8 Vegetables With Shallow Roots To Grow In Small Pots

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Vegetables With Shallow Roots are worth a try in tiny spaces as they will provide ample harvest in small pots!

If you have small space like a windowsill, or a tiny spot in your balcony where you want to grow some veggies, well, for that, you need to get those that can be accommodate in small pots, right? Don’t worry! We have the tastiest ones for you!

Vegetables With Shallow Roots To Grow In Small Pots

1. Spinach

Vegetables With Shallow Roots

Botanical Name: Spinacia oleracea

Container Size: 6 inches depth and 6-8 inches diameter

Spinach is tasty, is nutritious, and growing it needs just a small pot to give you a never ending supply of tasty greens! What more you could ask for? Just two things—make sure it gets plenty of sunlight, and do not let that growing medium go completely dry, ever!

2. Radishes

best Vegetables With Shallow Roots To Grow In Small Pots

Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus

Container Size: 6 inches depth and 6-8 inches diameter

Radishes are fast-growing root vegetables with shallow roots, making them ideal for small pots. In pots, they mature in as little as 3-4 weeks, so yeah, you can enjoy them no time on your platter! Remember, using a well-draining potting mix would make these tastier!

3. Carrots

Amazing Vegetables With Shallow Roots To Grow In Small Pots

Botanical Name: Daucus carota

Container Size: 8 inches depth and 8-10 inches diameter

Don’t let the large size of the carrot fool you into thinking you will need bigger pots for these. Small varieties like Little Finger, Thumbelina, and Short ‘n Sweet are great picks for growing in pots. You can enjoy them in about 50 to 70 days after planting!

4. Green Onions

Vegetables With Shallow Roots indoor

Botanical Name: Scallions

Container Size: 6 inches depth and 6-8 inches diameter

Onion greens are like a chef’s kiss in salads or stews, so why miss growing them? Have a sunny kitchen windowsill? That’ll do! We also have an amazing article on how to grow these easily, which you can check out here.

5. Arugula

Vegetables With Shallow Roots To Grow In Small yellow Pots

Botanical Name: Eruca sativa

Container Size: 6 inches depth and 6-12 inches diameter

Spicy, tender, and a great spinach replacement—this one grows really easy in small pots, as long as it gets the morning sunlight for 4-5 hours. Want more of its leaves? Start harvesting when they’re about 4-5 inches long, and the plant will keep on growing more!

6. Mizuna

Indoor Vegetables With Shallow Roots

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa var. nipposinica

Container Size: 6 inches depth and 6-8 inches diameter

You must have tried mustard greens, right? Well, its Japanese cousin has a flavory twist that you would absolutely love in your dishes and salads! Space is not an issue, as you can grow these in shallow pots of 8-10 inches!

7. Pak Choi

Vegetables With Shallow Roots in garden

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis

Container Size: 8 inches depth and 6-8 inches diameter

Pok choy is the choice of the champions, and for a reason! It packs in so many nutrients! To have more of its tasty leaves, concentrate on getting a wider pot that’s also shallow, so that the plant has all the space to grow wide=more foliage to harvest!

8. Pattypan Squash

Vegetables With Shallow Roots in pot 34

Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo

Container Size: 8 inches depth and 8-10 inches diameter

Don’t get surprised to see an actual squash on this list! Yes, it is a great choice for shallow pots, as long as you can fit in a trellis or any support structure like a bamboo, or plastic pipe for it to climb on. And yes, it loves sunlight, so pick the sunniest spot!

Tips and Tricks to Maintain Shallow Rooted Vegetables for Best Growth

While growing vegetables with shallow roots, maintaining adequate soil moisture is important as the growing medium in shallow pots dries out quickly. So yes, keep the growing medium a little on the moist side, all the time.

Regular monitoring for pests and diseases, along with adequate sunlight (5-6 hours. Direct.) are also important factors to be considered when growing shallow rooted vegetables in pots.

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