Dracaenas are popular for their upright foliage and ease of growing nature, which is why these Dracaena Varieties can become excellent houseplants!
Dracaena is a houseplant genus that includes many popular varieties. These plants can survive in a range of growing conditions, are easy to maintain, and purify the indoor air. These qualities make them an ideal choice for indoor growing. To discover more, check out some of the Best Dracaena Varieties for Indoors below!
Check out our article on Dracaena plant benefits here
Best Types of Dracaena for Indoors
1. Lucky Bamboo
Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana
Height: A foot
This popular dracaena looks a bit like bamboo and is sold in small to big pots. It can be planted in the soil as well, where it does live longer. Lucky Bamboo is also a famous Feng-Shui plant and is considered a lucky houseplant that brings fortune.
Here’s everything you need to know about growing lucky bamboo
2. Madagascar Dragon Tree
Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata
Height: 5-6 feet
This evergreen tree exhibits stiff, red-purple leaves with curved, slim stalks. It is praised for its forgiving nature though the plant can not withstand low-light.
3. Florida Beauty
Botanical Name: Dracaena ‘Florida Beauty’
Height: 2-4 feet
It is a beautiful, small and bushier variety, featuring broad green leaves adorned with light-yellow blotches. The plant has variegated foliage with cream spots.
Check out 17 Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida here
4. Ribbon Plant
Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana Variegata ‘Ribbon Plant’
Height: 3-4 feet
This compact variety is the same species as lucky bamboo. It displays green leaves with creamy-white borders. The plant is popularly grown in terrariums due to its small size compared to other dracaenas.
5. Janet Craig
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Janet Craig’
Height: 2-5 feet
This is a popular houseplant with attractive, shiny, and dark green leaves that grows in compact tufts. It is an ideal choice for offices, small apartments, and bathrooms.
6. Warneckii
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’
Height: 3-5 feet
The plant features an array of stiff and pointed leaves, which have stripes in the shade of white, green, or gray. It does well in bright, indirect sunlight. Its air-cleaning properties have earned it the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.
7. Lemon Lime
Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Lemon Lime’
Height: 4-6 feet
This is another beautiful variety of Deremensis, and it features 1-2 feet long corn-like green leaves with white-yellow stripes and a gray-green center. It can grow up to 5-6 feet tall indoors.
8. Song of India
Botanical Name: Dracaena reflexa ‘Song of India’
Height: 3-6 feet
This Song of India shows off dark green leaves and is similar to the marginata variety but has wider leaves with creamy edges. The plant can grow up to 3-4 feet tall indoors.
9. Gold Dust
Botanical Name: Dracaena surculosa ‘Gold Dust’
Height: 2-5 feet
It has shiny green leaves patterned in yellow-white blotches over the leaf surface. This study houseplant is slow-growing and prefers bright, filtered light.
10. Dragon Tree
Botanical Name: Dracaena draco ‘Dragon Tree’
Height: 8-18 feet
This evergreen, slow-growing tree has sturdy stems and stiff, flexible leaves with a branched, swollen, and thick cylindrical trunk. It forms a terminal rosette of blue-green foliage.
Check out How to Grow Dragon Fruit here
11. Song of Jamaica
Botanical Name: Dracaena reflexa ‘Song of Jamaica’
Height: 6-8 feet
This multi-stemmed dracaena offers lime-green and dark green variegation. The bright-green foliage has low light tolerance and can add appeal to any dull room!
12. Janet Craig
Botanical Name: Dracaena compact ‘Janet Craig’
Height: 3-6 feet
This dwarf cultivar is an ideal bedroom plant as it can withstand low light conditions. It has short growth, and small glossy, dark-green leaves grow in a rosette pattern.
13. Lisa Cane
Botanical Name: Dracaena ‘Lisa Cane’
Height: 3-7 feet
‘Lisa’ offers dark glossy green, lance-shaped, narrower foliage. Compared to other Dracaena cultivars, it can withstand low light the best.
14. Dorado Dracaena
Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Dorado’
Height: 4-6 feet tall
This variety is a shade-loving houseplant with arching, broad, glossy leaves. The green foliage is slightly variegated with yellow margins.
15. Hawaiian Sunshine
Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Hawaiian Sunshine’
Height: 3-6 feet
‘Hawaiian Sunshine’ has striped glossy green leaves accentuated with dark green edges and a light, lime-green stripe running down the center.
Read our Article on 12 Stunning Houseplants with Red Stripes here
16. Mass Cane
Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’
Height: 4-6 feet
This popular variety has woody thick stems with bushy and lime green, pointed, sword-like leaves with shades of green striped variegation.
17. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata
Height: 4-6 feet
You will be surprised to learn that the famous snake plant now comes under the Dracaena genus. Until 2017, this CAM-plant was in the genus Sansevieria. It has long, thick, architectural, and variegated sword-shaped leaves.
Are Snake Plants Toxic to Cats? Check Out here
18. Zebra Striped Dragon Tree
Botanical Name: Dracaena ‘Goldieana’
Height: 4-10 feet
This compact specimen has beautiful light green variegation on its deep green foliage that resembles zebra patterns. It also grows white, bell-shaped flowers.
19. White Bird
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Botanical Name: Dracaena ‘White Bird’
Height: 4-7 feet
This versatile plant does well in low light and looks beautiful with its striped leaves bordered with white bands. It is one of the Best Dracaena Varieties for Indoors.
20. Limelight
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Limelight’
Height: 4-7 feet
If you are a fan of light green foliage, then this is the plant to grow! It looks great with other dark foliage varieties on this list with its bright chartreuse leaves.
21. Rikki Dracaena
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Rikki’
Height: 6-12 feet
An easy-to-grow specimen, the plant features dark green leaves with stripes of light green in the center. It does best in bright, indirect light.
22. White Jewel
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘White Jewel’
Height: 4-7 feet
This plant has a very prominent white variegation on the border of its foliage that compliments the dark green color of its leaves.
Learn Top 7 Tricks to Get More Variegation on Plants here
23. Dracaena ‘Art’
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Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Art Carmen’
Height: 5 feet tall
‘Art Carmen’ is a low-light resistant tropical indoor plant with long arching dark green leaves and yellow borders.
24. Dracaena Tornado Twist
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans Tornado Twist
Height: 11-15 inches tall
This beautiful dracaena shows off a twisted shape and dark green leaves with lime-hued margins.
25. Striped Dracaena ‘Dorado’
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Deremensis Dorado
Height: 6 feet tall
‘Dorado’ display solid dark green leaves with yellow edges. It is quite similar to the larger ‘Art/Carmen’ Dracaena variety with curly foliage and a compact shape.
26. Lemon Surprise
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Deremensis ‘Lemon Surprise’
Height: 24-36 inches
‘Lemon Surprise’ display upright canes and dark green, chartreuse, and white foliage; the leaves have a slight curl or twist.
27. Milky Way 
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Surculosa Milky Way
Height: 3-6 feet
It features broad elliptic leaves with white longitude bands in the middle. The green part of the foliage has creamy to uneven white dots.
Check out our article on White Spots on Catnip Leaves: Reasons and Solutions
28. Burley
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans Burley
Height: 3-5 feet tall
This easy-to-care gorgeous indoor dracaena variety offers long variegated green-yellow foliage in a rosette form.
29. Colorama
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Marginata Colorama
Height: 6 feet
This evergreen perennial grows slowly and boasts variegated leaves with white and pink stripes beside the green.
30. Cintho
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans Cintho
Height: 6-8 feet
‘Cintho’ display strong, yellow-striped, green foliage. This multi-stem cultivar is resilient in nature and can tolerate some shade.
31. Gold
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Sanderiana Gold
Height: 10-14 inches
This drought-tolerant, low-maintenance houseplant shows off strap-like dark green leaves with gold-hued borders.
32. Compacta
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans Compacta
Height: 6-7 feet
This compact version has thick green stems and dense clumps of short, dark green foliage with deep veins.
33. Malaika
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans Malaika
Height: 3 feet
‘Malaika’ cultivar shows off short, dark green foliage with a white and lime-green central stripe with a green midrib.
34. Kiwi
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Marginata ‘Kiwi’
Height: 3-6 feet tall
This elegant variety features narrow leaves with an ivory center and deep green borders.
Check How To Grow Kiwi In a Pot here
35. South African Dragon Tree
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Botanical Name: Dracaena Hookeriana
Height: 6 feet
It exhibits single-stemmed bold, leathery strap-like green foliage and small white blooms from November to February on tall spikes.
36. Dragon Tree ‘Anita’
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Botanical Name: Dracaena reflexa ‘Anita’
Height: 4-8 feet
‘Anita’ has narrow, arching, deep green leaf blades and a tree-like form. It is a great choice for decorating a room with minimal furniture.
Very nice
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I’m trying to determine which type of Dracaena I just bought. These photos were very helpful.
Searching for dracaena kiwi
Now that I have identified it, where can I purchase this plant ? I love how it glows in my shade garden under dappled sun.