13 Plants for Corona Virus To Have Better Immunity!

Sherin Woods is a California-based DIY enthusiast and garden design aficionado. With a background in Environmental Science, she combines creativity and sustainability in all her projects. A Pinterest favorite, Sherin is committed to eco-friendly solutions and has contributed to various home and garden publications. Her areas of expertise include DIY project planning, sustainable garden design, and content creation.
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Did you know that you can boost your immunity by consuming plants? Here are some of the best Plants for Corona Virus to stay safe from the pandemic!

What is Corona Virus?

Coronaviruses (CoV) causes an infection, that ranges from the common cold to more serious diseases. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new type of strain, first discovered in Wuhan, China, in 2019. It’s zoonotic, which means they first develop in animals and then transmitted in humans. Although, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms of the same, here are some Plants for Corona Virus that can help you boost the immunity!

Note: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) are also a part of Coronaviruses (CoV) family. 

Corona Flu Virus Symptoms

Symptoms of coronavirus may differ from person to person, and it usually starts with cold or flu. The common signs include:

  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Breathing problem
  • Headache

Basic Preventive Measure for Corona Virus

Washing or sanitizing hands regularly will help in killing viruses or germs that are accumulated on your palms while touching doors, mobile phones, and shaking hands with other people. Regular cleaning of hands with alcohol-based sanitizer or washing them with soap and water is an effective measure to prevent this disease.

Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose, especially when you are outdoors, as hands get contaminated easily; hence viruses can be transmitted fast through them.

Maintain a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) with a person who is coughing or sneezing.

Cover your mouth with a bent elbow or tissue while sneezing or coughing. When you are outdoors, always wear a COVID-19 certified mask.

Seek medical advice if you have a fever, cold, and difficulty breathing.

Avoid shaking hands while greeting friends or visitors.

Plants that are Good Against Corona Virus

Aged people have more chances of getting affected with the coronavirus easily as they have weaker immune systems or may have medical conditions such as cancer, high blood pressure, lung disease, heart problems, or diabetes.

You can boost your immunity by consuming certain plants as they are known for building a strong immune system. Some of the plants for the corona virus are discussed below, which may help you in fighting against the COVID-19.

1. Turmeric

Plants for Corona Virus

Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa

Turmeric is a superfood with anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin, which is a bright yellow chemical compound, with several proven health benefits.

How to Consume: You can take it in powdered form with warm milk or water daily. You can also add it to curries and Indian soups.

Here Is How You Can Grow Turmeric in Pots! 

2. Garlic

Botanical Name: Allium sativum

Garlic contains an amino acid–alliin; when the cloves are crushed or chopped, they release allicin, which has a property to fight against many diseases by boosting the immune system to fight germs.

How to Consume: Add crushed or chopped garlic in dishes, consume it raw or add in salads.

Check out Our Article on Growing Garlic Indoors Here! 

3. Ginger

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Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale

Ginger is one of the most potent remedies to combat colds and flu. Its juice helps in improving digestive health by strengthening the gut health.

How to Consume: You can add it in lemon and tea or chew a small piece after daily meals.

Want to Grow Ginger in Pots? Here’s Everything You Need to Know! 

4. Holy Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum tenuiflorum

This is one of the most popular herbs to treat respiratory ailments and gastrointestinal disorders. Basil is beneficial for treating asthma, fever, lung problems, and stress.

How to Consume: You can consume it by making tea with fresh or dry leaves.

Check out Our Article on Growing Holy Basil Here

5. Aloe Vera

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Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis

A strong immune system guards the body against bacteria and viral infections. Aloe vera juice boosts immunity and improves gut health. It helps in reducing oxidative stress as the plant contains a substance acemannan, which has antitumor, antiviral, and immune-stimulating effects.

How to Consume: Check out our article here!

Have an Aloe Vera Plant? Here’s How to take the Right Care of It! 

6. Indian Lilac

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica

Indian lilac or neem leaves are used to treat skin-related problems as it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities. It also helps in encouraging the immune system by cooling down the body internally.

How to Consume: You can boil neem leaves in water for 15-20 mins. Let it cool down, add honey to taste and drink.

7. Mint

Plants for Corona Virus 6

Botanical Name: Mentha

Mint not only has a soothing flavor and aroma, but it also helps in treating sore throats,  providing relief from respiratory ailments. It also helps in protecting against harmful bacteria.

How to Consume: You can use the leaves in teas and salads.

Here Are Some of the Best Types of Mints You Should Grow! 

8. Licorice

Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra

Licorice can improve the efficiency of adrenals and assist the stress response. The adrenal system is connected with the immune system. When a person is stressed out, the adrenaline levels fall and make the immune system weak.

How to Consume: You can take licorice by adding it into tea or other beverages.

Check out Our Article on Growing Licorice Here!

9. Green Tea

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Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis

Green tea has polyphenols and plant antioxidants, which boost the immune system. It also contains catechins that may kill influenza.

How to Consume: Having 2-3 cups of green tea daily is going to do wonders for your immunity!

10. Maitake Mushrooms

Botanical Name: Grifola frondosa

Mushrooms like Maitake, Shiitake, Reishi, and Chaga are not exactly herbs, but they are full of essential nutrients, helping in boosting the immune system. They are rich in complex polysaccharides, that stimulate an underactive or weak immune system, working as immune balancers.

How to Consume: You can add mushrooms to broths, soups, or any recipe and also have them after simmering for a few hours to brew a tea.

11. Elderberry

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Botanical Name: Sambucus

Elderberry is famous for promoting a healthy immune system. It has been used for centuries to treat cold and viral infections. They are a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C. The berries also contain high levels of flavonoids and anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in cell function in the human body.

How to Consume: They can be directly eaten in dried form.

12. Blueberries

Botanical Name: Cyanococcus

Blueberries are brimming with antioxidants and high levels of flavonoids, which eliminate respiratory infections by a whopping 35%! Quercetin, found in blueberries, has potent antiviral properties and helps in fighting against lung inflammation.

How to Consume: You can add blueberries to smoothies, yogurt, salads, and sandwiches.

13. Lemon

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Botanical Name: Citrus limon

Lemons are the greatest source of Vitamin C, providing 8.6 mg of it, per fruit! As we all know, vitamin C is an essential antioxidant, helpful in repairing cell damage, thereby boosting the immune system.

How to Consume: You can use them in salads and beverages.

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