39 Beautiful Kalanchoe Types & Varieties You Should Grow

Sherin Woods is a California-based DIY enthusiast and garden design aficionado. With a background in Environmental Science, she combines creativity and sustainability in all her projects. A Pinterest favorite, Sherin is committed to eco-friendly solutions and has contributed to various home and garden publications. Her areas of expertise include DIY project planning, sustainable garden design, and content creation.
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Discover 39 Beautiful Kalanchoe Types and Varieties to bring the charm of gorgeous flowers and stunning foliage in your succulent collection.

Kalanchoe is one of the most popular succulents because its varieties are low maintenance and available in many types. There are flowering kalanchoes, and then there are kalanchoes with stunning foliage.

Check out our article on growing Kalanchoe indoors here

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types

Flowering Kalanchoes

1. Flower Dust Plant

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe pumila

This dwarf succulent shrub is an ideal choice for hanging baskets! The whole plant has a coating of waxy white hair & exhibits clusters of violet-pink blooms with yellow anthers.

2. Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana



Botanical Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

When it comes to flowering kalanchoes, this species is most popular because of its easy-to-grow nature and beautiful flowers.

3. Pendent Flowered Kalanchoe

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 2

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe ‘Tessa’

This charming perennial succulent forms fleshy oval-shaped leaves with red edges and orange-red tubular flowers in late winter to spring at the ends of lean, pendent stems.

4. Chandelier Plant

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe delagoensis

It has arching branches with variegated fleshy green leaves that have yellow to cream-toned irregular markings. Long-lasting urn-shaped pale red blooms appear during spring.

5. Beach Bells

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 3

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe manginii

Beach bells plant produces fleshy green round leaves that can turn red in full sun. During spring, red-orange to bright red, urn-shaped flowers enhance the beauty of this succulent!

6. Coral Bells

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe uniflora

This beautiful epiphytic succulent has climbing stems with bright green fleshy leaves. It blooms in bell-shaped, bright red to red-violet flowers.

7. Calandiva

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 4

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe ‘Calandiva’

‘Calandiva’ is a bushy succulent, featuring clusters of ornamental, double flowers that look like rose blooms. Comes in yellow, cream, light pink, rose, red, and burgundy shades.

8. Wendy

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe ‘Wendy’

‘Wendy’ is a semi-erect, evergreen perennial with ovate succulent foliage and bell-shaped, purple-pink blooms tipped with pale yellow. Its leaves also have uneven edges.

9. Mealy Kalanchoe

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 5

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe scapigera

It is a small perennial succulent with thick, round-shaped green leaves and scapiform spikes carrying salmon-red tubular blooms.

Have a look at beautiful kalanchoes on Instagram here

Foliage Kalanchoes

10. Pies from Heaven

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. virdifolia

This variety has very thick green foliage with sprawling growth. It produces green-yellow to pink flowers with purple streaks that look quite beautiful!

11. Oricula

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 6

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe luciae ‘Oricula’

Oricula forms a rosette of gray-green to yellow-green leaves with red margins that are curled back around. In cool temperatures, they turn to a shade of vibrant red.

12. Compton

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe alticola ‘Compton’

It is a dwarf succulent with pale-green to brown coin-shaped leaves. Flowers are yellow to orange in the shade. It is one of the best Types of Indoor Kalanchoes!

13. Red Pancakes

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 7

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe luciae

This attractive variety has grey-green to yellow-green foliage with red margins.  Each stem carries urn-shaped white, pale green-white, often cream, pink or yellow flowers.

14. Common Kalanchoe

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe rotundifolia

This Kalanchoe produces fleshy rounded green leaves with an orange backside. From fall to early winter, it produces flat-topped yellow or orange flowers.

15. Milky Widow’s Thrill

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 9

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe laxiflora

A unique-looking specimen with elliptical-shaped, gray-green leaves, having red-tinged margins. It bears bell-shaped orange flowers. It is one of the most Beautiful Kalanchoe Types!

16. Beauverd’s Widow’s-thrill

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe beauverdii ‘Widow’s-thrill’

Also known as Sotre-Sotry, this climber features branching gray wiry stems that climb and twine with green to dark purple leaves and red-purple-tinged gray-green flowers.

17. Paddle Plant

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 10

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

Also known as the White lady, it produces a basal rosette of fleshy stemless leaves with red-tinged margins covered in a white powder. Produces fragrant yellow cylindrical flowers.

18. Kalanchoe Humilis

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe humilis

This attractive variety has pale green egg-shaped leaves patterned with purple or maroon streaks on a branched, woody base.

19. Tugela Cliff

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 11

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe longiflora

Also known as long flower kalanchoe, it has woody’ branches with blue grey-green leaves that are fleshy and shell-shaped with a round tip. It also produces yellow flowers.

