How to Grow Pandanus veitchii Indoors | Growing Screw Pine

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Screw Pine is a striking indoor plant that will liven up your space. Check out How to Grow Pandanus veitchii Indoors.

How to Grow Pandanus veitchii Indoors

The Screw Pine is a popular indoor plant that requires moderate attention. Its long leaves spread outwards from the center to give a remarkable view. Read on to find out How to Grow Pandanus veitchii Indoors.

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Pandanus veitchii Information

Native to Madagascar and also commonly seen in parts of Southeast Asia, Northern Australia, Polynesia, and New Zealand, Pandanus veitchii is a herbaceous perennial evergreen plant. Visually, it looks like a tropical palm tree with an erect spine and multiple branches.

It gets the common name Screw Pine because of the fruit that it bears, which resembles a pineapple or pine cone. It is easy to grow since it requires low to moderate maintenance.

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Propagating Pandanus veitchii

From Seeds

Propagation by seeds is a lengthy process and requires patience. It usually takes two to three months for the seeds to germinate and about 12 months for the plant to be available for out-planting. Provide regular watering and ample direct sunlight.

From Cuttings

Cut 5-6 inches long stems from a healthy plant and grow them in a pot. It is one of the fastest ways to propagate Pandanus veitchii.

From Root Suckers

Take the plant out from the pot and cut root sections. Plant them in a separate pot with a soil mix rich in organic matter. Water well and keep it in indirect light.

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Requirements for Growing Pandanus veitchii

Requirements for Growing Pandanus veitchii


There are two varieties of Pandanus veitchii and both have slightly different sunlight requirements. The green ones are a lot more tolerant of shade and won’t mind sitting in a room that gets dappled light all day long.

The variegated varieties, with bright yellow and green colors on the leaves, require more direct sunlight exposure to maintain the hue. Make sure they get a minimum of 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day.


The plant isn’t very finicky about the growing medium. Almost all soil types work, but it grows best in loose, and well-draining sandy soil.

Alternatively, you can also use pine bark with a handful of peat moss.


Water the plant according to the weather. In the summer, it needs plenty of water since that is also its growing period. Allow the top soil to dry before watering but be careful not to let the growing medium dry out completely.

Learn Signs of Overwatering & How to Save an Overwatered Plant here

Pandanus veitchii Care

Pandanus veitchii Care


If you have used plenty of organic matter and peat moss in the growing medium, then the plant would do just fine without feeding.

To boost the growth, fertilize the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once in 5-6 weeks. Refrain from feeding it in colder months.

Pests and Diseases

Pandanus veitchii is a pretty robust plant and does not encounter any serious threats of pests. As long as you are going to keep the foliage dry and make sure it gets plenty of sunlight, it will stay healthy without any troubles.

See How to Dispose of Diseased Plants and Weeds here

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