22 Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Are you looking for some beautiful flowers that grow from cuttings? Well, we have a whole bunch of them for your garden!

Flowers that grow from cuttings come with a big advantage—ease of propagation, where you can divide them without spending a dime! You just need a donor plant and you are good to go!

How to Grow Flower From Cuttings?

Well, the process is simple. All you need to do, is to snip a 5-6 inches long healthy section of the stem from a donor plant, remove the lower foliage, dip the snipped end in a rooting hormone, and plant it in a container filled with a well draining potting mix.

Water well, and make sure the cutting gets plenty of bright and indirect light. The cuttings will root in 3-5 weeks.

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

1. Gardenia

gardenia Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenias are highly fragrant flowers that share a close resemblance with roses. As they are manageable in pots, these plants also make for a great tabletop specimens. It grows best with semi-hardwood cuttings.

2. Dahlias

Top-Rising Blossoms from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Dahlia

With so many colors to choose from, there is a Dahlia for everyone! They do best in full sunlight, so pick a spot accordingly.

3. Chrysanthemum

chrysenthemum Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

Bushy and spectacular, these flowers are a must-have in any garden setting. The best part? They come in shades of red, yellow, burgundy, white, purple, and much more! Use softwood cuttings in the spring. 

4. Rose

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Rosa

There’s a rose for every occasion and as the plant is so popular, you will always find a one from which you can take a cutting from. They also come in various varieties.

5. Aster

Top-Performing Blossoms that Take Cuttings

Botanical Name: Aster

Asters respond well to cutting propagation—you just need a small pot with a well draining potting mix, and you are good to go.

6. Hydrangeas

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea varieties are easy to grow from cuttings and their success rate is quite high when grown from an old wood or current year’s cuttings.

7. Butterfly Bush

Top-Performing Blossoms that Take Cuttings

Botanical Name: Buddleia davidii

Want a small specimen that looks smashing in shallow bowls on balcony or patios? Well, butterfly bush fits the bill perfectly with its purple, pink, blue and white flowers! Softwood cuttings in early summer are ideal.

8. Marigold

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Tagetes

To propagate marigold from cuttings, you don’t even need a long stem section! A 4 inch one would do. It needs plenty of indirect sunlight, so make sure the plant gets it.

9. Salvia

The Greatest Flowers to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Salvia

Salvias are a go-to container specimens, and no flower collection is complete without them. You can choose from white, purple, pink, lavender, orange and burgundy hues!

10. Azalea

Botanical Name: Rhododendron

These have to be the most stunning flowers that grow from cuttings! With so many varieties to choose from, you can pick plenty for your home and garden, both.

11. Honeysuckle

The Greatest Flowers to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Lonicera

If you want a trailing specimen to grace the empty spaces on your wall or trellis, honeysuckles are the best bet! They come in plenty of color options as well.

12. Ixora

Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

To increase the chances of success, take the cuttings of this plant in spring. However, propagating this plant might be a hit or miss, so you might have to try more than once.

13. Camellia

Top-Rising Blossoms from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Camellia japonica

You might mistake this plant as roses at the first glance as they look so similar! These are one of the easiest flowers that grow from cuttings (semi-hardwood).

14. Dianthus

The Greatest Flowers to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Dianthus

For the best results, take the cuttings in the months of June and September. Use a well-draining potting mix and keep it a little moist all the time.

15. Vinca

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Vinca

These are a great choice for hanging baskets! The plant is also quick to root, taking around 3-4 weeks to establish itself. Softwood cuttings in early summer are effective.

16. Geraniums

geraniums Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Another of those plants that love to multiple from cuttings, geraniums come in many varieties, so there’s one for everyone!

17. Lavender

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Lavandula

Growing lavender from cuttings is so easy, that even your kids can do it when they are bored. These are great for sunny spots!

18. Petunia

Top-Performing Blossoms that Take Cuttings

Botanical Name: Petunia

A quintessential pick for hanging baskets, these flowers come in so many colors that you can literally have one for every corner of your home. It grows best from softwood cuttings.

19. Begonias

The Best Blossoms to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Begonias

A stubby one for small containers, it is a great pick for people with less space. You can also grow them from leaf cuttings.

20. Hibiscus

Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

A warm season champion, these plants grow exceptionally well from hardwood cuttings. Hibiscus won’t even mind thriving in zones 12-13!

21. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Top-Performing Blossoms that Take Cuttings

Botanical Name: Brunsfelsia pauciflora

Growing beautiful flowers in shades of powdery purple, these flowers respond well to cutting propagation. A great border plant from small gardens.

22. Gerbera Daisy

The Greatest Flowers to Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Gerbera jamesonii

Growing Gerbera daisies from cuttings is probably the easiest job to do! However, you need a spot that gets indirect sunlight all day long for success. Use softwood cuttings in late spring or early summer.

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