Bring colors and liveliness of nature to your home with these indoor flowering plants for hanging baskets and enjoy a serene view in rooms!
You don’t have to let your love for gardening fade away due to the shortage of backyard space or unfavorable climate. Growing these indoor flowering plants in hanging baskets can brighten up your space with colorful flowers.
Best Indoor Flowering Plants for Hanging Baskets
1. Bromeliads
Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae
Bromeliads grow flowers in red, green, yellow, purple, and orange accents. They grow easily if you mind a few things shared here. These plants are epiphytes, which means you can grow them without soil and absorb nutrients and water through their leaves.
Ensure the central cup, or “tank,” of the plant always has water to keep it thriving.
2. Lipstick Plant
Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus
The trailing stems of the lipstick plant look beautiful, especially with its red flowers grouped together like lipstick! Keep it where the plant gets bright light, and follow the care tips religiously.
This plant loves humid environments, which makes it perfect for bathrooms or kitchens. You should also prune it regularly to encourage bushier growth and more blooms.
3. Impatiens
Botanical Name: Impatiens walleriana
Impatiens are famous for their great blooming power, even in the shade. They come in many colors and spruce up any place! Provide them with at least 2-3 hours of direct sun for the best growth.
These plants are sensitive to overwatering, so ensure you give them a well-draining soil. Deadheading spent blooms will help you prolong the flowering period.
4. Begonia
Botanical Name: Begonia
Tuberous begonia is one of the easiest plants to grow in hanging baskets. It can liven up any area with its eye-catching appearance. Find a spot with good air circulation and filtered sunlight to promote their blooms.
Begonias prefer slightly acidic soil to enhance their flower colors. Avoid misting their leaves directly, as it can lead to fungal diseases.
5. Chenile Plant
Botanical Name: Acalypha hispida
If you want a flowering plant that looks different from the most, this is the one to go for! Place it by the brightest window of your house and watch it grow! This plant is also known as the “Red Hot Cattail” due to its unique fuzzy blooms.
It thrives in warm, humid conditions, so you should consider misting it occasionally or placing it in bathrooms or kitchens.
6. Christmas Cactus
Botanical Name: Schlumbergera bridgesii
The Christmas cactus, one of the best holiday plants, will be more than happy to dwell in a corner where it gets indirect light. This plant can live for decades and often becomes a cherished family heirloom.
To encourage blooming, reduce watering and keep it in cooler temperatures for a few weeks before the holiday season. We have a great article on how to make it bloom here.
7. Fuchsia
Botanical Name: Fuchsia magellanica
Fuchsia is popular for its silky, bell-shaped flowers that come in a wide range of colors, too! You can grow it on your balcony, a window box, or a porch. Fuchsias prefer consistent moisture but dislike waterlogged soil, so ensure you don’t make this mistake.
8. African Violet
Botanical Name: Saintpaulia
Add color to your dull space with this magnificent houseplant! Use a regular potting mix to keep African Violet thriving and keep the soil slightly moist. These plants bloom best when root-bound, so avoid repotting frequently.
They are sensitive to cold water, which can leave spots on their leaves, so it is better that you use lukewarm water.
9. Purple Shamrock
Botanical Name: Oxalis triangularis
This excellent houseplant can embrace the look of any indoor area with its soft pink-white flowers and deep purple leaves. It makes a terrific addition to hanging baskets with the leaves that fold up at night in a fascinating display of nyctinasty.
Purple shamrock benefits from a dormancy period during winter, which is best for rejuvenation.
10. Creeping Gloxinia
Botanical Name: Asarina lophospermum
Creeping Gloxinia looks adorable while cascading down from the baskets. It grows white-pink flowers that match perfectly with its velvety leaves. You can grow it near the door or window or any place that suits your interior decor.
Go for regular fertilization during its growing season if you want continuous blooms. You should also pinch back the tips of this plant to encourage its bushier and fuller growth.
11. Wax Plant
Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa
The wax plant blooms with cute star-like white flowers in clusters. Your shaded balconies and living room windows are ideal locations to hang these beauties. The wax plant has thick, waxy leaves that store water, which makes it a drought-tolerant plant.
Its flowers produce a sweet fragrance that is perfect for filling your room with a delightful aroma.
12. Trailing Kalanchoe
Botanical Name: Kalanchoe uniflora
This beautiful and easy-to-maintain succulent plant looks spectacular in hanging baskets. All it needs is a well-draining growing medium and 2-3 hours of sunlight to flower well. Trailing Kalanchoe thrives on minimal care and can survive occasional neglect, so if you are in a busy garden, this one is perfect for you.
13. Dendrobium Orchid
Botanical Name: dendrobium
Dendrobium orchids are eye-catching plants with stunning flowers that last for weeks. These thrive in bright, indirect light and well-draining orchid bark. These orchids can produce flowers multiple times a year with proper care, so this one is perfect for year-long blooms.
You should feed them a balanced orchid fertilizer every two weeks to encourage healthy blooms and growth.
14. Goldfish Plant
Botanical Name: Nematanthus gregarius
The Goldfish Plant has earned its name from its bright orange, fish-shaped flowers that dangle from its stems. It loves bright, indirect sunlight and consistent watering, so ensure you don’t miss these care requirements.
Its glossy green leaves add to its visual appeal, which makes it attractive even when not in bloom.
15. Tahitian Bridal Veil
Botanical Name: Gibasis geniculata
This is a delicate plant with tiny white flowers and purple-tinted trailing stems. Tahitian Bridal Veil prefers bright but indirect light and a well-draining potting mix.
This plant is low-maintenance and adapts well to most indoor environments, so this will be a good choice for new green thumbs. It looks beautiful while forming a cascading veil-like effect that is perfect for hanging baskets.