13 Weeds with Purple Flowers

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Read on to find out the Best Weeds with Purple Flowers! You can also grow these indestructible plants in the garden!

Check out our list of Best Weeds with Purple Flowers that can be a great no-fuss addition to your garden!

Check out our article on the best edible weeds here

Best Weeds with Purple Flowers

Although weeds are invasive, you can grow them in containers to keep their spread in check.

1. Creeping Charlie

Weeds with Purple Flowers

Botanical Name: Glechoma hederacea

Creeping Charlie or Ground Ivy is a herbaceous plant with light purple flowers blooming from spring to summer. Flowers and leaves can be used in cooking, like spinach

Find out the Most Stunning Purple Succulents here

2. Purple Dead Nettle

Botanical Name: Lamium purpureum

Purple Dead Nettle or Red Dead Nettle is another common weed with purple flowers. The flowers and leaves are edible with a sweet flavor and medicinal benefits.

3. Forget-Me-Nots

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shutterstock/Kristine Rad

Botanical Name: Myosotis sylvatica

One of the best weeds with purple flowers, it has blue to purple, round petals, and a yellow center. You can also use it to decorate food items of your choice!

Know What are the Best Smokable Plants that are Not Weeds here

4. Sweet Violet


Botanical Name: Viola odorata

Wild Violets are stunning to look at for their beautiful heart-like petals that display in five-petal clusters. The flowers and leaves both are edible with anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Spear Thistle

Weeds with Purple Flowers 3

Botanical Name: Cirsium vulgare

You can easily spot the plant by its purple or pink fluffy flowers on top of its spiny balls. The flowers and leaves can treat liver damage, Cirrhosis, and chronic Hepatitis.

6. Violet Woodsorrel

Botanical Name: Oxalis violacea

If you notice a shamrock-like plant with purple flowers on your lawn, it could be Violet Woodsorrel. The plant is edible but can be toxic if eaten more than prescribed.

7. Heal-all Plant

Weeds with Purple Flowers 4

Botanical Name: Prunella vulgaris

Selfheal or Healall, with two leaves and purple flowers, cannot grow too tall. The young stems and leaves can be eaten and used raw in salads.

You can boil and cook the entire plant as a leafy veggie; the stems, leaves, and flowers can be brewed or powdered to make a cold infusion or tea.

Take a Look at our Article on Beneficial Weeds in a Garden here

8. Spotted Knapweed


Botanical Name: Centaurea maculosa

Spotted Knapweed is a branching perennial with purple flowers that emerge from black bracts. The blooms are edible and can be a great addition to salads.

9. Henbit Deadnettle

Weeds with Purple Flowers 5

Botanical Name: Lamium amplexicaule

Henbit belongs to the mint family and looks similar to Purple Dead Nettle with white, pink, or purple flowers. The plant parts are edible and also used for medicinal purposes.

It also attracts pollinators like Bumblebees, Honeybees, and Hummingbirds.

10. Canada Thistle


Botanical Name: Cirsium arvense

Canada Thistle or Creeping Thistle is another common weed with sharp spines of spear-shaped leaves and purple blooms at the top of the plant. It is a good source of nectar for Butterflies, Bees, and Goldfinches to consume the seeds.

Tuberculosis is known to have been treated by a leaf tea prepared from this plant.

Do you want to know the Best Edible Groundcovers? Read on here

11. Musk Thistle

Weeds with Purple Flowers 6

Botanical Name: Carduus nutans

This weed looks attractive with pink or purple flowers. The leaves are known to have stimulated liver function, and the fleshy stem is edible and tastes delicious after boiling and peeling.

12. Dove’s-Foot Crane’s-Bill

Botanical Name: Geranium molle

Dove’s-foot crane’s-bill is easily identified for its purple round petals with hairy leaves. Although this plant is edible, it can be very bitter when eaten cooked or raw.

13. Purpletop Verbena

Botanical Name: Verbena bonariensis

It is considered a weed in the regions of Australia but stands out with its clusters of deep purple flowers. You can also grow it along the border of your garden for the best display.

Take a look at white flower pictures from Instagram here

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