18 Plants that Grow Well After Pinching

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Pinching is a great way to make certain plants grow bushier. It also promotes branching, making them bigger over time.

What is Pinching a Plant

Pinching is an art of stimulating new growth in plants by pressing and removing the ends of the stems. Let’s have a deeper understanding of the ones that benefit the most from it.

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The Science and Art of Pinching Plants

If you want your plants to grow dense from earlier stages of their growth cycle – pinching is the way to go! This practice involves removing the terminal growth of the stems using your fingers (That’s why the term – ‘pinching’).

If you’ll do it just above the node, it will be more beneficial as it will promote more lateral growth – however, just taking away the ends from the soft, new growth at the top, right above a set of leaves (10-12 cms from the main stem) will do the magic.

It is also a great way to shape and train the plant into the size you want it to achieve.

List of Plants that Grow Well After Pinching

1. Basil

basil Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

Basil gets better and bushier with pinching. It helps to produce more leaves – meaning, you will have more for your kitchen!

2. Fuchsia

fuchsia Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Fuchsia magellanica

Fuchsia, recognized for its lovely hanging flowers, becomes bushier and fuller when you pinch it, encouraging more branching – which equals more blooms.

3. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: C. X Morifolium

Trimming these favorite ornamental plants encourages them to grow bushier and produce more mum flowers. It also helps to keep them in a perfect shape.

4. Coleus

Coleus Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Solenostemon scutellarioides

Coleus, the colorful leafy plant, gets bushier when you pinch it at the early stages of its growth. Start when it develops 4-6 sets of true leaves. Also, repeat the process every 4-6 weeks till you see it becoming dense.

Fact: Pinching also suppresses the production of auxin, which can cause slow bud growth.

5. Impatiens

Impatiens Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Impatiens spp.

Pinching these plants, when they grow to a height of 4-6 inches tall, helps them grow two new stems from the node, just below the pinching point.

6. Petunias

petunia Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Petunia spp.

Giving petunias a prevents them from getting too tall and leggy while stimulating the growth of the side shoots. This results in a fuller, more attractive shape.

7. Marigolds

Marigolds Plants Benefiting from Pinching
terrace epic gardening

Botanical Name: Tagetes

Pinching marigolds, particularly the long side shoots, can make them bushier, and also keeps them manageable. Start snipping when the plant is about 5-6 inches tall.

8. African Violets

African voilet Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

Removing the crown of African violets through pinching encourages the growth of side shoots, making the plant fuller.

9. Geraniums

Geraniums Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Pinching promotes branching, leading to a stronger, bushier Geraniums. You can also train it to take a particular shape according to the spot where you want to keep it.

10. Mint

Mint Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Mentha

Pinching is useful for managing the growth of mint, encouraging it to spread out more, making it bushier. If you have one in pot for the kitchen – doing this will give you more leaves!

11. Peppers

pepper Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Capsicum

Gently pinching the tips of pepper plants can promote more robust growth and potentially leading to more harvest.

12. Dahlias

dahlias Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Dahlia

When you pinch dahlias, they can become fuller over time. This also results in a compact specimen that has more stems for lots of flowers.

13. Dracaena

Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans

Known for their striking appearance, pinching can help dracaenas in branching and maintaining a desirable shape.

14. Poinsettias

Plants Benefiting from Pinching

Botanical Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima

These festive plants love pinching, as it can assist in branching and maintaining a desired shape. Doing it a little before the holiday season will ensure they’ll be all red!

15. Sweet Peas

Sweet peas Plants Benefiting from Pinching
Sarah Raven

Botanical Name: Lathyrus odoratus

By pinching, these sweet-smelling climbers become fuller with a spreading habit. This means – you can enjoy their pink flowers even more!

16. Tomatoes

Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum

If you are growing indeterminate varieties, it’ll be a good idea to remove/pinch the suckers (the shoots that grow in the axils of the leaves). This will save the plant from wasting its energy on them, resulting in better fruits and growth.

17. Zinnias


Botanical Name: Zinnia spp.

The best time to pinch these flowers is when they grow to a height of 5-7 inches. Take away the top set of the leaves at this stage to promote branching.

18. Snapdragons

Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majus

Pinching is a great way to promote flower spikes in these plants and to make them bushier. The best time to do it when they reach to a height of 6-8 inches.

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