9 Plants That Become Good Rooting Hormone

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Here are some easily available Plants That Become Good Rooting Hormones. Use them to guarantee successful propagation for free!

Rooting hormone is a substance used for stimulating root growth in plant cuttings. To find easily available natural substances that serve as alternatives, we’ve compiled a list for you!

Plants That Become Good Rooting Hormone

1. Willow

Good Rooting Hormone plant

Willow contains salicylic acid, which promotes root development and helps protect against harmful pathogens. To utilize it, soak young branches in water for a day or two, then dip the cuttings in this solution before planting.

2. Aloe Vera

Plants includes Become Good Rooting Hormone

Another plant with rooting properties is aloe vera, whose gel contains auxins and gibberellins—hormones that facilitate root formation and offer antibacterial benefits.

To use aloe vera’s rooting abilities, extract the gel from fresh leaves, and dip the base of the cuttings in this solution before planting. Simple!

3. Cinnamon

Plants contains Good Rooting Hormone

Cinnamon is also known for its antifungal properties, which can protect cuttings against fungal infections while promoting root growth. Simply put the cut end of the cutting in cinnamon dust before planting it in the growing medium.

4. Potato

Plants That Become Good Rooting Hormone 2

Potatoes are rich in starches and hormones like cytokinins and auxins, which provide essential nutrients and stimulate root development.

To make the best use of it, take a thick slice of potato, make a hole in the centre, put the cutting in it, and plant it in the growing medium along with it.

5. Indian Lilac / Neem

Plants includes Good Rooting Hormone 2

The Indian lilac, also known as neem, possesses compounds like azadirachtin that act as natural antiseptics and promote rooting.

To harness this property, boil neem leaves in water, let the mixture cool down, and then soak the cut end in this solution before planting.

6. Garlic

Plants have Good Rooting Hormone

Garlic, with its allicin and other sulfur compounds, exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties that can protect cuttings from pathogens during the rooting process.

To utilize garlic as a rooting aid, crush a garlic clove, soak it in water overnight, and then dip the cuttings in this water before planting.

7. Lentils

Plants who has Good Rooting Hormone

Lentils are another option, as they are rich in auxins that can promote root growth in cuttings. To use, soak them in water for a day, blend them with water to create a paste. Dip the base of the cuttings in this paste before planting.

8. Banana Peels

Plants That Become Good Rooting Hormone 3

Banana peels are a surprising source of potassium and natural growth hormones that can encourage root growth and overall plant health.

Chop up some banana peels, soak them in water for two days, and strain the mixture. Dip the cut end in this solution before planting.

9. Rosemary

Good Rooting Hormone 2

What makes rosemary a potent rooting hormone is the presence of salicylic acid, which promotes plant growth, helps to resist pathogens, speeds up root development, and aids in defence mechanism.

To use it, boil 3-4 twigs of rosemary in water. Let it cool down, strain, and dip the cut end of the stem in this solution before planting it in the soil.

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