Top 29 Aeonium Types | Best Aeonium Varieties

Sherin Woods is a California-based DIY enthusiast and garden design aficionado. With a background in Environmental Science, she combines creativity and sustainability in all her projects. A Pinterest favorite, Sherin is committed to eco-friendly solutions and has contributed to various home and garden publications. Her areas of expertise include DIY project planning, sustainable garden design, and content creation.
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Learn the names of best Aeonium Types and Varieties that offer so much color and contrast to grow indoors and outdoors.

Known for their unique appearance and color, Aeoniums with their handsome rosettes on stems can be excellent additions to your succulent collection. The best part is, they are available in many hybrid cultivars, and listing them all is difficult–But we tried our best and picked some Aeonium Types for you!

Check out our article on best echeveria types here

Best Aeonium Varieties

1. Mountain Rose

Botanical Name: Aeonium dodrantale

Height/Spread: 2-4 inches

Simply one of the best aeonium types, Mountain Rose forms little rosettes that look exactly like roses, albeit in jade green color. The outer leaves take a hue of red as they age.

2. Bronze Medal Aeonium

Best Aeonium Types

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Bronze Medal’

Height/Spread: 12-36/10-18 inches

The plant forms a small rose-like shape made up of green leaves with a strong hue of bronze on the edges and fine red markings.

3. Dwarf Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium sedifolium

Height/Spread: 4-6 inches

This compact specimen has vegetative branches growing a dense mass of thick and plumpy lime-green, orange leaves with deep red marking on the edges.

4. Stalked Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium undulatum

Height/Spread: 12-36/8-12 inches

The plant forms a large rosette on a thick and long stem. It also produces clusters of small yellow flowers in summers.

5. Black Tree Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’

Height/Spread: 12-26/8-14 inches

It looks magnificent with glossy dark purple-red leaves that almost look black when kept in full sunlight. Keep it in shade and it’ll turn to a shade of light green.

6. Emerald Ice

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Emerald Ice’

Height/Spread: 12-14/8-12 inches

‘Emerald Ice’ is distinguished by a gorgeous rosette made up of numerous green leaves, arranged in an attractive variegated geometric pattern with creamy-white edges.

7. Silk Pinwheel

Best Aeonium Types 11

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Silk Pinwheel’

Height/Spread: 12-36/8-16 inches

‘Silk Pinwheel’ has a deep wine-purple rosette with leaves arranged in a tight spiral. They have a fine texture like silk, hence the name. It is one of the best aeonium types!

8. Sunburst Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Luteovariegatum’

Height/Spread: 4-8 inches

Produces narrow to wide green leaves with light yellow edges. The corners of the foliage also take a light hue of pink as the plant matures.

9. Black Rose Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’

Height/Spread: 12-36/10-18 inches

The long gray-brown stems hold large rosettes made of glossy purple leaves so dark, they make the plant look black from a distance. It also produces star-shaped yellow flowers.

10. Irish Rose

Best Aeonium Types 4

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum

Height/Spread: 5-8 inches

This ‘Aeonium’ species offers glossy green spatular leaves, often overlapped with coppery tones. Keep it in direct sun and it’ll take a more dark color.

11. Giant Red Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Cyclops’

Height/Spread: 24-48/6-10 inches

The emerging foliage of the plant is green, which turns to dark red-bronze color as it matures. The plant grows fast and produces star-like yellow flowers in clusters.

12. Red Aeonium

Image Credit: Tucalota Cactus Growers

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Jack Catlin’

Height/Spread: 12-24/6-10 inches

This succulent has beautiful clumps of rosettes with green leaves in the middle and red around the tips. The color turns more intense as the plant matures.

13. Saucer Plant

Botanical Name: Aeonium tabuliforme

Height/Spread: 2-6/6-10 inches

This aeonium variety displays flat, large plate-sized rosettes with rounded, soft-green leaves overlapping in a swirled-effect. Unlike other species, keep it safe from direct sun.

14. Smith’s Giant Houseleek

Best Aeonium Types 5

Botanical Name: Aeonium smithii

Height/Spread: 12-24/6-16 inches

This one is a small succulent that grows up to 2 feet tall. The spoon-shaped leaves are glossy and velvety with a purple or brownish tinge. It also produces yellow flowers.

