7 Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Are you a fan of delicious cuisines from Africa? Have a look at the Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking!

Africa is a fertile land that is known for its rich vegetation. There are a varity of herbs cultivated to add flavor to cooking. In addition to this, these herbs have various health benefits. This article takes you through the Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking!

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Best African Herbs

1. African Lemongrass

Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking 1


Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus

This herb is easy to cultivate and is common in various African countries. It goes by African names like Koko Oba, and Achara Ehi; people use it for cooking soups, pottages, and tea.

Lemongrass has wide-ranging health properties and can relieve stomach aches, cramps, muscle aches, and even fever. It is one of the Best African Herbs you can grow.

Here are Perennial Herbs You Can Plant Once and Enjoy for Years

2. Afzelia


Botanical Name: Afzelia bella

Afzelia Bella herb is popular as Ule Ule. The leaves of this plant taste great in soups as they give an amazing aroma and flavor. You can also sauté it as greens or mix the leaves with cereals for cooking.

Here are the best ways to preserve herbs

3. Beletientien

Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking 3

Botanical Name: Beletientien

Beletientien is an annual herb with an intense flavor. It is popular across Africa and is famous for Banga soup. People use it widely in Nigerian Cuisine too. It is one of the Best African Herbs you can grow.

Take a look at Popular African Houseplants that Everybody Wants To Grow here

4. Bitter Leaf

Botanical Name: Vernonia amygdalina

Bitter leaf is also popular as Etido. Native people add it to soups after removing its bitterness by thoroughly washing and crushing the leaves.

It helps in weight loss, burns off extra fat, and helps in abdominal issues.

Find out the Best Herbs that Grow in Water for a Year-Long Harvest here

5. Bush Tea

Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking 5

Botanical Name: Athrixia phylicoides

Tea bush is from the botanical family of thyme, oregano, rosemary, and lavender.  This herb also goes by the names Efinrin and Ihiri.

It is widely used as vegetables and raw in salads in many countries of Africa. It is one of the Best African Herbs you can grow.

Check out some DIY Herb Wall Ideas here

6. Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum

This is commonly known as curry leaf in Nigeria and as basil in the western part of the world. Native people use it for both its medicinal and culinary value and add it to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

African blue basil is another popular herb from the genus.

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7. Grains of Paradise

Best African Herbs You Can Grow for Cooking 7

Botanical Name: Aframomum melegueta

Grains of Paradise are also popular as Alligator Pepper in Africa. This is often used in cooking, and, in addition to that, it forms an important part of African cultural ceremonies.

These are pounded in a pestle and mortar and then used in flavoring many West African soups or boiled rice. It is one of the Best African Herbs you can grow.

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