50 Unconventional Gardening Tricks to Become a Pro Gardener

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Here’s a list of some Unconventional Gardening Tricks that you must use to up your garden game! Take notes and implement!

If you are looking for ways to enhance plant growth and to make garden a better place, then these Unconventional Gardening Tricks will be of great help!

Check out some top master gardeners tricks to grow hydrangeas here

Unconventional Gardening Tricks

1. Using Aspirin for Rooting

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 1

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which is similar to rooting hormone. It helps roses or tomatoes to root faster.


  • Crush an aspirin tablet.
  • Mix it with a gallon of water.
  • Dip the cutting into the combination before planting.

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2. The Potato Propagation Technique

Using a potato keeps the cutting moist and helps it to root, particularly effective for roses.


  • Cut a healthy stem with a few leaves.
  • Insert the cut end into a fresh potato.
  • Plant the potato and stem in soil.

3. Honey as a Rooting Agent

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 3Honey’s natural antiseptic qualities encourage rooting in various plants like lavender.


  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with two cups of boiling water.
  • Let it cool, then dip the cuttings into the honey solution.
  • Plant as usual.

4. Cola for Acid-Loving Plants

The phosphoric acid in cola can be beneficial for acid-loving plants such as blueberries.


  • Mix a small amount of cola with water.
  • Use the solution to water acid-loving plants.

5. Cinnamon Powder for Disease Prevention

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 5

Cinnamon’s antifungal properties can prevent diseases in new plants, like in Ficus cuttings.


  • Dip cuttings in water.
  • Roll the wet ends in cinnamon powder.
  • Plant the cuttings as usual.

6. Fish Tank Water for Fertilizing

The fish waste in the water acts as a natural fertilizer and is especially good for plants like orchids.


  • Use water from a fish tank to water your plants.

7. DIY Mini Greenhouse Using Plastic Bottles

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 7

This creates a mini greenhouse effect, ideal for humidity-loving plants like African violets.


  • Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle.
  • Place the bottle over a small plant or cutting.
  • Secure it in place if necessary.

8. Cooking Water for Mineral Boost

The leftover nutrients in the water provide a mineral boost to plants like tomatoes.


  • Collect the water used to boil vegetables or eggs.
  • Cool it down and water your plants.

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9. Using Diapers to Retain Moisture

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 9

The absorbent material in the diaper helps retain moisture in the soil, perfect for plants like hydrangeas that need consistent moisture.


  • Place a clean diaper in the bottom of a pot.
  • Add soil and plant as usual.

10. Baking Soda for Sweeter Tomatoes

Baking soda reduces the acidity in the soil, resulting in sweeter tomatoes.


  • Mix a small amount of baking soda with water.
  • Water your tomato plants with the solution.

11. Milk for Calcium Boost

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 11

This technique provides a calcium boost to plants like tomatoes, helping prevent blossom end rot.


  • Mix milk with water in a 1:4 ratio.
  • Use the mixture to water plants that need calcium.

12. Banana Peels for Rose Fertilizer

The potassium in the banana peels promotes blooming in roses.


  • Bury banana peels near the base of rose plants.

13. Coffee Grounds for Acidic Soil

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 13

Coffee grounds can lower the pH of the soil, making it more acidic, beneficial for azaleas or blueberries.


  • Sprinkle used coffee grounds around acid-loving plants.

14. Tea Bags to Enrich Soil

As they decompose, tea bags enrich the soil, boosting the growth of plants like vegetables.


  • Bury used tea bags in the garden.

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15. Crushed Eggshells for Pest Control

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 15 The sharp edges of the eggshells deter slugs and snails from approaching plants like lettuce.


  • Crush eggshells into small pieces.
  • Sprinkle around plants.

16. Epsom Salt for Greener Leaves

Epsom salt is a source of magnesium, which helps in chlorophyll production, leading to greener leaves in plants like peppers.


  • Mix a tablespoon of Epsom salt with a gallon of water.
  • Spray the solution on plant leaves.

17. Aluminum Foil to Deter Aphids

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 17The reflective surface of the foil deters aphids and other insects from plants like roses.


  • Place aluminum foil around the base of plants.

18. Hair as a Deer Repellent

The scent of human hair can deter deer from munching on plants like tulips.


  • Spread human hair around the garden.

19. Chamomile Tea for SeedlingsUnconventional Gardening Tricks 19

Chamomile tea has antifungal properties that prevent damping off in seedlings like tomatoes.


  • Brew chamomile tea and let it cool.
  • Water seedlings with the tea.

20. Using Citrus Peels as Seed Starters


The citrus peel will compost into the soil, providing nutrients to seedlings like basil.


  • Scoop out the inside of a lemon or orange.
  • Fill the peel with soil and plant a seed.

21. Vinegar for Acid-Loving Plants

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 21Vinegar can help lower the soil pH, benefiting plants like hydrangeas.


  • Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with a gallon of water.
  • Use it to water acid-loving plants.

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22. Using Sponges to Keep Soil Moist

The sponge helps to retain moisture, benefiting plants like ferns that require constant moisture.


  • Place a sponge at the bottom of a pot.
  • Add soil and plant as usual.

23. Creating a DIY Drip Irrigation with Yarn

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 23This creates a slow drip irrigation system, helping plants like herbs receive consistent moisture.


  • Fill a jar with water.
  • Place one end of a piece of yarn in the jar and the other end in the soil.

24. Using Aquarium Plants in Garden Ponds

Aquarium plants can add beauty and help maintain water quality in garden ponds, benefiting water lilies and other aquatic plants.