20. Millot Kalanchoe

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe milllotii

‘Millotii’ is a small succulent with velvety and scalloped leaves, having hazy green hues. During summer, it produces clusters of small yellow-green flowers.

21. Tetraphylla

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 12

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe tetraphylla

This rare cultivar features a thick, short, upright stem, carrying a rosette of soft, glandular-hairy foliage with serrated margins and produces pale yellow-green flowers.

22. Walking Kalanchoe

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe synsepala

Also known as Cup Kalanchoe, it has fleshy grey-green leaves with pink-purple rigid-toothed margins. It produces tubular, small, pale pink to red flowers.

23. Dwarf Velvet Elephant Ear

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 13

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Brown Dwarf’

Also known as Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Nana,’ this compact variety has hairy golden-bronze or white pubescent leaves.

24. Snow White

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe eriophylla

Also known as Blue Kalanchoe, it has a silver-white shimmer due to white hair on the entire plant. During early spring, beautiful four-petaled pale pink blooms appear on the plant.

25. Six Angled Kalanchoe

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 14

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe sexangularis

This succulent subshrub has ridged or squared stems and elliptical, upward-cupped, long green leaves with red-tinged scalloped margins.

26. Blooming Boxes

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe prolifera

This attractive, fast-growing variety forms opposite pairs of pinnately compound green leaves with serrated red-purple margins.

27. Elk Antlers

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 15

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe ‘Elk Antlers’

The antler-shaped green foliage has an unusual shape with maroon edges, giving this succulent a dissected foliage.

28. Copper Spoons

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe orgyalis

Also popular as Cinnamon Bear, its leaves are bronze to gray on the undersides, with cinnamon-hued hair on top. It also produces a cluster of bright yellow flowers.

29. Silver Teaspoons

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 16

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe hildebrandtii

This shrubby succulent has a woody stem and smooth silver-gray leaves. The small bell-shaped white flowers appear during springs.

30. Fantastic 

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe luciae ‘Fantastic’

This striking succulent has thick and rounded eggshell-like gray-green leaves with red highlights and cream to white variegation on a basal rosette.

31. Christmas Tree Plant

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 17

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe laciniata

With tall, fleshy stems and star-shaped, green-yellow flowers, the plant is also considered an herb, thanks to its medicinal uses.

Easy To Grow Kalanchoes

32. Mother of Thousands

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe laetivirens

This unusual succulent has large blue-green leaves with baby plantlets all over the toothed margins. Produces bell-shaped pink flowers in spring.

33. Pink Mother of Thousands

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 18

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe ‘Pink Butterflies’

‘Pink Butterflies’ is an incredibly beautiful Kalanchoe type, which produces hundreds of tiny pink butterfly-like plantlets on its leaves.

34. Panda Plant

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe tomentosa

This succulent shrub has basal woody stems with fleshy furry green leaves having brown spots on edges and tips.

35. Donkey Ears

Beautiful Kalanchoe Types 19

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri

‘Donkey Ears’ is a fast-growing succulent with bronze-green ovate leaves covered in a waxy white coating and maroon-brown splotches.

36. Alligator Plant

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe daigremontiana

This unique-looking Kalanchoe is often treated as a weed in warm climates, but you can grow it in containers–it’s very low maintenance.

37. Cathedral Bells

Kalanchoe pinnata ‘Zanzibar’

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe pinnata

It features erect and hollow stems with fleshy dark green scalloped leaves and bell-shaped flowers that appear in pastel colors.

38. Chocolate Soldiers

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldiers’

Also known as teddy bear cactus, this densely fine-haired succulent has narrow leaves with thick dark chocolate brown margins.

39. Mother of Millions

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe tubiflora

Both the Kalanchoe tubiflora and Kalanchoe delagoensis are often called ‘Mother of Millions,’ due to their similar growth habit. While they look good in pots, you should be aware before planting them on the ground that these plants are considered invasive.

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    • Not sure where you are located, but check out peppers greenhouses on line. They are in Milton Delaware and have a lot of these plants.

  1. I bought a Kalanchoe last summer, it bloomed nicely for awhile, then lovely foliage. Now it has what appear to be long streamers. Leafless “tendrils”, that follow the sun. Seems a bit odd, but interesting. No more flowers, just the long “tendrils”. I am curious, is this normal? Is it a different “type”? Thank you for any answer.

  2. This happened to mine! My Kalanchoe lost all its flower and started growing long stems, without getting big broad leaves. I though my plant had died! Fortunately, since its roots were good, those stems started growing small leaves later on and after a year of no flowers, I finally have a bunch! If you do not want to wait it out, I have tried cutting stems with white roots coming out of them and planting them separately. Those have grown flowers really quickly.


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