21 Beautiful Flowers that Start with O

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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 Here are beautiful Flowers that Start with O! We bet you didn’t know there were so many of these. Stay tuned to find out!

Flowers that Start with O—are they the ‘ooh la la’ of the floral world? Of course, they are. You’d say the same once you’ve read our list.

Flowers that Start with O

1. Orchid

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Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

Let’s start with something you probably already know about. Orchids. They are beautiful, delicate, and come in many different shapes and colors.

2. Olive

O named flower

Botanical Name: Olea europaea

Did you ever notice the Olive tree’s small, creamy-white flowers? They turn into delicious fruits that are harvested for the oil and flavor.

Note: Olive trees produce flowers, but their primary value lies in their fruits, which produce olive oil.

3. Oriental Poppy

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Botanical Name: Papaver orientale

Oriental Poppies have large flowers in different colors. They are absolutely breathtaking to look at. Plus, they’re easy to find and grow.

4. Oxeye Daisy

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Botanical Name: Leucanthemum vulgare

Oxeye Daisy has pure white petals around a bright yellow center. They’re simple flowers but elegant choices for home and garden. Plus, they’re wildflowers that start with O.

5. Ozark Sundrop

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Botanical Name: Oenothera macrocarpa

Ozark Sundrops also also wildflowers. But they’re not white; they are butter-yellow in color and look gorgeous in the sunlight.

6. Oyster Plant

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Botanical Name: Tradescantia spathacea

Oyster Plant is also popular as Moses in the Cradle. It has lovely purple and green foliage but also gives white flowers that many people don’t know about.

7. Orange Lily

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Botanical Name: Lilium bulbiferum

Orange Lilies are not exactly orange–they’re a fiery red-crimson-orange mix and are trumpet-shaped. Pretty, right?

8. Obedient Plant

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Botanical Name: Physostegia virginiana

Obedient Plant has tall flower stalks covered in lavender-mauve flowers. The plant is known for its ability to stay in place when bent so your kids can have fun with it.

9. Obovate Peony

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Botanical Name: Paeonia obovata

We bet you haven’t heard of this flower that starts with O. The Obovate Peony has bowl-shaped flowers that you can find in pinks and yellows. But our favorite is this peaceful, white one.

10. Ohio Spiderwort

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Botanical Name: Tradescantia ohiensis

The Ohio Spiderwort has a vibrant purple color with yellow stamens that stand out. It’s a great container choice and won’t grow more than 3 feet tall.

11. Oleander Plant

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Botanical Name: Nerium Oleander

Oleander flowers have showy clusters that are pink, red, or white. They look really well against the dark green backdrop of its foliage.

12. Orange Coneflower

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Botanical Name: Rudbeckia fulgida

The Orange Coneflower has copper-orange petals that are a favorite of butterflies and bees. It’s a perennial that grows 2-4 feet tall.

13. Orange Daylily

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Botanical Name: Hemerocallis fulva

Just like the Orange Coneflower, we also have the Orange Daylily–another lovely flower that starts with the letter O. It can thrive in many kinds of soil and has trumpet-shaped flowers.

14. Orange Stonecrop

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Botanical Name: Sedum kamtschaticum

Orange Stonecrop is a ground cover with succulent leaves. But what steals the show are the bright orange flowers that make great rock garden additions.

15. Oregon Grape

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Botanical Name: Mahonia

Oregon Grape is massive and has holly-like leaves and cheerful yellow flowers. It also attracts wildlife with its purple berries.

16. Oxalis (Wood Sorrel)

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Botanical Name: Oxalidaceae

Oxalis has clover-like leaves and star-shaped flowers. It’s easily one of the prettiest O-named flowers on our list, wouldn’t you say?

17. Oriental Lily / Lily Stargazer

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Botanical Name: Lilium orientalis ‘Stargazer’

Stargazer Liles has stunning flowers that give off an amazing scent. It also holds rich symbolism and comes in many colors–you can read about it here.

18. Ornamental Onion

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Botanical Name: Allium aflatunense

Ornamental Onions have glove-shaped flower clusters that appear so fluffy that you just want to reach out and feel them. They are also a bee and butterfly favorite.

Note: Although they are beautiful and distinctive flowers that start with O, the following ones are not your typical flowering plants. These remarkable species actually belong to other families but entice everyone with their flowers nonetheless. 

19. Old Lady Cactus

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Botanical Name: Mammillaria hahniana

Old Lady Cactus has a wooly appearance giving it the name. But what many people don’t know is that it gives delicate pink or white flowers.

20. Old Man Of The Andes

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Botanical Name: Oreocereus celsianus

A member of the cactus family, the Old Man Of The Andes has long, white hairs covering its body and also gives pink flowers occasionally.

21. Old Man of the Mountain

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Botanical Name: Tetraneuris grandiflora

The Old Man of the Mountain has silvery-white spines and produces bright yellow or orange flowers. If you love somewhere with arid climate, it is a wonderful choice.

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