Sprout a Corncob and Grow Unlimited Corn Plants

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Learn the easiest process to Sprout a Corncob & Grow Unlimited Corn Plants! It is fun and you can cultivate them in a pot this way!

Sprout a Corncob and Grow Unlimited Corns

Follow this easy-to-do technique on how to Sprout a Corncob & Grow Unlimited Corns! This will surely tempt you into growing them in your home garden!

Learn how to grow baby corns at home here

How to Sprout a Corncob & Grow Unlimited Corns

1. Get Fresh Corns from a Farmer’s Market or a Garden Center

The process starts with getting fresh corns. Make sure you are not buying the old and dry ones as they have less to no chances of germination.

Learn about growing popcorn microgreen here

2. Keep them in an Airy Location to Dry

Sprout a Corncob and Grow Unlimited Corns 2

Place them on a tray or a shallow bowl and keep them in an airy place like a balcony to dry for 7-10 days. Do make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

3. Add a Little Water

After the corns are dry, keep them in a shallow bowl and fill it with 1/4 water. Make sure they are moist evenly. Do not let the corns dry up.

4. Look for the Signs of Growth

Sprout a Corncob and Grow Unlimited Corns 4

Keep them moist, and the corns will show signs of growth in 13-15 days. Do not keep them in direct sunlight at this stage.

Learn about planting and growing corn in containers here

4. Germination!

After 15-16 days, the corns will start to show green germination. At this point, you will have to water them consistently as they can take up 100-150 ml of water per day.

5. Ready to Grow!

Sprout a Corncob and Grow Unlimited Corns 5

Now, all you have to do is bury them in a pot or garden where the green shoots are above the growing medium, and you are done! You can also separate some individual corns with shoots and plant them separately.

For a detailed guide, watch the video here

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