16 Types of Red Mushrooms: Identification and Uses

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Mushrooms are diverse and fascinating organisms, and among them, Red Mushrooms hold a unique role in ecosystems.

Red mushrooms are unique for their distinctive qualities and their significant contributions to ecosystems. Below, we’ve listed some of these species for you, along with their identification and uses, so that you can explore further into their importance.

Types of Red Mushrooms Identification and Uses

Some of the mushrooms on the list may not be exactly ‘red’ and have an orange tint.

1. The Classic Red Mushroom

Types of Red Mushrooms

Botanical Name: Amanita Muscaria

Native to the Northern Hemisphere, the classic Red Mushroom is easily recognizable by its red cap adorned with white spots. These large mushrooms are toxic when ingested raw. However, despite their toxicity, they have been utilized in shamanic rituals for generations, involving a meticulous preparation process, including detoxification.

2. The Sickener

 beautiful Types of Red Mushrooms
shutterstock/Pieter Bruin

Botanical Name: Russula Emetica

Primarily found in mixed forests, Russula emetica stands out with its bright red cap and sturdy white stem. This mushroom is toxic and should not be consumed, as it can cause severe gastrointestinal distress and vomiting.

3. Vermilion Waxcap

beautiful Types of Red Mushrooms in garden

Botanical Name: Hygrocybe Miniata

Flourishing in grasslands and lawns, the Vermilion Waxcap features a conical-shaped cap which is bright red to orange in color. Preferring moist conditions, it isn’t suitable for culinary use due to limited edibility and a somewhat bitter taste.

4. Red-footed Bolete

Types of Red Mushrooms

Botanical Name: Boletus Erythropus

Found under deciduous trees across Europe and North America, Boletus erythropus is known for its reddish stem base and chestnut-brown cap. Generally considered edible when properly cooked, caution is advised, and positive identification by experienced foragers is crucial.

6. Wrinkled Peach

amazing Types of Red Mushrooms
stories of mushroom

Botanical Name: Rhodotus Palmatus

Identified by its pink to salmon-colored cap with distinctive wrinkles resembling a peach-like texture, this unique mushroom has gills attached to the stem rather than running down it. Preferring decaying hardwoods, especially oak trees, it holds limited edibility, with some foragers cautiously using it in mushroom dishes.

7. Bleeding Fairy Helmet

Types of Red Mushrooms for garden
Lukas Large

Botanical Name: Mycena Haematopus

Commonly found on decaying wood, the Bleeding Fairy Helmet is characterized by its deep red or burgundy cap and the red juice it secretes when its stem is broken. These mushrooms prefer habitats like rotting logs and mossy forest floors. While not edible, they contribute to nutrient cycling by decomposing dead wood.

8. Bleeding Tooth Fungus

Types of Red bleeding Mushrooms

Botanical Name: Hydnellum Peckii

Featuring a distinctive reddish cap with a tooth-like surface, the Bleeding Tooth Fungus is identified by its irregular, brown to reddish-brown cap with a sponge-like texture. Its underside exudes a red liquid when touched, creating the “bleeding” effect. While not edible due to its bitter taste, its red liquid has been utilized historically as a natural dye for fabrics.

9. Rosy Russula

Red Mushroom Types

Botanical Name: Russula rosea

The Rosy Russula stands out with its 5-12 cm rosy pink to reddish cap and slender white stem. Native to North America, Europe, and Asia, this Red Mushroom is considered edible by some, although it’s often regarded as mediocre in flavor and texture. Careful identification and thorough cooking are advised due to potential toxicity in some Russula species.

10. Scarlet Elf Cup

best Red Mushroom Types

Botanical Name: Sarcoscypha coccinea

Flourishing in damp woodland environments, this Red Mushroom forms a cup or goblet shape with scarlet to orange-red coloration. While not edible, the Scarlet Elf Cup contributes to nutrient cycling within forest ecosystems and holds ornamental and educational value.

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11. Red Chanterelle

amazing Red Mushroom Types

Botanical Name: Cantharellus cinnabarinus

Native to North America, Europe and Asia, the Red Chanterelle boasts a bright to dark red-orange cap with a wavy edge. Typically found in mixed woodlands, especially near oak trees, it’s valued both ecologically and culinarily.

12. Crimson Waxcap

Red Mushroom Varieties

Botanical Name: Hygrocybe punicea

Identified by its crimson to scarlet cap which ranges from convex to flattened with age, the Crimson Waxcap is commonly found in grassy areas and woodland clearings. With no culinary value, it serves as an indicator species for habitat preservation.

13. Red Cage Fungus

amazing Red Mushroom Varieties

Botanical Name: Clathrus ruber

Found in tropical and subtropical regions, this Red Mushroom is identified by its red to orange-pink lattice-like structure resembling a hollow cage. While not edible due to its foul odor and unpalatable appearance, it contributes to nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems and attracts flies, aiding in spore dispersal and reproduction.

14. Red Reishi

little Red Mushroom Varieties

Botanical Name: Ganoderma lucidum

Thriving on hardwood trees, the Red Reishi is another Red Mushroom species found across Asia. Often growing notably on trees or stumps, it has various medicinal properties and is used for boosting immunity and has anti-inflammatory benefits too.

15. Crimson Jelly Fungus

beautiful Red Mushroom Varieties

Botanical Name: Tremiscus helvelloides

The Crimson Jelly Fungus is known for its distinct features and ecological importance. Identified by its gelatinous texture and irregular lobed shapes, it often grows on decaying wood after the rainfall.

16. Rosy Veincap

Various Red Mushroom Types

Botanical Name: Rhodotus palmatus

Found in North America, the Rosy Veincap, a variant of Rhodotus palmatus, has pink to rosy-red cap adorned with vein-like patterns and short, stout stem make it easily identifiable. While edible, it’s not widely used in cooking due to its mild flavor. However, it holds ornamental and educational value, often collected for its unique appearance.

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