  • Plant aquarium plants in garden ponds or water features.

25. Rainwater Harvesting for Natural WateringUnconventional Gardening Tricks 25

Rainwater is free of chemicals and is perfect for watering all types of garden plants.


  • Collect rainwater in barrels or containers.
  • Use the collected water for watering plants.

26. Using Oyster Shells to Improve Soil Texture

Oyster shells add calcium and improve soil texture, benefiting plants like spinach.


  • Crush oyster shells into small pieces.
  • Mix with garden soil.

27. Planting in Cinder Blocks for Space Saving

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 27This method saves space and is perfect for small herbs like thyme or flowers like marigolds.


  • Fill cinder block holes with soil.
  • Plant herbs or small flowers.

28. Hand Sanitizer for Sap Removal

This trick helps in cleaning up after handling sappy plants like pines.


  • Apply hand sanitizer to hands or tools covered with plant sap.
  • Wipe clean.

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29. Luffa Planting for Natural Sponges

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 29 Luffa plants produce natural sponges that can be used for cleaning, a unique addition to your garden.


  • Plant luffa seeds in warm climates.
  • Allow to grow and harvest for natural sponges.

30. Plastic Forks for Critter Control

The forks deter animals from stepping in the garden and harming plants like strawberries.


  • Stick plastic forks, tines up, in the soil around plants.

31. Newspaper Mulch for Weed Control

This method prevents weeds from growing and is great for vegetable gardens.


  • Lay newspapers around plants.
  • Wet the papers and cover with soil or mulch.

32. Creating a Butterfly Puddler

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 32 Butterflies will gather for minerals, pollinating flowers like zinnias in the process.


  • Fill a shallow dish with sand, salt, and water.
  • Place it in the garden.

33. Molasses as a Natural Fertilizer

Molasses provides carbohydrates and trace minerals, encouraging beneficial microorganisms in plants like roses.


  • Mix molasses with water in a 1:3 ratio.
  • Use it to water plants.

34. Planting Nasturtiums for Pest Control

Nasturtiums act as a trap crop for aphids, protecting vegetables like cabbage.


  • Plant nasturtiums near aphid-prone plants.

35. Beer Traps for Slug Control

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 35

Slugs are attracted to the beer and drown, protecting plants like hostas.


  • Fill a shallow dish with beer.
  • Place it near slug-prone plants.

Learn the tips and tricks of how to water your plants when you are away here

36. Soap Spray for Insect Control

The soap spray acts as a natural insecticide for plants like beans.


  • Mix water with a few drops of mild liquid soap.
  • Spray on plants to deter insects.

37. Vertical Gardening with Shoe Organizers

This method is great for small spaces and can accommodate plants like mints and petunias.


  • Fill the pockets of an over-the-door shoe organizer with soil.
  • Plant herbs or small flowers.

38. Salt for Killing Weeds in Pathways

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 38Salt dehydrates the weeds and prevents their growth in non-garden areas.


  • Sprinkle salt on weeds growing in pathways or patios.
  • Water lightly.

39. Cornmeal for Weed Seed Control

Cornmeal inhibits seed germination, preventing weeds from sprouting near plants like carrots.


  • Sprinkle cornmeal in areas where weed control is needed.

40. Pine Needles as Mulch for Acid-Loving Plants

Pine needles acidify the soil, benefiting plants like rhododendrons.


  • Spread pine needles around the base of acid-loving plants.

41. Creating Water Reservoirs with Plastic Bottles

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 41This creates a slow-release water reservoir, great for keeping plants like tomatoes consistently watered.


  • Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle.
  • Bury the neck of the bottle near a plant, leaving the cap off.
  • Fill with water as needed.

42. Growing Moss with Beer Mixture

This technique encourages moss growth on rocks or statues, adding charm to a shade garden.


  • Blend moss with beer and sugar.
  • Paint the mixture on surfaces where you want moss to grow.

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43. Heated Bricks for Frost Protection

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 43
The Millennial Gardener

The stored heat in the bricks helps protect plants like citrus from frost damage.


  • Heat bricks in the oven or sun.
  • Place them near frost-sensitive plants on cold nights.

44. Planting Garlic Near Roses


Garlic helps deter aphids and other pests from roses.


  • Plant garlic bulbs near rose bushes.

45. Using Pantyhose for Melon Support

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 45

This technique supports the weight of growing melons, preventing them from rotting on the ground.


  • Place growing melons in sections of pantyhose.
  • Hang the pantyhose from a support.

46. Creating a Cinnamon Barrier for Ant Control


Ants are deterred by cinnamon, protecting plants like peonies from aphid-farming ants.


  • Sprinkle cinnamon in a line around plants.

47. Seaweed Mulch for Nutrient Boost

Unconventional Gardening Tricks 47Seaweed adds minerals to the soil, benefiting seaside plants like beach plums.


  • Lay seaweed around plants.

48. Using Old CDs to Scare Birds

The reflective surface scares birds away, protecting fruits like cherries.


  • Hang old CDs around fruit trees or berry bushes.

49. Planting Marigolds for Nematode Control Unconventional Gardening Tricks 49

Marigolds emit a substance that kills nematodes, protecting plants like tomatoes.


  • Plant marigolds near nematode-infested plants.

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50. Burying Fish for Fertilizer


As the fish decomposes, it releases nitrogen, benefiting plants like corn.


  • Bury a fish a few inches below where you plant.

These unconventional gardening tricks can be both fun to try and beneficial for various plants. Experimenting with them may lead to healthier and more vibrant plants in your garden. Happy gardening!

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