You might have come across star-like or round blooms, but have you ever spotted some stunning Cone-Shaped Flowers?
Flowers stand out more when they have a unique shape to them! These cone-like blooms will surely turn heads in your garden!
Read our article on Jingle Bell-Shaped Flowers
Best Cone-Shaped Flowers
Here, the term cone-shaped flowers means they start wider at the bottom and gradually taper to a pointy shape at the top, creating a cone-like appearance.
1. Quesnelia
Botanical Name: Quesnelia
Quesnelia displays striking flowers with a slightly pointed shape at the top and comes in bright shades of red, blue, and purple.
2. Red Hot Poker
Botanical Name: Kniphofia spp.
Also known as torch lily, it is a herbaceous perennial with tall flower spikes exhibiting bright red, orange, and yellow colors.
3. Snapdragon
Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majus
A great container plant, snapdragon flowers form a conical shape as they grow in clusters. What makes them more appealing is that they grow on tall spikes.
4. Gayfeather
Botanical Name: Liatris spicata
Also known as Blazing Star, Gayfeather has tall spikes with cone-shaped flowers that also attract bees and butterflies.
5. Gooseneck Loosestrife
Botanical Name: Lysimachia clethroides
This plant thrives in sunny areas and features small white flowers densely packed on stubby spikes. It blooms from May to August.
6. Cardinal Flower
Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal flowers have tall, leafy inflorescences and vivid red blooms that are the favorite of hummingbirds or butterflies.
7. Stock
Botanical Name: Matthiola incana
Stock is a low-maintenance plant popular for its clove-scented flowers. Ensure the plant gets plenty of bright and indirect sunlight for the best blooms.
8. Culver’s Root
Botanical Name: Veronicastrum virginicum
This North American native has cone-shaped flowers that come in white and pink hues. It makes for a great border plant.
9. Argentea Celosia
Botanical Name: Celosia argentea var. cristata
Also known as woolflower, it features unique cone-like flower heads in red, orange, yellow, and pink colors.
10. Buddleia
Botanical Name: Buddleja davidii
Buddleia, or Butterfly Bush, is a deciduous shrub that produces pointy flower spikes in lavender, pink, or white shades.
11. Honeyflower
Botanical Name: Melianthus major
Native to South Africa, Honeyflower is an evergreen shrub with nectar-rich flowers. It is highly toxic, so be cautious!
12. Lupine
Botanical Name: Lupinus spp.
Lupines are herbaceous perennials with tall spikes of cone-shaped flowers. If you have a bright patio or balcony – this is a must-have!
13. Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica spp.
Also known as veronica, it is a low-maintenance perennial with tall spikes of pointy blooms in white, blue, pink, or purple.
14. Carex
Botanical Name: Carex spp.
Carex flowers come in shades of red, yellow, brown, and even green. They add a unique texture and color contrast to garden settings.
15. Fountain Grass
Botanical Name: Pennisetum setaceum
Fountain grass has fluffy plumes with a pointy look, albeit in a dropping fashion. These plumes stay around until the fall, adding a beautiful touch to the gardens.
16. Lavender
Botanical Name: Lavandula spp.
Known for its tall cone-shaped spike flowers, lavender is a versatile herb with uses ranging from ornamental to culinary.
17. Milkwort
Botanical Name: Polygala vulgaris
Milkwort flowers come in blue, purple, pink, or white colors. The blooms are not entirely pointy and have a more pronounced shape at the top.
18. Aloe Succotrina
Botanical Name: Aloe succotrina
Aloe succotrina has thick, spiky leaves with tall spikes of orange and pointy flowers! It can be a focal point in a small garden for sure!
19. Peppermint
Botanical Name: Mentha Piperita
Peppermint has small, pointy blooms in pink, purple, or white hues. It’s a cross between spearmint and watermint.
20. Hedysarum
Botanical Name: Hedysarum coronarium
Also known as French honeysuckle, this plant grows red, sweet-smelling flowers with a cone-like shape.
21. Delphinium
Botanical Name: Delphinium spp.
Delphiniums have bright and cone-shaped flower spikes, which makes them appear taller. The blooms come in shades of purple, blue, red, white, and orange.
22. Foxglove
Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea
Native to Europe, it has cone-shaped flowers that come in shades of pink, white, and purple. Keep it away from pets, as it is mildly toxic.
23. Bugleweed
Botanical Name: Ajuga reptans
Bugleweed, also known as Carpet Bugle, is a low-growing perennial that produces spikes of small, cone-shaped flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white.
24. Purple Loosestrife
Botanical Name: Lythrum salicaria
A member of the Lythraceae family, it has showy white, magenta, or red-purple blooms in long clusters called racemes.