Mealybugs on Christmas Cactus: 7 Ways to Get Rid of Them

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Don’t you just hate it when Mealybugs infest your Christmas Cactus, especially when it’s blooming? Here’s how to get rid of them!

How To Get Rid of Mealybugs on Christmas Cactus

You’ve followed every trick to get your Christmas cactus to bloom this festive season. But as winter approaches, an unwelcome guest appears—mealybugs! Before these cotton-like bugs wreak havoc, here are steps to salvage your prized holiday blooming succulent!

How to Identify Mealybugs?

Though mealybugs are tiny, you’ll easily spot them on the joints or underside of the leaves of your Schlumbergera. As they start reproducing in specific plant parts, these bugs leave a white, wax-like, powdery cotton coating meant to camouflage them and their eggs.

Mealybugs are sap-sucking insects that emit a sticky substance called honeydew on your plants. If left untreated, this can also attract mold. They thrive in warm, moist spots; overwatering can even attract root bugs that thrive inside the soil and around the roots.

If your plant has either, you will see faded yellow leaves, curling foliage tips, and even dropping leaves and flowers. Let’s fix this catastrophe before it gets out of hand, and get your Christmas cactus blooming in health again!

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs on Christmas Cactus?

Before you begin, remove the waxy, cottony substance with a toothpick or a soft toothbrush to access all infected plant parts. Then, throw this residue in the trash, far away from your plant, and follow the steps below.

1. Neem Oil for Treating Mealybugs

This is the quintessential all-natural pesticide for all houseplants! Add one or two tablespoons of neem oil to a gallon of water. Dip a cotton swab in this mix and rub it into all bug-infested areas. Repeat this step until all the mealybugs are gone!

2. Spray Rubbing Alcohol on your Plant

mealybugs on christmas cactus

If your mealybug infestation isn’t too severe yet, using a 70% isopropyl alcohol spray, commonly known as rubbing alcohol, may help your Christmas cactus. Spray it on a cotton swab and start wiping down the infected parts.

Remember to patch-test a small area of the plant first. And do not overdo it! While isopropyl alcohol helps get rid of mealybugs on succulents like the Christmas cactus, too much can damage your plant.

Note: Use gloves, as alcohol might cause dryness and itching on your skin.

3. Dish Soap for Mealybugs

Did you know your regular kitchen dish soap can kill mealybugs? Make an insecticidal soap right at home with 1-2 teaspoons of mild liquid dish soap (like castile soap) mixed in a quart of water.

While at it, mix a few drops of essential oils, like peppermint oil, into the soap solution and spray it onto the affected plant parts. Repeat twice a week. Here are more insecticidal soap recipes you can explore.

4. Homemade Garlic Spray

Another effective way to get rid of mealybugs is to use a homemade garlic spray on your plant. It is super easy to make at home—blend one whole garlic, a small onion, and one hot pepper in a food processor, and add a quart of water to the mixture.

Strain this mixture and spray it onto the bug-infested bits of your Christmas cactus. Repeat as required, and avoid spraying it when it’s too hot, as it can scorch the leaves! Here’s how to make a garlic water pesticide. You can store this mixture in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

5. Vinegar Pest Control Recipe

A common misconception is that vinegar solutions may harm your plant. But correct and moderate use can quickly get rid of mealybugs feasting on your Christmas cactus. However, some plants may be sensitive or “allergic” to vinegar, so don’t forget a patch test before trying this!

Combine one part white or apple cider vinegar in three parts water and spray your plant. The acidity is the perfect solution to stop mealybugs’ molting process, thus disrupting their life cycle. You can also check out these versatile vinegar pest control recipes.

6. Use a Systemic Insecticide

spraying neem oil on christmas cactus

If mealybugs have already caused extensive damage to your Christmas cactus or are inaccessible, and none of the above solutions seem to work, it’s time to use systemic insecticides like imidacloprid or acephate.

Remember, these are quite powerful, so you must use them sparingly. Carefully follow the instructions on the box when using it to get rid of mealybugs on your Christmas cactus.

7. Propagate Christmas Cactus Cuttings

propagating christmas cactus with cuttings

Seeing your Christmas cactus damaged with withering brown leaves and mealybugs all over can be heartbreaking. But before you throw in the towel, there’s one last maneuver that could save your Christmas cactus, or at least what remains—propagate its cuttings!

Save what you can and throw out the rest of the infested plant. If the plant’s roots are still healthy and a few unaffected green leaves are hanging on, use clippings! Clean and treat these leaves with neem oil, and then repot the cuttings in fresh soil.

Remember to sanitize the plant pot with bleach if you’re going to reuse it. Here are more ways to propagate a Christmas cactus.

How to Prevent Further Mealybug Infestation

How To Prevent Further Mealybug Infestation

As they say, prevention is always better than cure. So before your plant reaches the point beyond saving, here’s how to prevent mealybugs on your Christmas cactus.

1. Watering Tips to Avoid Mealybugs

Pests like mealybugs thrive in warm, humid conditions. When the plant medium is consistently wet, and the surroundings are warm, mealybugs find a comfortable breeding ground and wreak havoc over your beautiful Christmas cactus.

2. Ant Control to Prevent Infestation

Consider ants as mealybugs’ wingmen. Ants get attracted by the sweet, sticky honeydew that mealybugs secrete and feed on them. If you see ants on your Christmas cactus, whip out the neem oil and dab it onto your plant.

3. Inspect your Christmas Cactus Regularly

Keep your eyes peeled for any waxy, cotton-like substance on the undersides or joints of leaves. Finding and treating a mealybug infestation early on can help save your plant in the long run, as they reproduce quickly.

4. Quarantine New Plants to Deter Spread

After buying a new plant, keep it away from other plants that may have displayed even the slightest symptoms of infestation. During this time, check the new plant thoroughly for any signs of pests. Gradually introduce your newly bought Christmas cactus to your collection.

These are all ways to get rid of pesky mealybugs from Christmas cactus. If this article helped you save your plant, don’t forget to share it with your gardening friends! And let us know in the comments below how you prefer to get rid of pests on your plants.

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