7 Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Here are some of the stunning Flowering Calatheas that you can grow to add tropical flair indoors and outdoors!

Flowering Calatheas 1

While calatheas are admired for their vivid foliage, their equally impressive flowers add an extra layer of charm to these houseplants. Read on to learn more about these varieties that go well with every garden setting.

Stunning Flowering Calatheas

1. Eternal Flame Plant

Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Botanical Name – Calathea Crocata

‘Eternal Flame’ has beautiful bright orange flowers like a flame, hence the common name. This flowering calathea blooms throughout the spring and summer, lasting up to 2-3 months.

2. Jungle Velvet Calathea

Stunning Flowering Calatheas in pot

Botanical Name – Calathea Warscewiczii

Jungle velvet calathea is a tropical gem with cone-shaped white flowers and lush, velvety leaves. Unlike other calatheas, this variety can produce blooms indoors with the right care.

3. Medallion Calathea

beautiful Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Botanical Name – Calathea Roseopicta ‘Medallion’

While primarily grown for its variegated foliage, ‘Medallion’ can produce small white flowers with a hint of purple in spring, summer, and fall. To promote flowering, give this plant bright indirect light (not direct), high humidity, and well-drained soil indoors.

4. Brazilian Calathea

Stunning Flowering Calatheas in garden

Botanical Name – Calathea loeseneri

Native to Central and South America, this popular ornamental plant displays star-shaped pink blossoms on long stalks above the foliage. These blooms can become 7.5 cm wide in optimal conditions.

5. Velvet Calathea

beautiful Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Botanical Name – Calathea rufibarba

The bright yellow flowers of velvet calathea are just as impressive as the green foliage. Unlike other calathea varieties, these blooms appear at the base of stems.

6. Gekko Pink Calathea

Gekko Pink Plant Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Botanical Name – Calathea Bicajoux ‘Gekko Pink’

The Gekko pink calathea is a prized houseplant that can become 15-24 inches tall with long-lasting pink flowers and two-toned leaves. It requires partial or dappled shade to offer 2″-3″ blooms.

7. Cobra Pink Calathealovely Stunning Flowering Calatheas

Botanical Name – Calathea ‘Cobra Pink’

Cobra pink calathea stands out among other flowering houseplants with its attractive pink blooms. Its blooms can last up to 12 weeks or more on plants with the proper care.

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