17 Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Here’s a list of the best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida. Grow them to invite these beauties!

Hummingbirds are lovely visitors to your garden and wonderful pollinators. They spread pollen from flower to flower, facilitating the plants’ reproduction as they feed on nectar. Invite them to your garden by growing Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida.

Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

1. Coral Honeysuckle

17 Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida 1

Botanical Name: Lonicera sempervirens

Also popular as trumpet honeysuckle, this native plant produces tubular flowers that are perfect for attracting hummingbirds. The plant thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is one of the best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida.

Check 23 Different Types of Honeysuckle Varieties here

2. Firebush

best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

Botanical Name: Hamelia patens

With its vibrant red-orange flowers, the firebush is an irresistible lure for hummingbirds.  It prefers full sun to partial shade and is drought-tolerant once established.

3. Scarlet Sage

beautiful Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida 2

Botanical Name: Salvia coccinea

Another Plant That Attracts Hummingbirds in Florida due to its bright red, tubular flowers. Scarlet sage can grow up to three feet tall and thrives in full sun to partial shade.

Here are 14 Best Sage Companion Plants

4. Bottlebrush

top Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

Botanical Name: Callistemon spp.

This evergreen shrub is named after its distinctive cylindrical flowers that resemble a bottle brush. The flowers are a rich source of nectar and blooms throughout the year.

5. Turk’s Cap

lovely Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida 3

Botanical Name: Malvaviscus arboreus

This Florida’s native produces red, bell-shaped flowers that are a magnet for hummingbirds. Turk’s cap thrives in full sun to partial shade.

6. Milkweed

Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

Botanical Name: Asclepias spp.

Another Plant That Attracts Hummingbirds in Florida with its small, fragrant flowers that attract a variety of pollinators. Milkweed prefers full sun and well-draining soil.

Read our article on 13 Native Weeds with Thistles here

7. Cardinal Flower

best  Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida 4

Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis

With its striking scarlet-red flowers, the cardinal flower is a favorite among hummingbirds. Cardinal flower prefers moist soil and is an excellent choice for a bog garden.

8. False Indigo Bush

Flora in Florida That Draw Hummingbirds

Botanical Name: Amorpha fruticosa

This shrub is native to North America and is known for its beautiful blue or purple flowers. If you are interested in attracting hummingbirds, consider planting a False Indigo Bush.

Check 13 Beautiful Trees With Blue Flowers here

9. Crossvine

best Flora in Florida That Draw Hummingbirds

Botanical Name: Bignonia capreolata

The timing of crossvine flowering is also perfect for hummingbirds, providing a vital food source just as they return from their winter migration. It is one of the best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida.

10. Butterfly WeedFlora in Florida That Draw Hummingbirds

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa

The flowers of butterfly weed come in a beautiful shade of orange or yellow, making them irresistible to hummingbirds looking for nectar.

11. Trumpet Creeper

beautiful Flora in Florida That Draw Hummingbirds

Botanical Name: Campsis radicans

As its name suggests, it has bright, trumpet-shaped flowers and produces a sweet, musky scent that is particularly appealing to hummingbirds.

See 9 Best Chocolate Scented Flowers here

12. Spotted Beebalm

Florida Hummingbird-Attracting Plants

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata

The primary reason why Spotted Beebalm is one of the best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida is because of its bright and showy flowers in pink, purple, and yellow, which are a favorite of these birds.


13. Pitcher Sage

best Florida Hummingbird-Attracting Plants

Botanical Name: Salvia spathacea

The pitcher saga has tubular flowers that are particularly well-suited to the feeding habits of hummingbirds. It grows best in full sun and well-draining soil.

14. Florida Flame Azalea

top Florida Hummingbird-Attracting Plants
Florida State University Grounds and Landscaping

Botanical Name: Rhododendron austrinum

This is a popular Plant That Attracts Hummingbirds in Florida thanks to its nectar-rich yellow-orange flowers. Florida flame azalea also provides hummingbirds with a safe and comfortable habitat.

See 25 Best Perennials with Orange Flowers here

15. Carolina Jessamine

Florida Hummingbird-Attracting Plants

Botanical Name: Gelsemium sempervirens

Its sweet nectar and tubular flowers are perfectly suited to the feeding habits of these fascinating birds, while the dense foliage provides a source of shelter and protection.

16. Coralbean

Florida Plants that Draw Hummingbirds

Botanical Name: Erythrina herbacea

Its bright red flowers, abundant nectar, and dense foliage make it an ideal food and shelter source for these tiny birds. It is one of the best Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida.

17. Lantana

Plants That Attract Hummingbirds in Florida

Botanical Name: Shrub verbena

The most attractive feature of Lantana is that it comes in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and pink, all of which are highly attractive to hummingbirds.

Check 24 Best Pink Begonia Varieties here


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