15. Blushing Aeonium

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Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Blushing Beauty’

Height/Spread: 6-12/4-8 inches

This award-winning variety forms a rosette of glossy, light green spoon-shaped leaves that are red around the edges. It also grows small star-shaped flowers during spring.

16. Aeonium Decorum

Botanical Name: Aeonium decorum

Height/Spread: 12-36/6-8 inches

This multi-branching variety shows off red-edged leaves with pink flowers. The popular cultivar ‘Sunburst’ produces variegated leaves with green, creamy yellow, and pink hues.

17. Canary Island Aeonium

Image Credit: Garden Tags

Botanical Name: Aeonium canariense

Height/Spread: 6-10/4-8 inches

It forms short-stemmed rosettes of green leaves. The rosette can grow up to 18-20 inches in diameter before forming huge pyramids of yellow flowers!

18. Kiwi Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium haworthii ‘Kiwi’

Height/Spread: 12-36/8-14 inches

This compact cultivar has small variegated rosettes of spoon-shaped fleshy leaves, yellow-green in color with red edges, and produces clusters of small, star-shaped flowers.

19. Mardi Gras

Best Aeonium Types 8

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Mardi Gras’

Height/Spread: 4-6/3-7 inches

Aeonium ‘Mardi Gras’ features rosettes of yellow and green variegation, that turns to rich burgundy hues when planted in bright light. It is one of the best Best Aeonium Types!

20. Velour

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Velour’

Height/Spread: 4-8/3-4 inches

This evergreen upright perennial succulent has branching stems embellished with ornamental rosettes of fleshy, glossy, and dark purple to chocolate-colored leaves.

21. Moonburst

Best Aeonium Types 9

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Moonburst’

Height/Spread: 4-6/4-8 inches

‘Moonburst’ is an attractive succulent with rosettes of green leaves patterned in cream to yellow streaks with pink margins. It has shorter leaves and more distinct variegation.

22. Firerose Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium garnet ‘firerose’

Height/Spread: 4-8/4-6 inches

This charming aeonium exhibits deep bronze-burgundy rosettes with a green-yellow center. During spring, old rosettes form conical and erect yellow blooms.

23. Starburst

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Starburst’

Height/Spread: 12-24/8-16 inches

‘Starburst’ showcases variegated rosettes having pink shade on margins and light yellow streaks on the fleshy green leaves. An attractive pick for rock gardens.

24. Suncups

Botanical Name: Aeonium castello-paivae ‘Variegata’

Height/Spread: 10-16/6-10 inches

This variegated cultivar produces a small rosette with multiple offsets and compact clumps. The leaves get green and yellow variegation with pink edges if grown in full sunlight.

25. Aeonium Viscatum

Botanical Name: Aeonium lindleyi subsp. viscatum

Height/Spread: 16-20/8-14 inches

This stunning perennial succulent has green leaves covered with short velvety hair. It looks a bit messy when young but attains a compact form at maturity.

26. Plum Petals Aeonium

Image Credit: Plant Masters

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Plum Petals’

Height/Spread: 12-36/8-16 inches

‘Plum Petals’ is a succulent shrub with striking rosettes of spatula-shaped plum-colored leaves. Bright yellow flowers rise above the foliage during spring.

27. Aeonium Albovariegatum

Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Albovariegatum’

Height/Spread: 12-28/8-16 inches

A small and attractive specimen, it forms a variegated rosette edged in a rich shade of pink-red with cream hues.

28. Green Rose Buds

Best Aeonium Types 15

Botanical Name: Aeonium aureum

Height/Spread: 4-8/3-7 inches

‘Rose Buds’ forms a cute rosette in bright green color with young pups around the base, which looks like it is surrounded with unopened little buds of roses!

29. Fiesta Aeonium

Botanical Name: Aeonium ‘Fiesta’

Height/Spread: 8-12/4-8 inches

A spectacular variegated variety, the plant forms a large rosette in light green color. The outer leaves take a shade of maroon as they age, giving it a two-tone look.

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