25 Flowers that Look Like Morning Glories | Flowers Similar to Morning Glory

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Blooming with beauty, these Flowers that Look Like Morning Glory offer their own unique charm to the garden!

Discover the hidden gems that mimic the stunning blooms of morning glories. These Flowers that Look like Morning Glories are easy to grow and can beautify any garden.

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What Do Morning Glories Look Like?

25 Flowers that Look like Morning Glories | Flowers Similar to Morning Glory 1

Morning glories are beautiful flowers with trumpet-shaped blooms that unfurl in the morning sunlight, hence their name. They come in various colors like blue, purple, pink, and white and often have a distinct white or contrasting throat.

The vines of morning glories are heart-shaped, and the flowers can add a vibrant touch to gardens or climbing structures. These flowers are known for their fleeting but stunning morning display, closing as the day progresses.

Learn about Growing Morning Glories in Pots 

Flowers that Look like Morning Glories

1. Yellow TrumpetFlowers that Look Like Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Tecoma stans

USDA Zones: 10-11

The Yellow Trumpet got its name from its yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers with large, soft petals.

Here are Beautiful Vines & Climbers with Yellow Flowers

2. Petunia

Blooms that Remind Me of Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Petunia

USDA Zones: 9-11

Large petunia varieties resemble a lot with morning glory flowers.

Check out these Incredible Combinations with Petunias 

3. Shrub Althea

 Flowers Similar to Morning Glory 3
Botanical Name: Hibiscus syriacus marina

USDA Zones: 5-8

With beautiful blue blooms boasting a violet center and white stamens, the Hibiscus syriacus marina is a beautiful morning glory alternative.

4. Dendrobium Orchid

Flowers that Look like Morning Glories 7

Botanical Name: Dendrobium nobile

USDA Zones: 11-12

The Dendrobium has delicate, long-stemmed orchids with white, pink, or purple flowers.

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5. Orange Bush Monkey Flower

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aspect

Botanical Name: Diplacus aurantiacus

USDA Zones: 7-11

The orange trumpet-shaped flowers highlighted with red veins of this plant give it the name.

6. DaturaMorning Glory-Resembling Flowers

Botanical Name: Datura

USDA Zones: 6-10

The Datura displays large, white, or purple trumpet-shaped flowers over green leaves.

7. Brazilian Jasmine

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aura

Botanical Name: Mandevilla sanderi

USDA Zones: 10-11

With small, red, star-shaped flowers and a yellow center, the Brazilian Jasmine is the one to have in your home.

Check out Amazing Jasmine Plant Benefits You Should Know 

8. Yael Oxalis

Flowers that Remind Me of Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Oxalis yael

USDA Zones: 4

With small, delicate flowers that come in various colors, including white, pink, and yellow.

9. Nasturtium

Nasturtium Flowers Similar to Morning Glory

Botanical Name: Tropaeolum

USDA Zones: 9-11

The Nasturtium is a brilliant morning glory alternative with bright, fiery-colored flowers, typically orange, red, or yellow.

10. Daffodils

Daffodils Flowers that Remind Me of Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Narcissus

USDA Zones: 4-9

Daffodils are beautiful choices to uplift any home with their long, narrow leaves and large, trumpet-shaped flowers in yellow or white.

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11. Cross Vine

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aura 1

Botanical Name: Bignonia capreolata

USDA Zones: 5-9

With leaves covered in fine, soft hair, the Cross vine has trumpet-shaped flowers that come in red, pink, yellow, and orange.

12. Hairy Petunia

Flowers that Look Like Morning Glories 2

Botanical Name: Ruellia humilis

USDA Zones: 4-8

Grown as a trailing or cascading plant, the Hairy Petunia has amazing lavender blooms with violet veins.

Learn How to Grow Fuller and Bigger Petunias 

13. Aylostera Heliosa

Blooms that Remind Me of Morning Glories 1

Botanical Name: Rebutia heliosa

USDA Zones: 9a-11b

A small, cylindrical cactus with no leaves, this cactus has bright yellow, star-shaped flowers with yellow stamens.

14. Amaryllis

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aspect 3

Botanical Name: Amaryllis

USDA Zones: 9-11

One of the best indoor plants, the Amaryllis, has beautiful light pink flowers with a yellow-green center.

Learn How to Grow Amaryllis in Pots 

15. Tecoma Alata

Morning Glory-Resembling Flowers 1

Botanical Name: Tecoma fulva subsp. guarume

USDA Zones: 8a-11b

Also known as the Yellow trumpet bush, this semideciduous shrub produces clusters of yellow to orange trumpet-shaped blooms.

16. Pumpkin Flower

Flowers that Look like Morning Glories 5

Botanical Name: Cucurbita

USDA Zones: 2-11

The Pumpkin flower is large, showy, and bright yellow and is also edible and often used in cooking.

17. Golden Angel’s Trumpet

Flowers that Remind Me of Morning Glories 2
Botanical Name: Brugmansia aurea

USDA Zones: 9-11

The Golden Angel’s Trumpet produces large, trumpet-shaped flowers in yellow color.

18. LilyLily Flowers that Remind Me of Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Lilium

USDA Zones: 6-9

The yellow Lily is another morning glory alternative with beautiful blood-red patterns and stamens.

Learn about Leopard Lily Plant Care 

19. Allamanda

Flowers that Remind Me of Morning Glories 2

Botanical Name: Allamanda

USDA Zones: 9b-11

The Allamanda is perfect for growing as a bush and comes in beautiful yellow, orange, and purple colors.

20. False Jasmine

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aura 2

Botanical Name: Gelsemium sempervirens

USDA Zones: 7-10

The False Jasmine flourishes in the sun and has small, yellow, star-shaped flowers with a yellow center.

Check out the amazing benefits of jasmine plants 

21. Cup and Saucer Vine

Morning Glory-Resembling Flowers 3

Botanical Name: Cobaea scandens

USDA Zones: 9-11

The Cup and Saucer Vine is a climbing plant with large, trumpet-shaped flowers, with the petals forming a cup-like shape and saucer-shaped sepals.

22. Hardy Gloxinia

Blooms with a Morning Glory Aspect 1
Botanical Name: Incarvillea delavayi

USDA Zones: 6-10

The Hardy Gloxinia has large, trumpet-shaped flowers with petals that are ruffled and frilly, giving the flowers a fluffy appearance.

Check out Pretty Flowers that start with a ‘G’ 

23. Jasmine Tobacco

Blooms that Remind Me of Morning Glories 3

Botanical Name: Nicotiana alata

USDA Zones: 10-11

The Jasmine Tobacco is a tall, elegant plant with long, narrow leaves and small pink blooms that have a sweet fragrance.

Take a look at these types of Jasmine Flowers

24. Montbretia

Flowers that Look like Morning Glories 2
Botanical Name: Crocosmia ‘Orange Pekoe’

USDA Zones: 5-9

With long, sword-like leaves and large spikes of vibrant orange, trumpet-shaped flowers, the Montbretia is a beautiful bloom.

Here are the Best Types of Orange Flowers

25. BellflowerFlowers that Look Like Morning Glories

Botanical Name: Campanula

USDA Zones: 3-7

The charming perennials bloom bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink, purple, and white in the spring and summer.

Look at the Stunning Bell Shaped Flowers 

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