How to Grow Giant Strawberries | Big Strawberry

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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If you want to know the secrets behind How to Grow Giant Strawberries, then we have the right guide for you! Read on to learn the tricks!

How to Grow Giant Strawberries

Want to know How to Grow Giant Strawberries? All you need is a right guidance to harvest the biggest ones and we are here to guide you!

Here’s all about planting Strawberries

Some Details About Juicy Strawberries

Strawberries are herbaceous perennial plants, meaning they have a non-woody stem and typically live for multiple years. However, they are often grown as annuals due to decreased productivity in subsequent years. The plants produce runners (stolons) that form new daughter plants, allowing them to spread and create a dense strawberry patch.

Strawberry fruits are typically small to medium-sized, depending on the variety. They have a soft, fleshy texture with tiny seeds embedded on the outer surface. The fruit color can vary, including red, pink, yellow, or white, depending on the cultivar. The flavor profile ranges from sweet to slightly tart, with a characteristic aroma.

Check out our Quinault Strawberry Growing and Information Guide here

How to Grow Giant Strawberries?

1. Pick the Right Variety

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Not all strawberries have the potential to develop into a giant size, and for that, you need to choose the right variety. Some of the biggest ones you can grow are:

  • ‘Aromas’: Aromas is a popular June-bearing strawberry variety known for its large-sized fruit. It has a bright red color, a sweet flavor, and a good shelf life.
  • ‘Sequoia’: Sequoia is another June-bearing variety that produces large-sized strawberries. The fruit has a bright red color and a sweet flavor and is suitable for both fresh consumption and processing.
  • ‘Gigantella Maxi’: Gigantella Maxi is a European variety known for its exceptionally large fruit size. It produces strawberries that can reach a size of 2-3 inches in diameter. The fruit has a sweet flavor and is often grown for novelty purposes.
  • ‘Elsanta’: Elsanta is a popular everbearing variety that produces medium to large-sized strawberries. It has a bright red color, a juicy texture, and a sweet flavor. Elsanta is known for its high productivity and good disease resistance.
  • ‘Senga Sengana’: Senga Sengana is a classic June-bearing variety that produces large-sized strawberries. It has a dark red color and a sweet and aromatic flavor and is often used for making jams and desserts.

2. Plant them At the Right Time of the Year

To ensure larger strawberry fruit size, it’s crucial to plant them at the right time of the year, considering your specific climate and growing conditions.

  • Spring Planting: In most regions, planting strawberries in early spring is common. This allows the plants to establish themselves before the warmer months. Depending on your location, the optimal time for spring planting can vary. It’s recommended to plant strawberries when the soil can be worked and the danger of frost has passed. Typically, this is when soil temperatures reach around 50°F (10°C) or higher.
  • Fall Planting: In some regions with mild climates, fall planting can be advantageous. Planting strawberries in late summer or early fall allows the plants to establish strong root systems during the cooler months, leading to vigorous growth in the following spring. Fall planting should be done around 4-6 weeks before the first expected frost date in your area.

Here are Crazy Planting Tips that Will Surprise You to the Core!

3. Provide Adequate Spacing

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Plant strawberry plants with proper spacing to allow for good airflow and light penetration. This helps in reducing competition among plants and encourages optimal growth and fruit size.

The recommended spacing is typically 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) between plants. This spacing allows enough room for the plants to grow and spread, promoting good airflow and reducing competition for nutrients and sunlight, resulting in bigger fruits.

4. Scheduling Fertilization is IMPORTANT!

 Feed your strawberry plants with a balanced fertilizer to provide them with essential nutrients. Here’s a suggested feeding schedule:

  • Pre-Planting: Before planting, mix organic compost or well-rotted manure into the soil to boost its nutrient content.
  • Early Spring: Once new growth appears, apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer according to the package instructions. This helps provide a steady supply of nutrients.
  • Mid-Season: When the plants start flowering, provide a side dressing of a low-nitrogen fertilizer to support fruit development. Follow the package instructions for application rates.
  • After Harvest: After harvesting the fruit, apply a light application of balanced fertilizer to replenish nutrients for the next growing season.

Want to Make Organic Fertilizers from Kitchen Scraps? Click here

5. Thinning Fruits to Lessen the Competition

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Thinning out the fruits helps the plant allocate its resources more effectively to the remaining fruits, resulting in larger, tastier berries. It also improves air circulation around the berries, reducing the risk of diseases.

  • Thin out the fruits when they are still small and green. It’s best to do this after the fruits have fully formed but before they start ripening.
  • Identify the smaller or misshapen fruits that you want to thin out. Choose those that are unlikely to develop into good-sized, quality berries. Look for fruits that are crowded or clustered together, as these tend to have limited space to grow.

Check out these Best Strawberry Companion Plants

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