How to Care for Jade Plant in Fall

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Here’s How to Care for Jade Plant in the Fall to keep this South African succulent alive and kicking through cold weather!

Reduction in Watering Frequency

Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a subtropical evergreen succulent with rounded, fleshy leaves and all the makings of an excellent houseplant. As the weather dips, it starts heading for dormancy and has different needs for the changing season. We show you how to care for a jade plant in the fall.

How to Care for a Jade Plant in the Fall

The fall season marks the beginning of the inactive period for jade plant. Its growth slows down, and the plant needs less water and fertilization during this time. Let’s take a look at what it needs to survive and thrive in the cool seasons.

1. Reduce the Watering Frequency

As the temperature drops, the plant won’t lose water through transpiration and evaporation as much as it does in the summer months. And it won’t need much water because it isn’t really growing at this time—it’s preparing to hibernate!

Continuing the same watering cycle in this phase is a recipe for root rot or fungal issues. Hydrate sparingly in the fall, allowing the medium to dry out well between sessions. Here’s when and how to water a jade plant so it never dies.

2. Stop Fertilizing in Fall

Fertilization no More

Since the jade plant is more focused on conserving resources and braving the cold than actively growing in this period, it barely uses any nutrients from the soil. So feeding it all those extra fertilizers will lead to salt build-ups in the soil, nutrient imbalance, and cause chemical burns on the plant.

Stop fertilizing by mid-fall and resume in spring next year, when new growth begins. However, if you live in a warm climate, continue doing it at a reduced frequency.

3. Give it More Sun

care for Jade Plant in Fall

Jade plants are hardy outdoors to 9b-12 USDA zones and love bright, filtered light. However, with the shorter days of winter and lesser light intensity, you may have to relocate your plant to a spot with more sunshine during the cool season—or use grow lights to make up for the scarcity.

Place your jade plant pot near a sunny windowsill with at least 5-6 hours of dappled sun. If placed by a south-facing window, soften the direct light with sheer curtains, as the plant doesn’t enjoy getting sunburnt!

Here’s more info about all the right places to keep a jade plant in your home. And remember to shelter the plant from cold or harsh winds and sudden drafts.

4. Extreme Cold is the Enemy

Jade plant thrives best in temperatures of 55-80 F (13-27 C), and it can withstand temperatures as low as 32 F (0 C) and maximum up to 100 F (38 C).

Anything below can shock and eventually kill your egg-shaped leaves succulent. So, as the weather dips, it’s a good time to bring your plant indoors and insulate it for fall and winter. 

5. Selective Pruning

Amazing care for Jade Plant in Fall

The best time to prune the jade plant is during its growing season in spring and summer, when it can push out new leaves and heal. However, you can still prune your jade plant in the early fall if you’re growing it indoors.

But ease up on causing any stress during dormancy. This is its chill time, and it won’t appreciate being disturbed!

6. Clean the Leavesbest care for Jade Plant in Fall

Fall is a great time to take advantage of the low care needs and clean your plant’s leaves the right way. Cleaner leaves will enable your jade plant to absorb daylight better. Gently wipe down its thick, glossy leaves with a damp cloth and wash it with water.

Clean it early in the morning so it dries out in bright sun. And you don’t need harmful chemicals that may lend shine to the leaves but will only clog and choke your poor plant in the long run.

7. Repot when it’s Time

top care for Jade Plant in Fall

Every mature plant needs a bigger pot. The fall season provides the time gap during which it can be successfully transferred into a new container. If the plant is root-bound, top-heavy, or has outgrown the current container, repot in the fall before the onset of frost, at least 4-6 weeks before the first expected frost date, is a good time to do that!

To do this, extract the plant from its current container with ample soil around it. Add more loose, rocky, well-draining soil to a new pot 2-4 inches bigger than its root ball, and plant the whole bit there. Clay pots are great for this!

Now you know everything about Jade Plant’s fall care routine. Don’t worry if its growth has slowed down or a few leaves drop during the fall. All this is a part of its natural lifecycle, as the plant conserves energy for the next growing season.

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