8 Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis – Yes! You read that right! Nature is full of wonders and this list will surprise you for sure!

You may have encountered mushrooms in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but have you ever stumbled upon Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis—yes! They exist! Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the fascinating world of phallic-shaped fungi, discovering their unique appearances in detail!

Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis

1. Common Stinkhorn

Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis 1

Botanical Name: Phallus impudicus

These Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis have a white, stalk-like structure that emerges from an “egg” buried in the soil. As it matures, it extends upward and reveals a cap covered in a foul-smelling, dark spore mass. The shape of the fully extended mushroom is undeniably phallic.

Growing Conditions: Found in forests, gardens, and wood-chip mulched areas, it thrives in damp conditions. The Common Stinkhorn can often be found during the summer and fall months.

2. Dune Stinkhorn

best Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis

Botanical Name: Phallus hadriani

Similar in shape to the Phallus impudicus, this mushroom has a more pinkish or purplish hue. It also has a cap covered in a smelly spore mass.

Growing Conditions: Grows in the same type of habitats as Phallus impudicus but is less commonly encountered.

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3. Ravenel’s Stinkhorn

Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis in garden

Botanical Name: Phallus ravenelii

This mushroom is native to North America and has a similar shape to the other members of the Phallus genus. The main distinguishing feature is the mesh-like appearance on the stalk.

Growing Conditions: Like other stinkhorns, it prefers damp, wooded areas and can be found in mulch or leaf litter.

4. Netted Stinkhorn

Mushrooms with a Penis-Like Appearance

Botanical Name: Phallus duplicatus

Another stinkhorn variety that has a phallic shape, with a long, thin stalk and a smaller cap compared to other Phallus species.

Growing Conditions: It is commonly found in woodlands and forests, often near rotting wood.

5.  Elegant Stinkhorn

best Mushrooms with a Penis-Like Appearance

Botanical Name: Mutinus elegans

These Mushrooms that Look Like a Penis have a slender, tapering form with a vivid orange or pinkish hue. Unlike the Phallus species, they lack a distinct cap, and their spore mass is found along the upper part of the stalk.

Growing Conditions: Typically found in wooded areas, gardens, and places with rotting wood. Prefers moist conditions.

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6. Dog Stinkhorn

Amazing Mushrooms with a Penis-Like Appearance

Botanical Name: Mutinus caninus

Similar in shape to the Elegant Stinkhorn, but usually lighter in color—often white to pinkish. It is also a smaller and thinner mushroom.

Growing Conditions: Frequently found in forests, particularly in leaf litter and decaying wood.

7. Elongated Morel

Mushrooms Designed to Resemble a Penis

Botanical Name: Morchella elata

While not as explicitly phallic as the stinkhorns, this species of morel has an elongated, conical shape. It’s highly popular for its culinary uses.

Growing Conditions: Found in woodlands and sometimes in gardens, typically appearing in the spring.

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8. Dead Man’s Fingers

best Mushrooms Designed to Resemble a Penis

Botanical Name: Xylaria polymorpha

Although not typically popular as phallic, some forms of this mushroom could be interpreted as resembling a penis due to its elongated shape. The mushroom is usually dark brown or black.

Growing Conditions: Commonly found near decaying wood, stumps, and fallen trees.

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