13 Flowers That Look Like Fire and Flame

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Nature is full of surprises, and these Flowers That Look Like Fire are one of them! Grow them for a fiery appeal!

These flowers that look like fire have petals that mimic the appearance of a flame or might have a hue that gives out flickers of yellow, red, or a combination of both!

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Flowers That Look Like Fire and Flame

Do note that the flowers in this list may not exactly represent the “shape” of the flames, but they do resemble the fire with their color and a certain angle of their petals. 

1. Flaming Sword Flowers

Botanical Name: Vriesea splendens

The Flaming Sword Flower’s beautiful orange and yellow petals appear like a flame in all its glory! Do not mistake this one with bromeliad, though!

2. Flame Peony

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Botanical Name: Paeonia ‘Flame’

This round flower have a collection of yellow stigmas, that, with the outer red petals, gives it an appearance of a fire contained in a small space!

3. Red Spider Lily

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Botanical Name: Lycoris radiata

The Red Spider Lily, with its red spider-leg-like petals, looks like a fire has broken out from the middle of the bloom and is drooping downwards!

4. Red Hot Popsicle

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Botanical Name: Kniphofia ‘Redhot Popsicle’

Its fiery red flowers grow on top of the slender, green stems, which looks like a collection of burning torches.

5. Firecracker Plant

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Botanical Name: Russelia equisetiformis

As obvious by the name, the plant’s flowers look like the firecrackers going haywire everywhere! The deep red color adds to the effect!

6. Red Hot Poker

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Botanical Name: Kniphofia

This one, too, looks like a bunch of torches lit up on the tall stalks. What makes it more appealing is the subtly transition from yellow (bottom) to the deep red (top).

7. Flame Lily

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Botanical Name: Gloriosa

Don’t you think these flowers are literally on fire? Right! Well, come a little breeze and they will appear like a flickering flames in the wind!

8. Campfire Flame Bidens

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Botanical Name: Bidens ferulifolia ‘Campfire Flame’

This hybrid variety has flowers with a yellow center that gradually fade and takes a fiery orange hue in the petals – a group of these resembles a mini fire pit for sure!

9. Blaze Orange Asiatic Lily

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Botanical Name: Lilium ‘Blaze Orange’

What makes this lily stand out is its intense orange hue, with petals that look like slender flames, completing its fiery impact.

10. Treasure Flower

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Botanical Name: Gazania rigens

A sheer beauty this one is, and why it should not be? The bright color combination of the fire’s hues makes this one a must have in any garden.

11. Twisted Orange Fringe Tulips

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Botanical Name: Tulipa gesneriana ‘Twisted Orange Fringe’

The fringed petals of these flowers have a superb amalgamation of red and yellow, making it look like it cups the flame in the blossoms.

12. Festive Fireworks Amaryllis

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Botanical Name: Hippeastrum ‘Festive Fireworks’

It is a dazzling variety of amaryllis has its stigmas growing everywhere, like fireworks lighting up in all their glory!

13. Flame Nasturtium

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Botanical Name: Tropaeolum speciosum

Also known as the Chilean Flame Flower, the flowers of this plant are so vivid in red color, they appear like glowing balls of flame between the light green leaves!

Check here about Climbing Nasturtium Pictures 

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