9 Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight | Herbs that Like Shade

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Do you know there are Herbs that Grow without Sunlight? These do well outdoors and indoors, even in the shadiest of spots!

If you’ve got a shady garden or you live in an urban apartment where you don’t have access to direct sunlight, this list of Herbs that Grow without Sunlight is going to help you. These low-light herbs can survive in a lack of sunlight!

List of Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight

Without sunlight doesn’t mean that you can grow these herbs in complete darkness. It means that these herbs can survive in all-day-long indirect sunlight, much better if coupled with exposure to the mild morning sun.

1. Lovage

Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Levisticum officinale

USDA Zones: 3a-7b

Size: 4-6 feet

Lovage is a tall perennial herb native to Europe. Its leaves, roots, seeds, and stems are edible. The plant has a tart, lemony flavor that goes well with soups, stews, tea, salads, and potato recipes.

Growing Tips

You can grow this herb in the shade in a warm climate. Use well-drained, sandy, loamy soil with neutral pH for best growth.

Note: Lovage is an excellent companion plant for potatoes and other tubers and root vegetables.

2. Chives

Amazing Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight 3

Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

USDA Zones: 3-11

Size: A foot tall

One of the easiest herbs to grow, Chives are popularly used in salads and stews. You can grow it in the shade in bright, indirect sunlight.

Growing Tips

It’s really easy to grow; here’s a complete guide that will help you grow it indoors.

3. Sweet Cicely

Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight 2

Botanical Name: Myrrhis odorata

USDA Zones: 4-9

Size: 2-4 feet

Also known as myrrh, Sweet Chervil, sweet cicely, and garden myrrh, this herbaceous perennial belongs to the celery family. The leaves and seeds are used in baked dishes and desserts. It has a sweet anise-like flavor with hints of celery.

Growing Tips

Grow ‘Sweet Cicely’ in well-drained soil. If growing indoors, placing it near a south-facing window will be an apt choice.

4. Corsican Mint

Useful Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Mentha requienii

USDA Zones: 6-9

Size: A foot tall

Native to Corsica, mainland Italy, and Sardinia, this low-growing mint variety produces bright green leaves with a mint-like aroma. The plant has a strong peppermint-like fragrance and is used in salads, teas, and cooked foods or as a garnishing agent.

Growing Tips

The ideal placement for this aromatic herb is near any window of your house. You can grow it in moist, well-draining soil.

5. Parsley

Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight in pot

Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum

USDA Zones: 4-11

Size: A foot tall

One of the most famous herbs, parsley, can tolerate shade if the temperature is warm. It elevates the taste of soups, sauces, and vegetables with its fresh and earthly flavor.

Growing Tips

To know in detail how to grow parsley, check out our article. It’s a quick read.

6. Wasabi

Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight in garden

Botanical Name: Wasabia japonica

USDA Zones: 7-10

Size: 2-3 feet

Wasabi belongs to the mustard family of herbs and is native to Japan. This herb is famous for its use in a paste (from ground rhizomes) served with sushi. The mature green leaves are used in ‘Ohitashi‘ while young leaves are ideal for sandwiches and salads.

Growing Tips

Grow wasabi in an area where the plant is protected from direct sun. For more information, you can read our post.

7. Tarragon

Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight 4

Botanical Name: Artemisia dracunculus

USDA Zones: 4b-8

Size: 2-3 feet

If you love French food, you should know that Tarragon is one of the four ingredients in the classic French seasoning mix Fines Herbes, which also includes parsley, chives, and chervil.

Growing Tips

Tarragon can be grown in part shade if the spot you’re placing it receives some morning sun.

8. Angelica

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Botanical Name: Angelica archangelica

USDA Zones: 4-6

Size: 3-6 feet

An excellent medicinal herb, you can also use it in the kitchen. Both its leaves and stems are used for cooking. It offers an earthy bitter-sweet taste, which is somewhat similar to celery.

Growing Tips

This biennial herb does well in moist, fertile soil. Keep it in a canopy of trees in the garden to provide dappled shade.

9. Lemon Balm

Amazing Herbs that Grow Without Sunlight in pot 45

Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis

USDA Zones: 4-9

Size: 2-3 feet

Lemon Balm is an easy-to-grow herb that thrives in partial shade and has a delightful lemon scent. You can use its leaves in teas, salads, and desserts.

Growing Tips

Lemon balm naturally wants to grow upwards, so pinch and prune it frequently to encourage bushier growth and more leaves! And for upright growth.

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