What to Do in Garden in September | September Garden Ideas

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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If you are wondering What to Do in the Garden in September, then don’t. We have plenty of things for you in this checklist that you’ll absolutely love!

Have you been wondering What to Do in the Garden in September? Get ready to welcome autumn with some essential gardening chores and decor ideas lined up for you in this article!

Check out our article on what to do in the garden in August here

What to Do in the Garden in September

1. Bring Plants Indoors

If you are living in a cold area where the temperature dips below 50 F (10 C) in September, then it would be best to bring some of your houseplants and warm climate plants back indoors, which you might have kept outside to help them bask in the bright sun. It will keep them safe from cold damage.

2. Plant Bulbs

Tulips and daffodils are the top choices you can plant in the month of September to make them bloom in Spring. Dahlia and gladiolus are the best to plant in this month.

Do make sure that you are getting high-quality bulbs from a garden center. Also, go for bigger bulbs as they guarantee bigger flowers!

3. Harvest Herbs and Preserve Them

This is the right time to harvest your favorite herbs and store them. Once you are done snipping, make sure to shade dry them well in order to preserve their essential oils.

We have a detailed article on how to preserve herbs here

4. Deadhead Flowers

Deadheading is an important aspect that you need to cover in the month of September. Dahlias and roses ask for regular maintenance, and this is the right time to deadhead these flowers.

If you have echinaceas and rudbeckias in your garden, then allow them to seed as they will offer food to birds.

Check out the list of flowers that don’t need deadheading here

5. Start a Salad Garden


You can start your own salad garden in September. Start sowing seeds of spinach, radishes, lettuce, and arugula to ensure you will have a healthy supply of salad greens all season!

Here’s all you need to know about making a Salad Garden

6. Taking Care of Shade Loving Plants

If you have grown shade-loving plants like hostas and camellias in your garden, then September is the right time of the year to take care of them. Snipping away dead, entangled, and diseased branches and watering them well during this time will ensure they stay healthy and thriving.

Also, avoid fertilizing now if you live in a cold climate, or else this will spurt new growth in winter.

Here are the best shade-loving flowers you can grow

7. Prep Up the Pumpkins!

This is also the best time of the year to take care of the pumpkins if you have planted them in your yard. To ensure they grow best for Halloween, raise them a little above from the ground, using a piece of wood, to prevent any chances of rotting. Watch out for pests and take measures to deter them.

Check out the best pumpkin varieties here

8. Keep Planting!

September is best to introduce new plants in your garden like pansies, celosia, calendula, cosmos, and mums.

Here are the best fall flowers you can grow

9. Save Seeds

September is also the right time to save seeds of flowers and vegetables. Store them in labeled jars and sow them until the growing season arrives after winter.

10. Make a Compost Bin

September brings a lot of fallen leaves, twigs, and flower petals with it, which you can smartly use in making compost.

Follow our detailed article on composting here

11. Take Plant Cuttings

This month is an ideal time to take plant cuttings of salvias, fuchsias, and pelargoniums. Propagate them in pots and keep the cuttings indoors to ensure that they can be enjoyed in spring! If you live in a warm frost-free climate, grow these plants from cuttings in September for your winter garden.

Check out the best indoor plants you can grow from cuttings here

12. Grow Cool Weather Crops

Beets, cabbage, mustard, carrots, peas, cauliflower, swiss chard, collards, broccoli, and onions are some of the best edibles you can grow in September. If you live in a harsh cold region, you can start these plants in a greenhouse!

13. Grow Bold Foliage Plants

September is also the best time to grow plants with remarkable foliage to add a bold appeal to the garden. Caladium, Coral bells Hosta, Zebrina, Croton, and Medallion are some of the most stunning foliage plants you can grow. You can also display them with other fall flowers!

Here are the most stunning foliage plants you can grow

14. Decorate With Fall Accents

Decorating your patio or garden with accent pieces like pumpkins, pine cones, fallen leaves, colorful fabrics would be an excellent idea to bring a touch of fall!

15. Make Fall Wreaths

Make fall wreaths and add them to the front door and windows to welcome fall with style. You can also add vintage planters by the front door with flowers and plants of your choice to add to the look.

Have a look at some amazing wreath ideas here

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