17 Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio | Best Ohio Flowers

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Here is the most comprehensive list of the Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio! Have a look, pick the one you like, and grow it in your garden!

If you are wondering which are the Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio, then we have good news! Read ahead to know the complete list!

Have a look at the plants native to Florida here

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio

Depending on the area in Ohio, choose the right plant as per your location.

1. Wild Columbine

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio

Botanical Name: Aquilegia canadensis

It offers drooping, bell-like blooms with yellow stamens. Growing wild Columbine is an outstanding way to tempt hummingbirds to your Ohio landscape.

2. Blue False Indigo

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Botanical Name: Baptisia australis

Purple lupine-like blooms flourish on erect racemes that grow to a foot tall. It grows well in the full sun but can withstand some shade too.

3. Turtlehead

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 2

Botanical Name: Chelone obliqua

This easy plant can tolerate both sun and shade but requires rich soil. It displays two-lopped snapdragon-like blossoms in late summer in pink, white, or purple hues.

4. Marsh Marigold

Botanical Name: Caltha palustris

This clump-forming perennial favors sun and swampy conditions and produces buttercup yellow blossoms from April to June.

Find out the best Marigold varieties here

5. White Wood Aster

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 3
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Botanical Name: Eurybia divaricata

This sun-loving plant showcases clusters of flat-top small white blooms with red or yellow center discs on the white wood aster during late summer and early fall.

6. Butterfly Weed

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Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa

Butterfly weed displays clusters of bright orange blooms on reclining, hairy stems across the summer. The plant will take 2-3 years to put on its first blooms.

7. Joe Pye Weed

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 4
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Botanical Name: Eutrochium purpureum

It’s an erect-growing sun-loving perennial that grows up to 4-6 feet tall. The plant produces purple-pink blooms in late summer in florets and lance-shaped leaves.

8. Swamp Milkweed


Botanical Name: Asclepias incarnata

Swamp milkweed offers five-petaled pink, white, or mauve blooms during late summer. It has narrow lance-shaped foliage that grows up to 4-6 inches long.

9. Blue Flag

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 5

Botanical Name: Iris versicolor

The shade of the flower is a mix of violet and blue. You can spot this hardy plant in wet meadows near swamps.

10. Beebalm


Botanical Name: Monarda bradburiana

Beebalm can survive in a range of soils. The white to pink tubular blooms rest on a coil of purple-tinged bracts.

11. Ox-Eye Sunflower

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 6

Botanical Name: Heliopsis helianthoides

It grows up to 4-6 feet tall and offers daisy-like flowers during spring. The plant grows best in full sun but can withstand some shade too.

Looking like flowers that look like Sunflowers? Click here

12. Wild Geranium


Botanical Name: Geranium maculatum

Its saucer-shaped blooms in purple or pink hue appear in spring. The plant grows up to 2-4 feet tall and prefers sun and well-draining soil.

Check out the fanciest Geranium varieties here

13. Cardinal Flower

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 7
shutterstock/Peter Turner Photography

Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis

The Cardinal flower is a late summer bloomer and grows up to 3-5 feet tall. It shows off fire-red or white blossoms in late summer.

14. Blazing Star


Botanical Name: Liatris spicata

This herbaceous perennial is a long-flowering wildflower from eastern North America. It boasts daisy-like blooms in red-purple, purple, and white shades.

15. Wild Lupine

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 8

Botanical Name: Lupinus perennis

This showy perennial exhibits narrow, elongated clusters of pea-like, deep blue blooms from mid-spring to summer. It grows up to 1-2 feet tall and wide.

16. Obedient Plant


Botanical Name: Physostegia virginiana

This perennial is also known as false Dragonhead. The individual flowers are ‘obedient’ and flex in any direction hence the name.

17. Red Carnation

Best Perennial Flowers from Ohio 9

Botanical Name: Dianthus caryophyllus

The beautiful red flowers of this plant grow best in full sun exposure. It is not too fussy about the soil and doesn’t require much maintenance.

Find out the best European houseplants here

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