Cover 39

Botanical Name: Epimedium hybrid

This perennial flowering ground cover produces clusters of four-petaled lavender, pink, white, or yellow blooms in early spring; the leaves have a maroon tint at the edges.

40. Moneywort

Botanical Name: Lysimachia nummularia

These aggressive creeping ground cover plants with yellow flowers feature small, round, opposite leaves on thin stems – it grows up to 2-4 inches tall when flowering in bright yellow blooms in summer.

Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers

41. Spotted Dog

Flowering Ground Cover 41

Botanical Name: Pulmonaria

Also known as lungwort, its leaves have mottled, silvery spots. The plant becomes a foot tall when flowering with small pink, white, or lavender blooms in spring.

42. Coral Bells

Botanical Name: Heuchera sanguinea

Tiarella, Heaucharella, and Heuchera sanguine are a group that comes in the same segment in the landscape with partial shade and consistently moist soil. Most of the varieties are appreciated for ornamental leaves and striking flower spikes in pink, red, and white shades.

Note: It grows relatively tall for a flowering ground cover.

43. Snow in Summer

Flowering Ground Cover 43

Botanical Name: Cerastium tomentosum

This sun-loving ground cover shows off white flowers and silver leaves. It’s a short-living perennial in warm territories and needs good drainage for optimum growth.

44. European Wild Ginger

Botanical Name: Asarum europium

European wild ginger and wild ginger (Asarum canadense) are two fascinating ground cover plants with round, heart-shaped leaves on prostrate stems that creep beside the ground.

45. Mazus

Flowering Ground Cover 45

Botanical Name: Mazus reptans

Mazus is a low-growing flowering ground cover plant with small, delicate flowers that form a colorful carpet. It thrives in moist areas and spreads quickly with small white-purple flowers.

46. Irish Moss

Botanical Name: Sagina subulata

Irish Moss is a dense and moss-like ground cover plant that forms a cushiony carpet of tiny, emerald-green leaves. It produces small, white flowers.

47. Corsican Mint

Flowering Ground Cover 47

Botanical Name: Mentha requienii

A delightful ground cover plant with tiny, round leaves that release a refreshing mint fragrance when stepped on or brushed against.

48. Blue Star Creeper

Botanical Name: Isotoma fluviatilis

The Blue Star Creepers are charming blue flowering ground cover plants with star-shaped, pale blue flowers that bloom profusely throughout the summer.

49. Garden Arabis

Botanical Name: Arabis

Looking for ground cover flowering plants? With its low-growing habit and profusion of blooms, Arabis creates a striking contrast against its rugged backdrop.

Check Lantana as Ground Cover Ideas here

50. Rock Soapwort

Botanical Name: Saponaria ocymoides

Its trailing growth habit forms a lush carpet adorned with vivid pink blooms that seem to catch everyone’s eye.

51. Alpine Forget-Me-Not

Botanical Name: Myosotis alpestris

With sky-blue blossoms and fresh green foliage, this is the perfect flowering ground cover for any home.

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        • Oooh, snippy! I googled Spanish name for Lambs Ear and the Latin name for Lambs ear. guess what? They up the same! Stachys byzantina. Let’s be more tolerant, share information and our knowledge.

    • The use of large clear images here is a plus, but thumbs up to GrowInFlorida for suggesting including botanical names on a plant-related web site. Using common names is a terribly inaccurate way of “identifying” flora OR fauna. Sadly, even many nurseries and seed sellers are dumbing down their sites by only using common names and that bodes poorly for educating laypeople and novice gardeners.

  1. I have various campanula varieties, including the one in the above article. It’s the first season. They didn’t perform as I expected. I have read to cut back after flowering which I tried with one that I purchased in a large container from a non-greenhouse company. It didn’t take to being cut back. I had to place it in a pot in order for it to restablish. Which it did but not very good. Out of the 4-5 different varieties I had, blue waterfall performed the best. How many plants are needed to cover the amount of area in the above picture. I understand that perennials don’t perform to their full potential the first year. Although, mine barely flowered nor grew much. I had some in good soil and a few in sandy soil. Any suggestions on what I should do if they survive a Boston Winter and do you advise to trim back after flowering. If so, how should they be cut back. I found it difficult to cut these plants back.

  2. I live in area labeled 6a ( ct)
    I have a steep sandy bank in full sun
    I want something that flowers grows
    LOW to the ground so it looks presentable not like uncared for lawn
    This bank is road side aprox. 90 yards long
    Once planted I don’t want fuss w it much

    • Me too. I’m looking for something this will crowd out weeds, will spread & doesn’t require me to climb the bank to work the garden.

  3. You could definitely see your expertise in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

  4. Very nice! I were amazed by the beauty of moss rose yesterday in a Canadian Tire shop yesterday, but no one there was able to tell me what it is. After getting home, I started google hunting. Most lists of flowering ground cover don’t contain the moss rose, your list is the first one!

  5. is a beautiful chartreuse color and grows well as a ground cover, climbing trellises, or spilling out of containers near the pool. Jenny can become a bit invasive, but since it is so pretty, color-loving gardeners are forgiving.

  6. you need to do more research on many of these. anytime you read stuff like “This aggressive ground cover” or “the plant is quite invasive” or the plant has a foreign country in its name, you need to be wary. could mean non native or invasive, not friendly for pollinators or other plants. some on the list like Periwinkle is listed as invasive in many areas. not saying this isnt a good list, just buyer beware

  7. you need to do more research on many of these. anytime you read stuff like “This aggressive ground cover” or “the plant is quite invasive” or the plant has a foreign country in its name, you need to be wary. could mean non native or invasive, not friendly for pollinators or to other plants. some on the list like Periwinkle is listed as invasive in many areas. not saying this isnt a good list, just buyer beware

  8. Thank you 💕 for teaching me so much knowledge after reading your article about taking care of spring garden

  9. I would have just loved if you had added the zones these lived in as perennials. Thank you so much for the list, though!

  10. Perplexing…at the animosity reflecting from the÷se comments . One would think- that a group of like-minded ( as far as gardeners) people would reveal a more positive dialog amongst ea other- rather than correcting mistakes, thus focusing upon negatives. This is not a research paper from a horticulture professor of a university. I believe the author is actually giving the audience of readers the benefit of a doubt- assuming we are basically interested in visual ideas for new ground covers. That being said, if the reader is interested in a plant…from there he will do his own research into the details ; scientific botanical ( Latin) name, conditions plant grows best in, geographical areas, its native country of origin…etc. Focus on the POSITIVE people! These are great colorful photos of beautiful ground covers – that inspire us, as gardeners- Much appreciated . Thankyou for sharing these blankets of beautiful ground covers. This has given me a spark of motivation – to begin transforming a grass lawn~into a carpet of color


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